A/N: Not edited, or whatever. Will be later on... I suppose, haha.

Fifteen year old Takaba Akihito walked down the school corridors with his friends Kou and Takato.

Nonchalantly they joked about girls, studies, and their futures.

"I'm going to go into photography." Takaba proudly said, twirling his way too expensive camera around his wrist and turning around the corner with his friends.

"Ugh, yeah Aki, we know!" Kou exclaimed. All Akihito ever talked about was photography, nothing else.

"You need to get a girlfriend, with big boobs and a heart for eating. You know? Not too bad on the eyes." Takato playfully snickered making gestures in the air at what breast were suppose to look like.

In truth, Takaba wasn't too sure of his sexuality anymore. He liked girls, he was more than sure of it, but lately...lately he'd been attracted to others.

His body tensed at the thought of being gay. How could he like guys? That was disgusting and unnatural, so unnatural. His father would kill him if he ever even thought of the possibly, his mother would probably send him to one of those rehabilitation camps she's always talking about.. It wasn't good having heavily religious parents.

"Shut up," he yawned feeling a bit tired and frightened. "Let's just eat guys."

They grabbed lunch from the school cafeteria and headed upstairs to the roof. The day was beautiful as always in Japan. The sky was dyed a bright, brilliant, vibrant cornflower blue with streaks of orange traveling along the blue hues.

The green that surrounded the school was bold and light, similar to jade stones, only deeper. The pink of the cherry blossoms stood out on their green canvas.

"Wow Aki!" Kou breathed into the summer atmosphere while looking up at the sky. The sun shone down on the three, warming them lovingly. "It's so beautiful."

Takato rolled his eyes and opened his red bean paste bun. "These are things you should be taking photos of Aki, and Kou, it's not like you haven't been up here before."

Kou pouted. "The last time we were here, Takato, was winter. Remember? Japan gets hot fast!"

"He's got a point, Shinjuku has been warm lately." Takaba entered while leaning against the fence.

Takato just rolled his eyes again.

Their school was located at the edge of Shinjuku, by the ocean. So of course they had a great view overlooking the water and lower parts of the city. But if there was a tsunami, the building might not be able to withstand the pressure.

Why did he always let such negative thought cloud his judgment and actions? The school wasn't going to collapse, there wasn't going to be any type of tsunami, and everything was going well so far.

"Lets eat already!" The raven haired boy exclaimed.


Takaba woke up, legs on the hot cement and back against the burning metal of the fence, alone.

He stood, startled, and brushed crumbs from lunch off his pants. Afterwards he turned in a circle three times scouting his curry bread.

"Argh! Those idiots stole my food!" The second year boy whined to nothing.

Takaba closed his buttons of his collar, not realizing his class pins had gone missing, and stomped towards the door to return to class.

As his hand brushed the knob he heard several crunching noises come from the behind the shed-shaped escape. On the other side of the roof.



A couple of whimpers. Like someone was crying.

"Keep him quiet." A deep voice commanded calmly.

Akihito stood still listening to the faint sounds and a voice that sent delightful shivers down his spine and shock waves throughout his body. He shook his head and listened.

He could hear soft pleas begging for forgiveness.

"Please Asami-san! I didn't do it!" The voice, parched and desperate, screamed hoarsely so what came out was more like a silent yell.

That name was scarily familiar.

The second year clutched his collar and continued to remain silent.


Takaba peered around the corner to see five, more or less, all wearing the prestigious school uniform, around a person crouching over.

One of the much bigger students kicked the crouching guy in the stomach twice. The second year felt his blood boil and he grabbed his digital camera from his back pocket, almost forgetting he had it.

"Hey!" He yelled. Immediately he regretted his totally stupid choice once he saw who the aggressor was.

Oh shit...

Standing a mere couple of feet from him was Asami Ryuichi. The Asami Ryuichi. The first son of the biggest, abominable, most well known (suspected) crime lord in Japan, Asami Ranmaru, same man who controlled this school and many others as a facade for his surface life.

The blond gulped rather audibly earning a smirk from the golden eyed hawk and aimed his camera at them all.

Oh well, better to play it off.

"Stop or I'll take photos and post them all over the school walls!" Um...yeah, like that would do anything. "And the internet!" Takaba mentally slapped himself on the back; it was a better threat than before.

One of the lackeys came forward with his hands across his chest. He was a big bodied guy with a bad bleach job, piercings that decorated his face like Christmas ornaments, and ashy skin. "What makes you think your hands will still be workin' after we're done with ya?" Knuckles popped.

One click.

Two clicks.

The buffoons weren't as slow as he'd thought they'd be, but he had more training in the sense of martial arts and hoped most of them spent their rich butts on the couch watching TV in what spare time they had.

The first guy who came at him was nicely built, it showed through his uniform, but it was more than a bit obvious that he fought with brawn not brains.

At the incoming fist he ducked downwards in a tiger stance and swung his leg low across the ground tripping the third year over. He fell with a heavy thud and Akihito proceeded to dodge the rest of the attacks. He had to be fast if he wanted to pursue his uncover photographer dream.

He reached the boy who was originally being mistreated. Ishikawa Takeru he recognized, class B-2 a second year student, same as himself. He had been absent for the last four weeks missing the midterms already. The kid was always so quiet that his absence wasn't easily noticeable.

"Hey, come with me!" Takaba yelled at Takeru, who shook his head but after a pause shot up from where he was sitting and followed the other teen. They ran toward the roof door but another one of Asami's flunkies popped up out of nowhere and punched Takaba in the stomach.

He didn't have enough time to reaction before a harsh and cruel kick was sent to his face, snapping his head to the side as his body hit the ground with a revolting thud!

Akihito looked up to see his camera skid all the way to the other side of the roof. It was in that moment in which he spared a glance at the guy who knocked him down who was already moving towards the device, pushed up on his feet, and sprinted. He barreled into the giant body and sent them both flying into the fence that barricaded the roof perimeter.

The second years heart lunged forward at the thought of falling all those feet onto cement. In his hesitation someone else grabbed him from behind.

Ishikawa grabbed as his arm with an alarmed expression on his face. "Come on! Let's go!" He frantically whispered. Without another thought Takaba snatched his camera off the ground and made for the door.

This time they made it successfully. But neither one of them stopped until they reached the first floor where all the student cubicles were.

Akihito bent over, hands on his knees, and simply breathed. Raw adrenaline flowed through his veins, his heart beat wildly, and his head hurt like one of those pieces of meat he always sees his mother beating to death to tenderize it.

Ishikawa slumped against the metal lockers and sighed in relief. He gave a slightly wry smile before tossing his head back and shouting out what Akihito supposed was all his anger. Woah, he thought. I'll try to make a mental note not to upset this guy in the future.

"Are you alright? Do you need to visit the nurses office?" He asked and the other second year shook his head.

He spoke. "No, I'm good. Thank you – for helping me out back there."

The teenager grinned widely. "That's good to hear. Mind if I ask you what was going on?"

Ishikawa blinked. A pause. "I'd rather you didn't. I am in debt to you..."

"Takaba. From class A-2."

The class B student raised his eyebrows as if he thought his savior was lying. "A-2? Forgive me if I don't believe you. I mean...you hardly seem the type."

Akihito laughed, his shoulders shaking along with his body as he tried to contain it and saw Ishikawa's bemused expression, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and his obsidian-like eyes trained on the ceiling pattern. "I know, I know. I'm actually smarter than I look. Hey – I saved you from those idiots."

"Yes, as I said before. I am in your debt." Both boys looked at each other for a moment longer and then the class B student's face lit up like Christmas morning. "You're the son of that bigwig minister who's in charge of the Honshu Christian Alliance! I would think he would have you at one of the Christian schools up north."

Takaba felt his lungs temporarily seize up. Sweat began to form beneath his pits and he could feel his hands tingle. It was as if tons of knives and needles had been shoved in his stomach at once, scorching hot and laced with acid. He could feel his toes acting squeamish in his uniform shoes. His head was pulsating furiously and it wasn't because of the little brawl earlier upstairs.

How could this be? Only Kou and Takato knew about his father and obscenely religious upbringing. He was going have to leave this school too once the bullying, threats, and horrid name-calling began all over again. It was going be like the last time at Shinjuku High, where...where...

Akihito brought himself back to reality and snapped out of it. He stood and towered over the other student, sizing him up, who simply cocked his head to the side.

"Are you going to tell anyone?" He challenged. Ishikawa took a minute to process what was going on and quickly jerked his head side to side.

"I-I...Uh. Consider this my debt to you. I think it's kinda cool actually." Takaba nodded and patted his back, secretly he was put at ease now.

They parted ways. Takaba deciding to take the remainder of the day off by sneaking off campus grounds and the other second year returned to his class.

Akihito didn't see Ishikawa's frightening smile.


It was about eight o'clock when his father arrived to their western-styled home. Akihito was in the living room, flipping nonchalantly through the various channels their cable contract had to offer, with a bowl of potato chips beside him.

Takaba Honjou, a middle aged man in his early forties who was married to Takaba Kaho and was minister to the biggest Christian Alliance in Japan and one of the biggest in the entire world, came in soaking wet and hot although it wasn't raining outside and the temperature had cooled down some.

"Hey dad," Takaba muttered beneath his breath, watching a new reality TV show that was based on having certain celebrities bite pieces of furniture, plants, and other items to see which was chocolate, candy, or normal. If you bit something normal, you lost. But if you bit something like... the door handle and saw that it was colored chocolate, you won that round. It was currently his favorite show.

His father, Honjou, huffed. "Address me by 'sir' young man. Did you do your homework? Where's your mother?" The older man asked, setting his clothes on the back of the sofa and sitting next to his son.

Takaba sighed. "Yes sir, I finished it earlier. And mother is... out." At this moment, Akihito wanted to be anywhere but here, even if that place was 2-Chome. He could literally feel the anger burning off of his father. Pretending he couldn't though, Takaba turned the TV up and looked at his father from the corner of his eyes, ready to dodge when the man raised his hand.

But for once, the older Takaba did nothing of the sort. He took his clothes and patted his sons head, not missing the way he flinched under his touch, which only made him three times as angry as before. "Get to bed," the man grunted. "You've got school tomorrow. And take a shower, you smell terrible."

"Yes sir." Akihito gritted out as his father went into the master bedroom for the night. With another sigh he turned the TV off and headed into his room. He took off his clothes and threw them on the floor, grabbing clean pajamas and underwear as he turned the shower on.

He grabbed his favorite shampoo, which had this very fruity smell to it. His father had called it girly and said it was weird for a boy to use it, but his mother complained that since she didn't have any friends or a daughter, that she could at least pick out the shampoo he used. It was the first and only time his mother had ever stuck up for him, even if she had her own selfish agenda.

When the water hit his skin, he moaned under the nozzle as the water trailed down from his hair onto the rest of his body. The tension that had earlier seeped in his skin went down the drain. He looked down at his stomach and could where he was punched after lunch. There was a large purple spot forming on his stomach, he imagined at it would be almost black by tomorrow morning.

His thoughts traveled to the time after lunch when he'd caught Asami ganging up on Ishikawa. He thought of the way Asami looked at him with his Brazilian amber colored eyes, the way they momentarily raked up his form. He shivered, wrapping his arms around his torso, still in the shadow.

Takaba remembered the sound of Asami's voice. It was deep and smooth, even if it had a cruel edge to it. The sound had reminded him of the way Pokari Suetto tasted. It was different, but sweet, and finally, it left a weird after-taste in the end. Just like the way he had smirked at Akihito when he'd caught him.

The teenager leaned against the wall for support, hands trailing down his thighs as he imagined big, strong, and warm hands that belonged to another touching him there. Breath ghosted over his lobes as he thought of Asami. Asami who was gripping his thighs and keeping him grounded against his hard muscled body.

His penis when from flaccid to half-hard in that moment. His fingers ghosted over the tip of his member, he shivered as he imagined Asami. He wanted him, he really wanted the other boy to touch him and make him feel like this. He wanted to feel those lips which smirked at him earlier, against his own. He wanted to actually know what Asami's body felt like.

He parted his lips, fingers finding the tip of his tongue, water from the shower seeping into his mouth. His other hand found its way between his cheeks, teasing his puckering bud with a fleeting touch...


Suddenly he hit the shower wall in anger. What was he thinking? Those were... mistakes. Those thoughts were just teenage hormones. He needed to get laid, he didn't need Asami Ryuichi though not at all.

What would mom and dad think? He wondered, worry abstract in his heart. Because if they ever found out, if they had ever suspected what he thought about, did and wanted, they would hate him and disown him. They would kick him out and humiliate him.

He went to sleep that night, dreaming of forbidden things.