I know I've got two stories still running. And I will end them before making lots of more one shots. But this one I couldn't get out of my head. Hope you like it, and in time I will make more of them. I've got ideas! Tell me if you like it, or if you got some ideas you would like to see!
I'm gonna make this a charming family one-shot story. But captainswan is included! :)
Emma opened the door of Grannies and saw him sitting there.
"Emma!" Her mother said surprised.
"Swan." Hook said grinning.
Her mother turned around. "Hook." David hissed.
"Idiot." Regina sighed. Robin laughed. David turned around to look at Regina. "What?"
"Still oblivious your daughter is banging the pirate?" Regina smirked. Robin laughed harder.
"Regina!" Snow said.
Emma shook her head at the four and walked over to the pirate.
"Decided to come, love?"
Emma nodded. "Beer, please." She asked Ruby. She grinned and nodded.
"You know it's stupid, you should have taken your loss, Killian." Ruby said.
"Why would I do that, now I have another night of this lovely lady." He smirked looking at Emma.
Ruby gave her a beer. "Leroy!" She called when he walked in.
"Just on time!" He said, "Beer Rubes! This is gonna be good."
"What is going on?" Snow asked the three sitting on the same table as her. Regina shrugged.
"I don't know." David said eyes still fixed on Hook.
Robin smirked. "Last night Emma and Killian arm wrestled. She won."
"What?" Regina laughed.
"Killian was drunk of his ass. Emma was a few shots away from being drunk and Killian dared her to arm wrestle. She accepted, and Killian took off his shirt. He wanted a rematch," He pointed with his head at them. "I don't know what they have to do when they lose though."
"How do you know this?" Regina asks.
"I was out drinking last night with the merry man. They were too, as was Ruby and Leroy. Whale too as I remember, but I think he is still drunk from last night, so I doubt he'll come."
"Now Love, still think you can win." The captain asked her.
"No." Emma smirked. "But I really want to try."
Ruby placed a cherry shot in front of both of them. "Now a little alcohol will help." She smiled as Leroy pat Killian's shoulder. "Good luck, .. Mate." He grinned.
Emma picked up the shot glass and held it out to Killian. He grinned and picked up his own. "Cheers."
They shot it back at the same time.
Killian placed his elbow on the table, Emma repeated the motion grabbing Killian his good hand.
"Wait." Granny yelled from the kitchen. She walked over to the door, and turned the open sign to closed. Only having Snow, David, Regina and Robin at a booth. And Emma and Killian sitting at a table with Leroy, Red and some of other dwarfs and merry man standing around them.
Granny grabbed a stool and sat down on the table. "Now you know the rules."
Emma and Killian nodded.
"Okay. One time or two out of three?"
"One time." They both said.
"What does the loser needs to do?" Granny asked them.
"Lose their shirt." Hook grinned.
Emma groaned. "Can't we do something else, like I don't know, shot back a jack daniel's from a beer glass?"
"You did that?" Ruby asked.
Emma smiled up to her. "And you haven't even seen the beer glasses from Germany."
Ruby laughed.
"Lose the shirt love. It will be a sight not only I want to see."
"Then it would be like strip poker." Emma whined.
"We could do that too." Hook eyes twinkled.
"Fine sure, if you want to take your shirt of again pirate."
"You're lucky you have a bra. I'm all naked under this shirt." He chuckled.
"EW! THAT IS NOT SOMETHING I WANNA KNOW!" Regina yelled. Having stood up wanting to see what happened.
"I don't want to see my daughter shirtless too." Snow complained coming up next to Regina. David stuck to her waist.
Robin whistled. "Rather her then him." Regina punched his arm. Davis his other arm.
"Dude, she is my daughter." David said. Robin held up is hands.
"Well I have to give him that one. Rather her than him." Leroy smirked finishing his beer.
"Leroy!" Snow scolded.
"So gross." Emma said.
"Now shut up, we would all rather see Emma shirtless than Hook. Go on." Ruby said.
Snow looked at her with a shocked expression. Regina nodded along with Ruby. Snow looked from Ruby to Regina and back. And sighed, shaking her head.
"Hey." Killian said. "Now that's just mean lass." He grinned at Ruby.
"Well, I've seen your chest yesterday, and I think I licked some salt of it too. Now I want to see her fail."
Emma choked on her beer. "Thanks for the support Ruby."
"Hey are you really closed?" They heard Belle say with Rumple in tow.
"Nah, it's self-service." Granny grinned. "Only tonight though. And I'm keeping up with you. You pay." She pointed at Leroy. "You are going to drink me death."
Leroy smirked holding up his beer. "Only my second one." He made a cross over his heart.
"Yeah, yeah." Granny sighed.
"Emma did you really win?" Belle asked.
"Sure did." She grinned at Hook.
"Now she will lose though." He said. "Can we start?"
"Okay. 3.. 2.. 1.. GO!" Granny said.
They both started pushing against each other hands.
"Ready to lose Swan?"
Her responds was grabbing her beer and taking a gulp.
Killian started laughing.
"Come on Emma, I know you can do it honey!" Snow cheered her on.
Emma grimaced at the word 'honey'.
"Naah! Hook you've got this man!" Leroy laughed.
"Yeah come on! You can win this easily from a girl!" Ruby cheered.
At the word girl Emma pushed Hooks hand further down. "Girl? Badass chick."
"Ohh shit! She is gonna win!" Robin yelled.
Hook pushed harder back backing her hand up.
"Fuck look at her guns!" One of the merry man's said pointing at Emma's arms.
"Holy crap! Don't wanna mess with her!"
David grinned at that.
"Come on Emma, bring him down!" He yelled over all the cheering.
But Emma didn't have the strength. Hook pushed her hand down on the table.
Emma laughed. While there was cheering and boo's.
"Well done Captain." She winked.
Killian grinned. "What colour is your bra love. That I can look forward to it."
"Keep dreaming buddy."
"Oh. I am. Don't worry." He smirked
"You are the worst."
"No, I am the best, you even told me so last night." He winked en smirked.
"OOOOH SHIT!" Leroy laughed.
"WHAT!" David tried to get forward to punch the man but Snow and Regina held him back.
"Lose the shirt woman!" Could be heard.
"A little more respect please!" Granny said and Snow smiled at her.
Emma stood up.
"Emma you don't have too…" Snow tried.
"The man won." Emma said
"I could punch him." David growled.
"Dad.. Seriously." She raised an eyebrow to him.
She crossed her arm grabbing the sides of her shirt.
"Emma.." Snow pleaded.
Emma pulled it up showing her flat stomach. Killian swallowed. And there was a dead silence.
"Emma Ruth.." David tried but was too late. Emma had pulled her shirt up all the way and dropped it on the table.
"Red.." Killian swallowed again.
"I thought that was my colour." Ruby laughed.
"Was my bra as you dreamed my 'love'?" Emma teased him.
That got Killian out of his trance staring at Emma's boobs.
"It sure was. Even has this funny side thingy." He said standing up and touching the upper sides of the bra.
Emma hit is hand away and laughed.
"One step to far man, one step to far." David growled shaking his head.
Leroy was the one to punch his arm though.
"You can't touch my goddaughters boobs!"
"And you can?" Killian snorted.
"No way, I'm not a pervert. I am not even staring at them right now."
Killian grinned and looked away from the breasts to Leroy.
"Sorry mate, they are just so beautiful."
Emma laughed. "Thanks." And put the shirt back on.
"Hey why did you need to do that."
"Because you were not the only one staring." She said gesturing to the people around them.
Killian looked at them. "Hey! Don't be so rude, stop staring at the lady!" He said.
David smiled. Underneath the irritating pirate he was. It was a good man and cared about his little girl.
Tell me what you think, or what you want to see!