Hey everyone!

Some of you may know already and some of you may not, but I fell out of my wheelchair about a week ago now. I just want to thank you for all your kind comments and continued support while I'm going through all of this. It's been confirmed that I broke my wrist AND my femur... not my knee as I was first told. I'm in a lot of pain and really wish that I could keep updating for you but even typing this much is causing me a lot of pain! I'm in casts and hopped up on painkillers atm. Docs say I'll be down 6-12 weeks because my bones are so brittle.

I want to thank you all again for the support and cannot wait to be fully healed and back up and writing again! Don't worry I will be taking all this resting time to come up with a whole bunch of new plot twists, ideas and drama that will make up for the missing updates!

Much love!
