Remy hit Spencer's room at almost a dead run. He was just moments behind Zoe, who had been summoned by Logan when Spencer had first started showing signs of waking. The first thing that he saw when he came in was the tight, pinched look to Spencer's face, and then he felt that brush against his mind grow stronger. This close, he could feel Spencer's panic ratcheting up higher and higher and his pain starting to break through everything. Remy's charm had registered Spencer as feeling mostly numb ever since he arrived. Normal, really, considering the drugs that were in Spencer's system and the fact that he was unconscious. But now that he was waking up the pain that the drugs didn't cover was making itself known and it was only fueling his panic.

"Dr. Reid." Zoe was saying. "I need you to calm down. You're safe here. You're at a hospital. Do you hear me, Dr. Reid? You're at a hospital."

Those words snapped Remy back to attention and he rushed right up to Spencer's bedside, opposite Zoe. Immediately he reached out and laid a hand on Spencer's arm, projecting his charm just a tiny bit in hopes of calming his partner. "Dat aint gonna work." He told Zoe, never taking his eyes off Spencer's face. "Telling him he's in a hospital aint gonna calm him down."

"We need to get him calm before he tears any of his stitches or causes any damage." Zoe said quickly.

It was a valid worry. Spencer was starting to tense, his body shifting slightly on the bed, and the panic had grown even more. His bruised eyes were squeezed shut and Remy knew that had to be so painful for him to do. Remy slid his hand up until he could brush his fingers against Spencer's cheek. "Spencer, cher, it's Remy here. Remy's right here with y'. Can y' feel me? Hm? Can y' feel m' hand?" He slid his fingers up, ignoring Spencer's automatic flinch, and cupped his hand carefully over his cheek. At the same time, he reached out with his charm and let it brush over Spencer as he'd done so many times before. He shut off his focus on the world around him and put all his attention onto his partner. "Feel dat, mon amour? Dat's y'r Remy here fo' y'. Dat's me, right here with y'. Y'r safe now. I'm right here with y' and I aint going nowhere. Open up y'r eyes fo' me and see. C'mon, cher, open up dem beautiful eyes of y'rs."

He saw as the tight lines on Spencer's face started to relax a little, the man respond to either Remy's voice or his charm, or both, and there was a flutter of his lashes as he tried to open up his eyes.

"Dere y' go." Remy encouraged him. He hitched a hip on the edge of the bed and reached over, bracing his other hand on the far railing. Then he bent low enough that he was right by Spencer's face, making sure he'd be the only thing the man saw when he got his eyes opened. Better to let Spencer see him first before he started to really register the hospital around him. "Open dem up fo' me. I wanna see dem, cher. Wanna see dose gorgeous eyes of y'rs. Y' know I love looking at dem. Specially when y' get so happy to see me. Den dey get dis look like warm, melted chocolate, y'know? M' sweet, sweet Spencer."

He felt the flutter of Spencer's mind against his in that unique touch that he had only ever found in his partner. Spencer wasn't a telepath or an empath; he was what Remy called simply a shield. That was the most basic term for it. What he could do was interesting, though. His mind was perfectly shielded against any kind of path unless he chose to let them in, which was unlikely. The only one he let in was Remy. They shared a light empathic link between them that allowed him in past Spencer's natural defenses. With a touch, Spencer could shield others, too, keeping their minds as protected as his so long as they were in contact with him, working as a shield to keep others out and to even replace a person's own shields until they could recover enough from whatever to replace their own shields. But, when touching someone, Spencer could choose to shield them from more than just outside sources. He could shield them from other things as well. Things like their own pain.

They'd discovered that one when they were teenagers and Remy had gotten sick. He hadn't been able to keep his shields up and his charm had been leaking out all around him. So Spencer had curled up with him and he'd wrapped his shield around Remy, keeping him safe from anyone who might try to get in, and keeping Remy's powers locked inside. But at the same time, something else had happened. All the pain from Remy's fever, the body aches, the nausea and the burn in his throat, all of it had disappeared. Spencer's shield had kept everything bad at bay. Over the years, he'd developed a finer control, able to pick and choose what it was he shielded.

That familiar touch of Spencer's powers grew just a little stronger. Remy knew he was using them to test the feel of the mind near his. He would recognize the feel of Remy. At the same time, his eyes finally opened, the long lashes fluttering as he blinked a few times to clear his eyes.

Remy smiled down into the familiar, beautiful orbs and the weight that had been on his chest that he hadn't even realized was there started to fade away. It was a little easier to believe that Spencer was going to be okay when he was right there looking up at him with a look that carried the familiar love to it. Remy's smile grew even more. He'd been so afraid that there would be confusion or worse there. But he saw the same intelligence, the same love that was always there. "Bonjour, mon amour." He murmured, stroking Spencer's cheek carefully. "Dere y' are. Bout time y' woke up."

He could see some of the pain tightening around Spencer's eyes the more that he woke up and he let his charm wrap in just a little more, working to take away the sharper edge of the pain. He knew it was working when he saw Spencer start to relax.

"I need y' to hold still as much as possible, Spencer." He moved his hand from Spencer's cheek to his forehead, brushing across the skin there. "Y' was hurt pretty badly an if y' move around, y' could make some of it worse. Can y' stay still fo' me?"

There was just a pause and then Spencer gave a tiny little nod. His eyes were a little clearer now and Remy knew the man was more awake, more alert.

He couldn't help himself. He just couldn't stop smiling. "Dieu, it's so good to see y' up and awake. Y' scared y'r poor Cajun, cher."

Spencer's emotions shifted, a hint of sorrow leaking in, a silent apology.

"Shh, shh. It's fine. It aint y'r fault." Remy murmured. Behind him, he heard Zoe moving and he knew his one-on-one time was about to be up. Best to get Spencer prepared for it. "I need y' to keep calm, Spencer. Like I said, y'r hurt. De doctor, she needs to come up and take a look at y', make sure dat y'r gonna be okay. I need y' to let her look at y'. Don't worry," He'd felt Spencer's panic start to build and he hurried to try and soothe it down. "I aint leaving y'. I'll stay right here at y'r side. I just gotta pull back so dat she can come check y'r eyes, y'r face, all dem t'ings y' know doctors gotta do. I aint going anywhere, t'ough. Y'r stuck wit' me." Bending his head, he lightly kissed Spencer's forehead. "Je t'aime, mon amour."

He kept his promise to Spencer and stayed right with him. He stayed at his side as Zoe came up and introduced herself with a bright smile and as she started her check. Remy kept a hand on Spencer at all times so he would know that he was still there. They only made it about halfway through the exam before Remy saw Spencer's eyes starting to drift closed once more. Zoe didn't seem at all bothered by it. "He needs his rest." She told Remy quietly when it was obvious that Spencer had drifted off to sleep. "Even though he's been unconscious, his body still has lots of healing to do and it's been through quite a lot. He's probably going to sleep a lot for the next few days. But each time he wakes up, he should be awake a little longer and a little longer."

"How long does he gotta be on de ventilator?" Remy asked her. "He aint gonna like it being dere when he wakes up. I'm surprised he didn't freak out about it now. He hates de t'ings."

"I'll be taking that out the next time that he wakes up if everything checks out. But honestly, he's looking really well right now."

"Merci Dieu." Remy turned towards Spencer and looked at his sleeping face. He could see that Spencer was sleeping, too, not unconscious like before. Relief filled him and he bowed his head down as he whispered a soft prayer of thanks that his lover had come back to him and that, from the looks of things, he was going to be okay.

Spencer woke for only small periods of time for the next two days. The next time he woke, as promised, Zoe removed the ventilator. Spencer was breathing well enough on his own now that he didn't need it. That was an experience that he didn't care to repeat. It was also one that exhausted him enough that he quickly ended up back asleep, much to his personal annoyance. When he woke again, he could see that it was dark outside, yet Remy was still at his bedside.

All of it felt like some sort of dream. Spencer lay there as he woke and for a bit he wasn't sure which parts were real and which parts were the dream. Had it all happened? The park, those men, all that pain, and then waking up here, waking up to Remy's handsome face right above his and that husky voice purring sweetness to him—was all of that real? Or had he just dreamed it?

No, no, it was no dream. The pain that was steadily growing the more he woke told him that at least part of it was real. He tried to move, tried to shift his body around, and the pain that had been creeping in before came roaring to life. His whole body was hurting. Even his hair hurt.

His eyes clenched shut as he fought back the wave of pain. Maybe he'd dreamed waking up before. That could be it. Because there was no way he'd be hurting this much if he was in a hospital, right? He'd just dreamed that he'd been rescued and that Remy was here. A part of him had wanted those so badly that his mind had created the dream just to help him escape the pain for a while. His body must still be lying there in the park where they'd left him. Right? No! No, that wasn't true. He was in a hospital. He'd woken up earlier and they'd taken the ventilator out. He wasn't still lying back there.

Spencer shuddered and shut his eyes even tighter. He felt as a few tears leaked out and burned their way down his cheeks.

All of a sudden he felt something warm and sweet sliding against the edge of his shields and he knew exactly what that was. A soft gasp slipped from him as he dropped his shields enough to let that in. At the same time, something soft brushed against his cheek, and Remy's sweet voice filled his ears. "Ah, cher, je suis désolé. Wasn't paying attention, me. Shh now, shh. I got y'. I got y'." With gentle hands Remy wiped away Spencer's tears while his charm helped dull down the pain. It took a few minutes before it brought it down to a level where spencer felt like he could finally relax enough to open his eyes. When he did, Remy's face was once again the first thing that he saw. Though it hurt—oh, man, did it ever hurt—Spencer found just enough voice to say "I could get used to this sight when I wake up."

Though the words came out as a hoarse whisper, there must've been enough there for Remy to understand him. He smiled brightly at Spencer and carefully kissed his lips. "Y'r good fo' de ego, cher." He teased.

"Like you….need help." Spencer teasingly whispered. His voice faded out on the last word and he grimaced at the scratch to his throat. He hated the after effects of a ventilator.

Remy turned his head away from Spencer for a moment and for the first time Spencer realized that they weren't alone in the room. Someone else was there. Whoever it was, they left, because Spencer heard the door shut at the same time that Remy turned back to look at him. The Cajun was bent, his elbow resting on the bed by Spencer's head, making it easy for his hand to stroke over Spencer's hair. "Y' just quit trying to talk fo' a minute or so, bébé. Penelope went to get some ice chips fo' y. Dat girl's a sweet one. She's been here just as much as I have. De only time she left was to go home and take a quick nap an shower and den she was right back here. Y' got a lot of people here dat love y'."

Embarrassment colored Spencer's cheeks yet he was pleased at the same time. Who didn't like to hear just how much people cared about them?

One important question couldn't wait for ice chips or anything like that, though. One thing that he absolutely had to ask. "Bailey?"

Remy understood immediately what he was asking. "He's fine. He got away and got y' help. Dey didn't touch him."

Relief coursed through Spencer. He closed his eyes and relaxed just a little more into the bed. Good. It was worth it, then. It was all worth it if it had kept Bailey safe. That would make this all easier to live with, knowing that he'd managed to keep Bailey safe.

The door opened once more and Spencer heard the click of heels as Penelope made her way to the bed. He turned his head just the slightest bit to look towards her as she came up. Remy sat up a little as well, clearing out Spencer's line of vision, and he could see Penelope now. A bright smile lit up her whole face and he found himself wanting to smile back at her despite how it made his face hurt. "Hey." He croaked out weakly.

"Hey yourself, handsome. I'm so happy to see you finally awake." She passed the cup of ice and the spoon over to Remy, who immediately got some onto the spoon and started to feed it to Spencer.

The first touch of that cool ice against his dry, cracked lips was wonderful. Feeling it slide down his throat was Heavenly. His companions didn't stay quiet as Remy fed him, though. "I let the nurses know that you're awake." Penelope told Spencer. "They said they'd notify the doctor and she'd come in here soon to talk with you."

"She's a nice lady. Y'll like her." Remy said. He gave Spencer another spoon of ice and used his pinky to brush back some hair from his face.

Spencer swallowed down the bit of ice, grimacing only a little when his efforts were a little stronger than they should've been, and he carefully tested his voice once more. "How bad?" The words were still hoarse, but they came out much clearer than they had been before.

He could see on Penelope's face that she was getting ready to try and distract from his question, or give him some easy platitude, but Remy beat her to the punch. He did lie and he didn't cover it up, though. He was just as blunt as always when he said "Pretty damn bad, cher. Could've been worse, t'ough."

"Remy!" Penelope hissed, sounding horrified.

The Cajun waved a hand her direction. "I aint gonna lie to him. Never have b'fore and I aint planning on starting now. Least, not about somet'ing like dis." He turned to look back down at Spencer and he lifted another small spoonful of ice. "Y'r gonna be fine, let me tell y' dat first. De doctor says she sees a full recovery. So hold on to dat and don't start panicking on me. Y' got it?" He waited for Spencer's small nod before continuing. "Bon. Den I'll run down de list fo' y. Y' got a spiral fracture on y'r right arm, y'r left shoulder was dislocated and y'r left wrist is sprained, so no using y'r hands, y' hear? Dat's why I'm de one feeding y' de ice chips and why y'r arms hurt to move. Y' also got two broken ribs and a broken nose. Y'r left foot was broken."

Holy shit. Just how bad was this? Bone after bone Remy was listing broken here. With each one, Spencer felt his eyes go a little wider. But Remy wasn't done yet.

"Dey got y'r right leg, too, cher, and dat's de worst of de breaks. Dey had to put in a metal rod down de center of y'r thigh bone."

An intramedullary rod, his brain supplied. It reconnects the two ends of the bone and is secured in place with screws above and below the fracture point. It was something that he would have in his body for life unless it started to cause pain at a later date, at which point they could remove it.

Remy reached out again and stroked lightly at Spencer's forehead. "Remember what I told y', cher. Y'r gonna heal up fine. Remember dat. Y' got some physical therapy in y'r future, mais y'r gonna be fine."

"Remy." It was the only word that Spencer could seem to say. Yet Remy seemed to understand it. He bent close and pressed their foreheads together, the ice momentarily forgotten. Spencer looked up into the eyes that he loved so much and he let himself be filled by the love and understanding that he saw there. Remy stole a soft, gentle kiss, just a light brush against his lips, and he murmured "It's all right, bébé. Y'r gonna be all right."

Drawing in a steadying breath, Spencer gave a small nod. "Tell me the rest."

To his surprise, Remy didn't move; he kept their foreheads pressed together as he quietly finished the rest of it. "Dere was a lot of internal bleeding. Dey had to operate on y' fo' a while to get it all patched up. Y' took a blow to de head, too, an dere was some swelling dey had to relieve. Dere aint no lasting damage dat dey can see, t'ough. Y'r broken, bruised, and all stitched up, mais y'r gonna be fine. An I'm gonna be here every step of de way until y'r better, y'hear? I'll be here fo' it all."

For the moment Spencer forgot that Penelope was in the room. He didn't think about how she was standing there watching them, or what they looked like to her. If he'd looked over at her, he would've seen her standing there with a hand on her heart, watching them and smiling at the love that was so obvious between them. But he didn't look at her. He was focused on Remy and Remy only and the words the man had just whispered. Spencer looked up at him and quietly said one single word "Promise?"

"Promise." He gave Spencer another soft kiss. "We'll make it t'rough dis together, cher. Y' aint alone."

Together. That sounded perfect.