A.N. Thank you to those who read and enjoyed 'Lancelot's 'old' friend'. A few people asked me to make a sequel/companion piece, with Gwaine, so here is the start of one. Since I have several ideas for this, I decided that this would be a multi-chapter fanfic (at least 3-4). I hope you enjoy it!


It's funny, Gwaine thought while relaxing in the sun, people automatically assume that if you happen to have a fondness for ale, you live your life drunk. And even if that assumption holds some truth (only a small amount though), Gwaine assured himself, everyone assumes that once you start drinking, you don't remember anything. In some ways it's useful.

Gwaine pondered over the secrets he had learned about his fellow knights. Not just the knights. For Gwaine had discovered that 'the open book' of the group, who couldn't keep a secret to save his life (apparently), had the biggest secret of them all. Merlin had magic.

In all honesty, Gwaine was surprised that the other knights didn't know. He himself had discovered this little secret on his first encounter with the man. No matter how drunk he may have been, Gwaine knew that plates and benches could not fly by themselves, and he had noticed who had made them fly. He had observed Merlin when they were back in Camelot, and decided that if anyone could use magic for the right reasons, it was Merlin, and so, he would keep his friend's secret.

That was another reason why the secret was kept. Merlin was Gwaine's first friend (and at the time, only), and Gwaine wasn't over fond of nobility, despite being noble himself (a secret which Merlin had kept his word, and kept safe for him).

Thinking about it, not turning in Merlin was not a difficult decision. Gwaine honesty found magic something incredible, rather than deadly. It could be used as a weapon, and it could be beautiful. The person was what could be the problem, and Merlin was safe. That much, Gwaine knew for certain.

The fact that Merlin's secret had stayed as that did suprise Gwaine. He did not doubt his own, or Merlin's ability to keep his mouth shut over this particular matter, but he had spotted Merlin using his magic an uncountable number of times now (mostly on the Princess), and no one else seemed to have seen it.

Arthur really should have – the whole 'courage, strength and magic' thing did not take a genius to work out, but Gwaine never thought the Princess was that bright anyway.

What Gwaine had noticed, after being knighted and living in Camelot, was that he was not alone in keeping Merlin's secret. Gaius knew, but Gwaine had suspected that from the off. All those secretive conversations. Really, they should be more careful.

There was, however, one other person who Merlin seemed to have all those secretive conversations with. Lancelot appeared to know Merlin's secret, and Merlin clearly knew he knew. He did not know how Lancelot knew (and he was fairly certain that Merlin had not just told him), but he knew that he was trustworthy, and that his friend's secret was safe with this man.

So, for now, Gwaine decided, he would not let Merlin know he knew. He would continue to be (drunk or not) oblivious. After all, that was what people assumed he was, wasn't it?

A.N. Sorry this was a bit short, but I hope you liked this. I have the first proper chapter written (and it is longer), I just need to type it up, so hopefully that will be up in the next few days. The end of this was a bit sadder than I intended, but it seemed to fit... Until next time!