And thus is the final chapter! Is it bad that I'm upset in the lack of reviews for the last two..?

Ro was lying in the clearing, just as promised, pale face still stained with tears and blood. He frowns sadly kneeling next to her, pushing her bangs out of her eyes. He could almost see the way her delicate brow would crease in discomfort... But she wouldn't wake up... Not this time...

He sighs gripping her hand and clenching his eyes shut. He felt the slightest pressure on his own hand, but who was he kidding... It was his own desperation trying to convince him that he hadn't let her down...

His eyes watered. She was gone... He rocked softly holding her hand close. How was he going to tell Matt?

Gentle fingers spread slowly over his cheek, husky voice rasping to him. "...Please... D-don't cry..."

His eyes shot open.

Watery blue met hazy pink, the latter still weak and fragile, but alive! So blissfully alive!

He sobs hugging her. She buried in, gripping weakly to his shirt. He held her tight crying softly. She tried to hush him, telling him she was alright, but her voice kept cracking.

He holds her for a long while before he finally calms. She'd ended up crying with him, sniffling softly when he finally pulled back. She looked so fragile...

He smiles slightly picking her up as gently as he could. She gasped and winced, little body still tender.


"S'okay..." she muttered, curling into him.

He walks slowly, seeing his snake home before returning to Iain. Iain sat on an old tree stump by the house, Nate bruised and battered at his feet, but still breathing. Al walks over, still holding Ro rather protectively.

Ro shied away from Nate immediately. Iain just smiled cheerily. "Best be off home soon, the others'll be worrying."


Iain held his hand out to Al, grabbing Nate by the scruff of his neck, making the man yelp in pain. Al grasped onto it.

A gentle warmth washed over them, darkness surrounding them for a moment before peeling away like a curtain to reveal Al's own house again.

Al sighs going inside. Arthur and Molly were downstairs when he came in and got up instantly, limping over. Al glanced up, the sheepishness in his posture giving off he was still upset.

It was Molly who picked up on it first. "Sweetie? What's wrong...?"

He shrugs holding Ro closer. Ro squeaked sharply.

Molly frowned softly. "Come set her on the couch..."

Al loosened instantly at the sound setting her down gently. Arthur disappeared, coming back with things to clean her up.

Molly took Al aside. "Are you alright honey?"

"Just tired.." The emotional strain along with fighting and lightning redirection made him forget he had a few holes, there was still blood on his face and hair.

"I can imagine," she tutted tenderly. "Come sit down, I'll clean you up."

Al followed along, letting her lead. She sat him down, setting about patching him up. Al sits letting her, uneasy thoughts floating through his head.

She cleaned and bandaged him, kissing his brow gently.

He smiles slightly. "Can we go nap now?"

"Would you like to settle with Mattie? He's still upstairs, but we've been tending him while you've been out."

Al nods softly, wanting them both.

She glanced over her shoulder at Ro then just smiled. "We'll bring her up, okay?"

He nods again hugging her and heading upstairs. He moved Matt to one side of the bed and settled in the middle.

Matt groaned softly, half waking. "Arthur...?"


Matt's eyes snapped open and he hugged him instantly, burying into his shoulder. "Oh, thank god..."

Al grips back tightly.

They huddled in, relief washing over each of them. *Arthur told me you left, I was so worried... You're okay, right?*

*'M fine... ..Ro will be up soon too..*

*Is she okay?* Matt really had panicked when he heard about their leaving.

Al tensed slightly. *...She.. She got hurt..* Guilt came back.

*How bad?* Matt's anxiety spiked, heart thumping quickly.

Al cringed burrowing in. *I tried to stop him..* he was growing upset again. *He wouldn't let her go...*

Matt shifted, bringing him close. *...Show me...*

His eyes clenched as he replayed the whole trip. His fear, anxiety, and worry seeping through. Crying by the time they got home. *I thought.. I thought I lost her..*

Matt just held him, riding every emotion with him. He wanted to cry for his brother, but just held him instead, petting and cooing softly in his ear. Al clung tight.

*She's okay... It's gone, she's okay...*

He finally settled some nuzzling in.

Shortly after, Molly brought Ro in, both looking extremely tired. Ro had been crying again, it was plain to see, but she still tried to smile for them.

Al sat up slightly pulling her close. She folded in with a light sniffle, clinging tight. He settles her in with him and Matt, casting Molly a thankful smile.

Molly just smiled sadly. "Do you three want anything...?"

Al shook his head, he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.. Matt had already lain back down and Ro looked close to passing out. Molly just nodded and slipped out, promising to come back later. Al settled in with them drifting off.

A few hours passed, the trio getting some much needed rest.

The files had been distributed to the President and other leaders to disable any remaining threats, the cameras around Al's house had been found and destroyed, and they had finally been able to contact the others including Ivan who were on their way to recovery.

But there was still one thing that had Alfred uneasy. The whole time he thought the voices in his head was his own self doubt taunting him. (and maybe after a while his imagination filled in when it was no longer there) But after hearing Nate's taunting in the plantation house he wasn't so sure.. He needed someone to check...

He grabbed Iain the first chance he could find him alone.

"Hey, kiddo, everything alright?" Iain frowned softly, very worried for the blond.

"I need you to look inside my head.."

"...For what, exactly? And head, or thoughts?"

Al fidgets. "I'm worried.. I can't stop thinking about how I could hear him earlier.. and how it was so much like those ugly voices.."

A protective anger sparked in his eyes, hatred burning at the mental condition those voices had put the blond in. "I'll look."

Al smiles a fraction of a second before coming over.

Iain gave his wonky smirk, left cheek still creasing strangely after last year. "This might be a bit awkward."

Al just nods, sitting down. Iain stood behind him, gripping Al's head gently. It gave an odd itching sensation. His lips twitched at the uncomfortable feeling. It felt like Iain had slipped his fingers under his skin and started searching around...

His eyes clenched shut.

It lasted for a few minutes before disappearing with a slight pinch at the top of his spine.



Al turns around looking at him. The Scot stood with an apologetic air, a little radio chip pinched between his thumb and forefinger. Al stared at it, he wasn't sure whether to be afraid or relieved.

"Sick bastard, ain't he..." Iain shrugged, breaking the chip.

Al sighs rubbing his neck. Suddenly he just gave in and hugs Iain. Iain staggered slightly at the sudden embrace, but wrapped his arms around the blond nonetheless. "You're alright kiddo..."

Al stayed there a moment, they could finally put this behind them.

After a moment, Iain pulled him back, wonky smirk a beacon of strength. "Okay?"

"Yeah." He smiles slightly.

"That's ma boy," Iain grinned, patting his shoulder. "Fancy a cuppa?"


"Come on," he steered him into the kitchen. Al follows after. They fix a pot of coffee and just sit on the counter, drinking quietly.

"So where'd you put him..?"

"Down in the basement," Iain shrugged. "Still breathing. Figured you'd want to finish it off yourself."

Al gazed at his cup.

"If you'd rather not, just say... He put you through a lot, no one would say anything about it."

"..I think I know what to do.."

The Scot just quirked a brow, silently encouraging him to elaborate.

"You grab him and I'll get Matt, I've got someone I want you to meet." Al smiles finishing his drink and standing.

Curiosity sparked in his deep green eyes as he jumped up, going to fetch Nate. Al comes back with Matt clinging to his back. He starts off towards the woods. Iain strode along behind them, Nate slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Al hums softly as they head to the shrine. An invisible wind was playing with the dreamcatchers. Nate was trying to get away again, but Al's paralysis was still in effect.

Al glanced at the sky for a moment as the wind grew stronger. A small whirlwind touched the ground in front of them next to the shrine. Matt clung to Al, gripped by the chill.

When it clears there stood a woman. Tan skin, dressed in hides, long black hair braided over her shoulder, but her dark eyes also held a hint of violet in them. Al smiles brightly. Matt came to life on his back, eyes shining for the first time in weeks. *Mom...*

She smiles softly walking over and hugging her boys. They hugged back tightly, almost reluctant to let her go, but they had things they needed to do. She gave them both a kiss smiling, then turns to Iain.

Iain had stood quietly, letting the twins have their moment , but now he turned to her, nodding politely.

"You're Britannia's boy right?"

"Aye, ma'am," Even Iain felt he belonged below this woman, as he only ever had with his own mother. "Her firstborn."

"She talks about you a lot, proud of you, all of you."

He teared up slightly, caught off guard. "I... She's alright?"
The UK didn't really get the luxury of talking to their mother... Iain missed her terribly.

"She's been trying to get a vacation day." She smiles. "If Rome gets to visit, the rest of us want to too. Seems eager to meet the new kid."

"Pat'd be thrilled to meet her," Iain smiled a rare bright smile. "Molly's told him all about her."

She smiles walking over to the man on the ground. "And you.."

Iain stepped back, sobering up quickly. Nate stared up at her, eyes wide and trembling. The way he looked, it was a shock he hadn't wet himself...

"You've got a lot of angry parents to meet city boy.. Hope you know how to hold a spear." She grins savagely.

Now Nate genuinely did wet himself, fear replacing all of that arrogance he used to cling so dearly to. Nate was truly a pathetic man beneath all his scheming...

She took a knife from her belt and stabs him in the heart. But instead of bleeding out he starts fading into smoke. Nate screamed, his voice fading with his body. It was barely a moment before their torturer became nothing more than an echoing nightmare. She stood up straight after giving one last smile before joining him.

Al, Matt and Iain were left standing at the shrine, gentle breeze dancing around them. Al gazed at it sadly for a moment before turning back to Iain. He caught the Scot wiping at his eyes with one hand, the other stuffed in a pocket as his gaze cast down to his feet.

Al smiles slightly walking over. He looked up at the sound of approaching feet, eyes damp, but so, so happy. He was grinning like an idiot. "She's alright..."

Al smiles. "Ya know I didn't know she'd actually show up.. We haven't seen her in years, I just heard someone whispering in my ear to come here.."

"She knew," Iain nodded softly. "She knew what was happening..." he laughed softly, shaking his head. "Let's go home."

Al smiles leading the way back. Matt nuzzled into his back on the way, growing too tired to stay awake for long. They headed back to the warmth of family.