Baby Psycho:

Hello, hope you like the story. As if you couldn't have guessed, I don't own the Gundam characters or the gundam world. Hopefully this plot is original, if it's not, my brain has been wasting its' time.

Please review, give suggestions and tell me what you think.



He shook slightly in the cold wind. It was stupid of him to have left the house without his jacket, but he had wanted to leave as fast as possible. This of course wasn't uncommon, for when you lived with some of the craziest people in history fast exits were an everyday occurrence.

* * *

It had all started back in AC 199, they had all been on a special preventer's mission, it was an investigation into the supposed miracle serum that made the face look 10 years younger. The mission had required all of them in the lab at once, Heero and Duo to hack and destroy files, Quatre and Trowa to do some basic sampling tests and Wufei as the guard. Something had gone terribly wrong. While testing the serum something leaked into the chemicals. The reaction was a large explosion that almost destroyed the entire base, but mysteriously didn't effect them. They had lied to Lady Une, saying that they had just left the site when the explosion occurred.

Lady Une had gotten suspicious, all five of them got very sick straight after the mission. Even Duo and Quatre, who had been the most social of the pilots, stopped coming to work, and had no contact with the office unless they were rung with urgent requests. Then one day they just stopped coming, Lady Une put her best trackers to work on finding them but it was no use, the five 19 year old boys disappeared off the records.

* * *

Quatre remembered it all a bit differently. It had started with the explosion. When it began Quatre could clearly remember the feeling of death. It had been a few seconds of excruciating agony and everything had gone black. He re-awoke to see the rubble lying around him and his friends. They hadn't understood it at the time and had fled the scene as the first patrol cars drew close.

By the time they reached their shared apartment they had each realised something was terribly wrong. Shaking hands were the most noticeable signs. Every few seconds their hands would go into spasms, they ranged from small shakes to violent jerks that required someone to hold the wrists down. This was only the beginning. The spasms eventually started spreading, and by the next morning their whole bodies would be jerking and withering for minutes on end. This continued for almost a week, getting worse and worse. They could no longer breathe when the attacks took place and had started losing their ability to move. None of the five could understand, and it was scaring them more than any mission they had ever done.

The attacks continued for a month, until Duo died. It was a severe attack, it took Heero, Wufei and Trowa to hold him down. It lasted longer than any one he had previously had, and by the end he didn't have the power to breathe. The end came quickly, he started to go blue and finally stopped moving. They hadn't known what to do and they didn't have the time to do it, their own attacks bore down on them, bringing pain they had never experienced before. It felt like a cold flame was slowly burning but freezing them at the same time.

* * *

Duo had normally woken up by rolling over, and falling straight out of bed. This time it had been different, he shot up, eyes wide open and focused. It had felt strangely like he was wrapped in cotton, a fog clouding everything. He had sat perfectly still and straight on the couch for nearly 7 hours, listening to the muffled noises he could hear, not even aware that he couldn't move.

Suddenly everything had zoomed into focus, it was all much clearer than before. Everything was brighter, more detailed, he even heard the people talking outside on the street, and could feel the coarse fabric of his jeans rubbing on his leg making his leg hair prickle.

Duo had looked around the room. Quatre and Trowa were still asleep, or so he had thought until he looked closer. He realised they weren't breathing, for some reason this hadn't bothered him at all. Heero and Wufei looked frozen, they were bent at the waist with their legs stretched out in front of them. He laughed, they both looked like someone had electrified them. He stood up, his mind was telling him that he had forgotten something, then it clicked. He had forgotten to start breathing again. Stretching out his muscles, Duo walked towards the kitchen. No one was really alive until they had their coffee.

* * *

Please review, I don't know if I should make the story a comedy/drama or just a drama.