Okay, this is a new fanfic :D Events occur after Fishman island again in the New World :) No pairings, just general Strawhats fooling around :) I decided to try a bit different writing style so don't be surprised! :D

Text written like this are flashbacks :)


The cold wind blew trough the deck of the Strawhat's ship Thousand Sunny. There was a mysterious, unfamiliar silence on the ship and nobody was fooling around on the deck. The silence was weird and it was something which rarely occurred on board.

Their captain was sitting on top of Lion-chan's head, deep in though. His hair was a mess and he looked tired, as if he hadn't slept for days - and he hadn't, at least not properly. His clothes were dirty but nobody seemed to mind.

His upper body was bandaged heavily. Especially his right shoulder was bandaged so tightly that he couldn't move his arm. His arms and legs were full of impressive bruises and he had many other bruises hidden beneath his clothes. He had to be careful of every move he made because of the shivers of pain running trough his body.


Strawhat Luffy turned to glare at their musician who stared at him. It was hard telling what face the skeleton was making but Luffy could sense the quilt.

"Brook, don't even think of it," Luffy reassured the man, smirking as usual. "We will kick their ass the next time we meet them!"

The skeleton didn't know what to say. Their captain was a weird fellow who didn't care who they were up against. He was too simple-minded to be a pirate captain yet he was one.

"Brook, you shouldn't move around too much," Luffy said strictly. It was a slight order.

"Yes, Luffy-san," Brook sighed deeply but didn't move from the spot. It was a respectful gesture.

Brook listened to the silence on board. It was weird, it was unfamiliar and it wasn't welcome on their ship. Their ship was supposed to be fun, cheerful and full of adventures but at the moment it wasn't.

Zoro staggered up the stairs, careful not to move his neck and shoulder too much. His right shoulder and neck were bandaged heavily because of a broken collarbone and his trademark, the green-hair, was covered with bandages.

"Luffy, the food is ready," Zoro informed silently and the small piece of information returned the usual, goofy smile on their captain's face.

"Food food!" Luffy cheered and unlike his usual rushing towards the kitchen, he stood up slowly to avoid any unnecessary pain. "Brook, you join us too! But be careful not to stumble on stairs!"

Brook couldn't help but laugh his usual laugh for a while, relieved that their crew was still the same crew who welcomed him to be a part of the crew: it was a crew which didn't want to let a crew member go, no matter what.


They saw a big island on the horizon. Their captain was jumping around like usual, excited about the new adventure.

"An island ~!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper cheered, jumping around the deck.

"CALM DOWN, LUFFY!" Nami ordered. "We don't want you falling off the deck!"

"Yo, Nami!" Luffy shouted at their navigator. "What kind of an island it is?"

Nami stared carefully at the island and the clouds above it with binoculars. "It looks like Winter island!"

"Winter island!?" Chopper yelled, sounding extremely happy. He had missed snow and winter reminded him of his home island, Drum-island.

"Oi, Sanji!" Luffy shouted happily. "We need a winter island bento*!"

"I know I know!" Sanji hissed at their idiotic captain and headed towards the kitchen. "But first, I will serve something warm for the ladies!"

"Buu! That's not fair!" Luffy yelled, sticking out his tongue at the chef.

"YOU JUST HAVE TO WAIT A LITTLE, YOU GOMU-IDIOT!" Sanji cursed and kicked the kitchen door close.

"Don't break our ship, Curly-Cook!" Franky ordered but Sanji couldn't hear him anymore.

The weather got colder and colder when they got closer to the island. Everyone rushed to look for warmer clothes to wear and Franky turned on the heating system so that Sunny-Go would be warm regardless of the weather outside.

"Come on Baby!~ Bone to be wild, Bone to be wild! Bone bone bone bone bone!~" Brook sang on the deck. It was mysterious how he could feel cold even though he was a mere skeleton.

"Motetai to Maccho nante mi mo buta monaize. Souru Kingu wa misuteriasu! Hone shikanaize! "

Luffy, Usopp and Chopper danced around the musician, trying to sing along.

"Afuro on za sukaru! Joshi ha gyappu ni yowai / Ano ko wo hone nuki ni shitainara / Got milk? Go milk? / Purotein yori Carushiumu daze!*"

Everyone were in high spirits even though the chilly weather made them shiver slighty.

"Franky, steer the ship!" Nami gave orders to everyone and nobody questioned her knowledge. Everyone had their jobs while landing: if they didn't have anything specific to do, they would try to look out for any dangers or enemy attack while landing.

Chopper was the first one to jump out of the deck to greet the soft snow. The small doctor was smiling brightly and he layed on the snow with his eyes closed.

The next ones to jump off the deck was the idiot trios remaining members Luffy and Usopp who started a snow fight immediately when their legs hit the snowy ground. Chopper was trying to lay in the middle of their fight but one snow ball hit his face and he joined the war of three idiots.

"Really, these fools!" Nami cursed. "They should be more careful! This is the New World after all!"

Robin chuckled slighty next to her. "They are as cheerful as always, aren't they?"

"How can you be so relaxed?" Nami wondered.

"Worrying helps nothing, my dear Nami-san," Sanji reassured the woman while offering her a warm cup of hot chocolate. "Besides, if something happens I will be there to protect you!"

"Thank you Sanji-kun!" Nami thanked the man and took a careful sip of the hot drink. "Oishii*!"

Sanji had spent his time preparing the drinks for the ladies and preparing the bentos for the idiots so he hadn't had time to search for his winter coat. It was pretty damn cold and he definitely needed warmer clothes like everyone else with a sane mind. Even their small doctor had worn more clothes even though he had his thick fur covering his body.

Their swordsman was snoring on the deck and the snow started to pile on top of him.

"Hey, should we wake him up?" Franky asked, poking the green-haired man's cheek. "He will catch cold like this!" the pervert noted, referring to the fact that Zoro wasn't wearing his winter coats.

"Let him be. He wouldn't turn into a less of an idiot if his brains froze," Sanji advised, blowing his smoke.

Zoro hadn't missed his line, however. "Dare to repeat that, Ero-cook?"

"Sure, if there is something wrong with your hearing," Sanji mocked and they started to fight without a warning.


Everyone ate in silence. They couldn't see the winter island anymore, not like they would like to return there. Nami was tapping her left hand fingers against the table while she didn't use it for eating. Her right hands palm and all the fingers were bandaged heavily enough for her not be able to move even a finger.

All of the Strawhats looked more or less worn out. Most of them had bandages covering some part of their body and most of them had dark circles around their eyes. Bruises were hidden beneath their clothes but couldn't be forgotten due to the pain they felt with every movement they made.

Everyone knew how their musician must feel. Everyone would probably feel the same but it wasn't reason enough to blame himself for everything. They were doing their best to act normal and act like nothing had happened but everyone knew something had happened: something which had made them look weak but strengthened their connection as a crew.

Their blue-nosed doctor was probably the one with the most stress. He had spent most of his time treating his crewmates wounds and looking after everyone, not sleeping at all. Well, thanks to his animal side he didn't need as much sleep as an average human but he could still feel tired.

"Hey, Chopper, you should sleep a little, you look awful," Usopp noted and the small doctor smiled slighty to reassure the long-nosed man.

"It's fine, I can manage," Chopper said but saw the looks on his friends face. "Really, I am fine!"

Nobody bothered to argue any further.


They found a city from the middle of the big island. It was well-hidden between mountains and rivers. The city lights were sparkling and the cheerful noises filled the streets.

"OOOH!" Luffy shouted, stunned at the scenery in front of him.

"Beautiful!" Nami gasped after taking her time to admire what she saw.

"It's pretty indeed, "Robin had to admit even though she rarely liked anything like that: she was more interested in horror-themes.

Franky, Usopp and Chopper had stayed behind to guard the ship. Of course the two members of idiot trio would have loved to investigate the new island but they pulled the short straws and they had no choice but to stay on the ship. Well, of course they had the option to meet their navigator's anger but no sane man in their crew wanted to meet Nami's fist of rage.

Robin went off to investigate the city with Luffy. She was probably the only one who could handle their captain calmly and everyone knew they could trust the archeologist. That meant that Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Nami had to stick together.

"Yohohoho!" Brook laughed after seeing posters of himself, posters of Soul King Brook all over the city. "There must be lots of my fans here! I have never seen such an amount of posters in a one place!"


"Nami-san is harsh!" Brook whined, rubbing his sore head slighty.

They headed towards a restaurant they heard of during their walk. Somebody praised it to them, telling them it was definitely a place worth visiting and they couldn't miss it since they heard about it.

They stepped inside the restaurant, not noticing how some people were pointing at their direction and whispering something secretly.


Japanese - English vocabulary *

bento = snack, packed lunch

oishii = delicious

The beginning of Soul King Brook's song "Bone to be wild" :D

Motetai to Maccho nante mi mo buta monaize. Souru Kingu wa misuteriasu! Hone shikanaize!

= It's nonsense to become maccho just to attract women. Soul King is mysterious! He is nothing but bones!

Afuro on za sukaru! Joshi ha gyappu ni yowai! Ano ko wo hone nuki ni shitainara. Got milk? Go milk? Purotein yori Carushiumu daze!

= Afro on the skull! Girls love the contrast! If you wanna make out with her. Got Milk? Go Milk? You need calcium more than protein!