New chapter ... sorry for the wait...please don't hit me *puppy dog eyes*

Chapter 4: Rhys is his...

"So... were exactly are we going again?"asked Ianto.

"To that italian place near my home... didn't you hear me telling that to Adrian over the phone." Ana inquired a bit puzzled.

"Don't give me that look, you know that isn't what I'm asking. I want to know the name of the restaurant." now he remembered why talking to his friend was so difficult sometimes. It was downright frustrating.

"Oh! We are going to the Bello Paradiso, it's a..."

"Small place, a very good restaurant, humble and has a little bar too, the owners are very nice people. Sometimes I meet Rhys there and we drink a beer or two, when I have time of course." the Welshman sighed.

In the Hub

"WHAT?!" Gwen screamed, by this time the others were partially deaf. "When in the bloody hell did Ianto started hanging out with Rhys!? Why didn't Rhys tell me!? Jack! Did you know about this?! Did any of you know about this?!" she continued, "Why would they even meet?!"

"I don't know!" Jack screamed at her leaving everyone shocked,... after all it was very rare (almost NEVER!), if the captain screamed at the 'Heart' of Torchwood. "Even I didn't know they met outside of work! Now shut up and watch!" Gwen snapped her mouth shut and glared at her leader for a few seconds, before turning her fiery look to the screen.


"Rhys? Who's Rhys?" Ana asked tilting her head.

"Has if you don't know already" Ianto thought, "Rhys is Gwen's husband." he decided not to voice his thoughts... it would be completely pointless.

"Huh... didn't know she had one. To be honest it's kind of hard to believe that." the Welshman snorted giving a smirk and rolled his eyes. "Do you think he will be there tonight?"

"It's possible."

"If he is, I will invite him over to our table!" aaaannd now she's getting hyper.

"And what if he has things to do, like. I don't know... have dinner with Gwen" Ianto said in a bored tone.

"If he's there, that means he doesn't have anything planned with that... woman." she hesitated not saying what she really thought about the Bitch of Torchwood. "Besides he's kind of your friend right?" she looked at him with a glint in her eyes making Ianto wonder what she was up to and he gave a hesitant smile.

"He is. We share a love for rugby, same team too." Ana started smiling, she was happy for her friend. "He's a very nice bloke. The team was worried when he found out what Torchwood really is, but despite the expected reaction, he dealt with it really well. Now he doesn't get as annoyed when Gwen doesn't make it home, worried yes, but not as annoyed, he gets frustrated no doubt, but he understands. He's a good man Ana, perhaps a little... plain for you, but you will like him." the Welshman said giving a more sure smile, Rhys was... is a good man, shame that the woman he loved didn't deserve it.

"I will be the judge of that." teased Ana making Ianto laugh, "But even if his boring for my taste, he's still your friend, and for me that's enough. Now let's burn some time. Where do you want to go? W can walk by the shore, and you can tell me about what you have done this last six years."

"Let's just walk around. I don't trust you near the water."

"Oh Ianto, you hurt my feelings so much, I think I'm gonna die." she said mockingly clutching to her chest and pretended to swoon, making Ianto laugh again, "I love your smile and laugh so much Ianto." she smiled at him grabbing his arm, making him blush slightly and raise an eyebrow, and making the people in the Hub have different reactions. Owen's and Tosh's of shock, Gwen's of glee and irritation because of the Rhys conversation and Jack's of pure jealousy.

"You know, people will think that we're dating" Ianto stated.

"EWWW! You may be gorgeous, sexy and handsome," the others reactions grew in intensity except for Gwen's irritation who was being replaced by expectation, hope and illusions, "but that would be like dating my brother"(relief from Jack and massive irritation from the bitch), but despite that she didn't let go of his arm and when Ianto looked at her, she shrugged, "What? You're comfy and I don't want to let go despite what other people might think."


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