Ari has gained a brand new power, and now, after fighting for the right to wield that power, does she really feel that's ready to hold the title of Legendary Golden Warrior?

Set after Earning Her Destiny

Legendary Golden Warrior

Walking through the familiar trees of the magical dimension, Ari looked around, taking in the sights. Overhead, Fireheart roared as he soared by, and she smiled up at the massive black dragon. As he disappeared into the distance, Ari ran a hand through her hair and winced as she accidentally brushed the cut over her eyebrow.

"Stupid no healing thing," she complained as she approached Rootcore.

It had been two days since Ari had woken from her coma, covered in injuries that her genetic power couldn't seem to heal. But she didn't have time for that. What she wanted, was answered.

"Ari!" Udonna smiled as she saw the young woman enter. "How are you feeling? I heard something happened to you," she spoke as she drew closer, and her smile faded when she saw the injuries scattered across Ari's face, arms and shins.

"Yeah, that's putting it lightly," Ari chuckled. "Are my parents about?" she asked.

"Meraki!" Daggeron appeared as if on cue and rushed over. "What on earth happened? Xander told us that-"

"I'm the Legendary Golden Warrior," her words had an immediately effect on everyone in the room. Udonna dropped her cup, and Claire, who had heard Ari's voice and was coming to greet her, froze on the spot.

"I'm...sorry?" Daggeron frowned, arching an eyebrow.

"You heard me dad. I'm the Legendary Golden Warrior," he swallowed, sitting down heavily.

"Did you just say...?" Althea had walked in at that moment, and her eyes were wide. Udonna quickly ushered Claire out, and caught Diana and Apollo as they went to investigate. "You're the Legendary Golden Warrior?" she stared at Ari as Daggeron stared up at her.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Ari gave a small laugh, and the armour surrounded her. Daggeron was on his feet in an instant. "Incredible. I thought it was just a myth," he murmured.

"Everyone did," Althea nodded.

"Why is it me then?" Ari demanded, letting the armour shatter. The two blinked at her, confused. "Why am I this protector? Why was I chosen for this?" she asked, tears in her eyes.

"Meraki," Althea guided her into a chair. "You should listen to the tale from the beginning," she told Ari, who sniffed and nodded. "It was a long time ago, back when magic was known through all the worlds. Merlin was the greatest wizard of all time, the Father of Good Magic. He was the Great Protector," Althea told her gently.

"Merlin was the first line of defence for any kind of attack on Good Magic, in any world that possessed it," Daggeron continued. "He never wanted anyone to lose the wonder that it brought. The help it could bring. But he couldn't be the Protector forever," he explained. Ari nodded slowly. "At first he considered passing the power to King Arthur, but eventually decided against it. Arthur simply couldn't handle that power. His body wasn't built to handle it," the Solaris Knight told her.

"And I am?" Ari demanded. To her irritation, Althea raised her hand to have her slow down.

"Many fought for the title, but none were worthy. Most were greedy, wanted the power to be above everyone looked into the future – an incredibly difficult, not to mention restricted, magic – and saw that someday someone would be able to withstand the power of the Protector," Althea continued on for Daggeron. Ari tilted her head, not entirely understanding now.

"You don't want the power, do you?" Daggeron's question caught her by surprise. Ari's brow furrowed.

"I didn't, not at first," she admitted, looking down at her hands.

"Even though you've been a Ranger so many times?" Althea asked her. Ari blushed, shaking her head.

"That was usually one city at a time. This is different. This is multiple worlds. I didn't want that responsibility," she admitted, still keeping her gaze on her hands.

"Didn't?" Daggeron repeated.

"Then I had to do the trials," Ari looked up and her gaze turned determined. "I was chosen for a reason. I never ran from being a Ranger, I won't run from this," she said confidently, and the pair smiled at her. "I just don't...I don't know why I was chosen?" she shrugged, her confidence failing.

"Meraki. Ari," Althea chuckled, putting a hand to her daughters cheek and making her look up. "I believe the phrase is, have you met you?" Ari blushed at her mother's teasing. "You've defended the Earth so many times, you trained hard to become a Ninja, and a Mystic, and now you're training to become a Pai Zhuq Master as well. You always do your best and you never back down, just like you said. Of course he'd choose you," Althea told her.

"But I'm...I'm me!" Ari exclaimed, pulling back. "I cry too easily, I'm reckless, I don't think before I act-"

"And that's why you have a team to help you," Daggeron reminded her.

"Not with this," Ari shook her head.

"Why?" Daggeron frowned, looking genuinely confused. "Who said you needed to fight alone?" Ari paused, realising he was right.

"It's amusing; even after my death, I'm still your greatest fear. I'm what will always hold you back," he commented. Ari clamped her eyes shut, furiously trying to will herself to calm down. "I tore apart your family, I caused you such loneliness for so long," Calindor commented. "I think that may have been better than outright killing you," he mused. Ari's eyes shot open at his words. He reached down to touch her, only for Ari's hand to wrap around his wrist.

"Loneliness?" she repeated as she got to her feet. "Maybe, but not anymore," Ari kept her grip on Calindor's wrist as he struggled. "Because you're dead, I found Althea and Daggeron, and I'm not alone. When I'm scared, there's always someone there who'll protect me," she smiled. Another hand wrapped around Calindor's wrist, and she looked up as Xander grinned confidently at her. "My friends will help me if I need them. I'm never alone, even when I'm on my own, they're in here," she touched her chest with one hand. "You may scare me, Calindor, but you can never hurt me," she told him, and suddenly Calindor relaxed. The next thing Ari knew, it was Master Rel she was holding onto.

"You're right," Ari nodded. "But..."

"Ari," Althea couldn't help but laugh again. "You are your biggest critic. If Merlin thinks you're worthy, then you're worthy," she told Ari firmly. Ari frowned slightly.

"You're biased," she told them firmly. Althea smiled to Daggeron.

"Well, she's not wrong," she agreed.

So that's finally the end of Deleted Scenes! It's been a rough ride filled with changes and changes and changes.

However, I am considering writing a new one, that will be all about the second arc, meaning Spencer, Chase, Teddie, and all the other kids of these guys!

I hope you've enjoyed and that you'll continue to enjoy the series!

Please review!