This is my first True Blood fic, not to mention one about an OC. But I also promise that it will also focus on the main characters of the show. I will also be taking some plot points and characters for the SVM series, since as much as I loved the show I wished they would have stuck closer with the storyl ine and plots of the books.
Chapter One
"You know, instead of sitting on the couch all night you should come with me, Olivia." her mother said, stepping out of her bedroom in a mossy green dress and silver heels. The dress was one of the nicer ones that she owned, which hadn't been many until Isabel insisted on buying her a fancier wardrobe. Her makeup was done to perfection, her lips painted a beautiful pastel and her eyes shaded just right to bring out the pale green of her eyes, a color she had passed on to her daughter. Her brown hair was done in an easy and wispy looking up-do, a few curly strands falling to frame her angelic face.
Adriana had always been a beautiful woman even before her 'rebirth' into vampire after. She had never even thought about being vampire, but circumstance forced her to make a choice between an un-dead life or dead for good.
She had been attacked by a passenger that had missed his flight and in so lost his job when he was unable to make his meeting. Her mother was an American Airlines customer service agent at Dallas Fort Worth international airport, and had dealt with the passenger earlier in the day when his flight cancelled due to maintenance problems. She had done her best to rebook him for his next available flight, but by the time he would have arrived at his destination he would have missed the meeting. He had threatened her mother and in the end had to be escorted off the premises of the airport. Two days later when her mother was working late he had caught her on her way out to the parking lot and shot her under the pretense that he had lost his job because of her.
It was pure luck that a vampire named Isabel had just arrived that night from Spain and heard the gunshot. But by then her mother had lost too much blood and was quickly dying. The vampire, then offered her mother the choice to either die or become vampire. Not wanting to leave her daughter all alone in the world, Adriana chose to be turned.
She had to stay away from Olivia for almost a long time until she had control over her hunger and basic instincts. In that time Adriana's maker, Isabel, would visit Olivia with updates on her mother and to help with whatever she needed. They still lived in the same apartment as they had before, only her mothers room had been renovated just slightly so that it was light proof. They didn't live an extravagant life, and her mother still worked at DFW airport, thanks to the help of Isabel glamoring her coworkers and manager. If they needed it Isabel always told them they need only ask her for money or anything else. In fact, the day after Olivia got her license she was gifted with a green Ford Fiesta parked in front of their apartment with a card addressed to Olivia in the front seat.
"Sure, I have nothing else to do." Olivia said, pushing up her designer Gucci glasses(another one of Isabel's gifts) and setting aside her bag of Swedish Fish; her favorite candy.
The only difference between Olivia and her mother was that Olivia had gotten her fathers blonde hair and bad eyesight, whereas the rest of her was all Adriana. From the space between her eyes, to the dimples in her cheeks when she smiled. She really was a beautiful girl. Her face was a little round, but it gave her an almost cherubic beauty. She had a small, pouty mouth and lips that were a natural rosy pink. She was also blessed with clear complexion. She was petite, slim at the waist but curvy in all the right places.
"Great. Besides, it not going to be just vampires, the sheriff of the area has also extended the invitation to a number of humans as well and welcomes any vampire in a relationship with a human to bring them as their plus one." she smiled smugly, tapping her thousand dollar pumps lightly as Olivia took her time getting up from the couche.
"I know what it means when you say relationship. I'm nineteen, mom, and not as dumb to the customs of vampires and people in general as you think." she sass's, pushing up her glasses as she stands, trying to think of what she should wear.
"And this will also give me the chance to pass on the message to other vampires in the area that you are not to be anyone." finally she gets a reaction out of Olivia, who's mind had wandered off. She had already agreed to go, but her mother was a chatty kathy. Olivia thought it was because she liked the sound of her own voice so much.
"I've talked about you so much to the sheriff, that if it wasn't for Isabel confirming your existence he would probably think you didn't exist." she continues to talk as Olivia moves towards her room.
"Also I got us first class upgrades for our trip to Greece next month." she springs her surprise, watching as Olivia spin on her heals, excitement lighting up her face.
"First class?" said Olivia in a high voice. "Really?!"
"Uh huh," Adriana nodded enthusiastically. "I promised, didn't I?"
"You are absolutely the greatest mom in the entire world," Olivia tells her, rushing over and pulling her mom into a tight hug, forgetting that fact that she was supposed to be changing for the party. Adriana just laughs and hugs her daughter back.
"So, what are you going to wear?" said Adriana, pulling back from the embrace.
"On the plane?" Olivia gives her a strange look.
"No, to the party, silly," she quickly explains.
"Oh, well is the party casual or formal." she asked, looking her mother up and down.
"Oh, don't worry about what I'm wearing it's pretty casual. But some vampires like to dress up," she explains. "I don't get the chance to do so often, and Isabel bought be this dress."
"Oh, ok." smiling, Olivia makes her way towards her bedroom.
"But if you want to dress up a little you should wear the dress Isabel bought you for your graduation." said Adriana excitedly, tucking back some of her daughters blond hair from her face.
"You know what? Why not, I think I will." she smiles, confidently. It's not like she had a lot of chances as of late to get gussied up. It would be a nice change. A little make-up and a pair of heels never killed anyone. With this thought, she closed the door behind her and made her way to her closest.
Their life hasn't been the easiest, but they try to make the best out of everyday with what they have. It's been even harder since Adriana had become vampire with all the bigoted and hateful people in the world. It wasn't just other vampires that she had to protect Olivia from, but also humans. After kids found out about Adriana, they started avoiding her at school, her boyfriend broke up with her and she even started to get bullied. They lived in a cruel world, but Adriana inspired to change it for the better, even just a little by showing that vampires can live normal lives, with families and jobs.
When Olivia came back out her hair was down from the ponytail she had it in, hanging in natural curls around her face. She still wore her glasses, only wearing her contacts if she had to. She changed out of the shorts and graphic T-shirt she had been wearing earlier and was now in a beautiful silk and velvet blue and purple printed dress. Velvet roses seemed to be stamped into the dress, the pattern like a painting on a canvas, as the dress went from blue and darkened into purple towards the waist down. Keeping to her word, she wore a pair of glossy jimmy choo pumps. Her eyes were done with a clean line of dark eyeliner and a light coat of eyeshadow. Her cheeks were a little pinker, and lips glossy and colored with a pale lipstick.
"Is this ok?" she asked, gesturing to her clothes, standing pigeon toed. She was always selfconcious once she finished changing before going out, always second guessing her choices of clothing. She appreciated and had an interest in cute clothes, but she never really kept up with what was in style too much.
"Gorgeous!" said Adriana, standing from the couch.
"I'm so happy you're coming." Adriana practically vibrated with excitement as she grabbed her keys and phone from the table. She turned to her daughter than. "Do you have everything?"
Olivia walked over to the kitchen bar and grabbed her ipad off the counter. "Now I am."
"You better not plan to play on that thing all night, I want to at least see your try to socialize a little." Adriana warns her as they make to leave.
"I won't." Promised Olivia, walking behind her mother and towards the door of their apartment where Adriana proceeded to lead them out, lock the door behind them and moved down the stairs to where her silver Honda Accord. Another gift from Isabel.
"There are just a few things we have to go over before we get there." said Adriana starting the car and pulling out from her parking spot.
"Like what?" she asked, pushing her glasses up her nose. Her mother had only told her a few things about vampires and the rules that they followed and Olivia was always curious to know more. She didn't want to hold her mother back or embarrass her in any way, so the more she knew the more she could avoid doing so. Despite her mothers assurance and how kind Isabel has been to them, not all vampires were as friendly.
"Well, the most important thing to know is about the sheriff." Adriana began, cruising gently down the roads.
"What about him?" her curiosity was peaked. She didn't know much about the Sheriff, only that he had been taken by the FOTS and that her mother like to blab about her when ever she saw him. Just thinking about the possibilities of what her mother had told him about her had her feeling embarrassed. She hoped it was nothing too humiliating.
"As you already know, this party is to celebrate his rescue from the FOTS. But also we must pay our respects to him as by vampire custom and that includes humans. So when we arrive we're to search him out first and greet him and thank him for inviting us." she explains, making a turn.
"Also, you might be surprised when you see him. He was made vampire when he was very young, a year or two younger than you I think." she said. "But in fact he's over two thousand years old. So even though you might want to treat him like any other teenager when you meet him it would be an insult to do so. Just be careful and mind your words when you meet him and you'll be fine."
Olivia nodded in understanding. She wondered what it must have been like to live so long ago, and to look so young but to be so old. Lucky for her she never really fit in with other teenagers, getting along better with the older crowds. She didn't see her having any problem in making the mistake of treating or talking to the sheriff as if he was any age younger than what he was.
"Truthfully he's a bit of a recluse and I don't know very much about him, but from the few time's I have met him he's a very sensible and stoic vampire. You can tell by his personality that despite his face he is a much older being." she sighed, almost sounding sad. Olivia wondered about the reason but didn't ask about it.
"Anything else?" she tapped on the case of her Ipad, her fingers following the pattern they would move if she were playing Franz Liszt La Campanella.
"Godric's child, Eric, will be there as well and from what I heard he's nearly half Godric's age and is very protective of Godric." she tells her. "He would have killed every member of the FOTS if it meant saving his maker. If you meet him during the party, greet him politely and if you can avoid him. He's an old fashioned vampire, and looks down on humans. The same goes for Stan."
"Stan's the asshole you're always telling me about, right? The one that gives vampires a bad name?" she asked.
"Yes," Adriana liked it when Olivia cursed infront of her, it made her believe that she trusted her to be herself completely. Olivia didn't curse often either way, but once in awhile she let a profanity slip here and there.
"Otherwise try to have fun," Adriana smiles.
Before Olivia even got the chance to turn on her Ipad Adriana was distracting her with talk of their trip to Greece. Before she had been made vampire Adriana had been saving up to take Olivia to Greece. Because of her job they could fly for free, though it was only standby and they still had to pay for the hotel and other expenses when traveling or on vacation, it still came with discounts and perks. It was the first big trip they would be taking since her father died and Olivia was looking forward to seeing the ruins and trying genuine greek food. She had almost everything planned, she had been working out what they were going to do for months, down to every minor detail. And Greece was only the start, Olivia wanted to see the world with her mother, see and do everything she could with her.
Avicii's 'Wake Me' Up began to play out from the car's radio, and immediately Olivia began to sing along to the song in Danish. Her father's mother tongue. It came to her as naturally to her as English did. The words flowed from her mouth without a singles stutter, singing the song softly under her breath with a smile.
Ever since she could talk, she had not only grown up learning english but also Danish as well, by her father, Nikolaj, who was from Copenhagen. He had come to america on a work visa as a translator, being able to both understand and speak up to six different languages fluently. His ear for languages had been passed to Olivia, who made it a point to take as many language courses as she could when she was in high school. But her favorite to speak would always be Danish, and her mother more than not had to deal with her slipping into Danish while having a conversation. She could understand how that might be annoying since her mother only ever picked up a few words and phrases in the language during her relationship with Nikolaj.
Nikolaj and Adriana had met when he had been hired to help train the airport translators. A foreign passenger had come up to her counter and when she had called the translators Nikolaj had come along with one of the younger translators to observe the new hire and help him if needed. Afterwards he made frequent visits to her station in hopes of seeing her, volunteering to go with any translator called to help, all with the hope of seeing Adriana.
Finally she asked him out. To say the least he was embarrassed for not having the courage to ask her out first, but it didn't really matter who asked who, they still found each other. They made each other happy for many years, had Olivia two years after they were married, and when Olivia was ten Nikolaj died of a stroke just before he was meant to pick her up at school. After his death Olivia and Adriana were all each other had. Nikolaj's parents had passed away when he was extremely young and neither had any siblings or close relatives.
"We're here." looking up from her lap, Olivia saw that they had pulled up in front of a decently sized and modern looking house.
"Ready to meet some new people?" Adriana asked, turning off the car and moving to face Olivia in her seat.
Olivia nodded.
"Just remember what I told you earlier, and if you ever at all feel threatened or uncomfortable just call for me or Isabel." taking an unnecessary breath, Adriana smiled and got out of the car. Olivia took her own deep breath before doing the same.
Before they even got to the door Olivia could hear the music playing from inside, and that of dozen people speaking at once. It wasn't awful, but she would always prefer classic to pop or rock. At least it wasn't country. She wondered if Godric had chosen the music, as it was his house after all.
"Do we just go in, or should we knock first?" said Olivia looking to her mother for the answer.
"When I spoke to Isabel on the phone she said to go right in." she said and opened the door for Olivia. But all the while she felt something was wrong, something to do with Isabel. Something had happened with Isabel, something so severe that she could feel through their maker-child bond. She only wished that Isabel would open up to her a little more and tell her what's wrong, only in the hope that their may be something she could do to help her maker.
"Alright, lets do this!" said Olivia, taking a deep breath before giving her mother her best smile and opening the door. The music seemed to blast even louder, now that there was no barrier between them. There was a short hall in front of them, the walls decorated with small portraits from all different periods. Each one must cost a fortune, she thought.
"We need to find the Sheriff first," Adriana reminded her, noticing her searching eyes.
"Yea," Olivia proceeds to follow her mother down the hall, about to make a left at the end when a vampire whooshes to stand in front of them. The vampire doesn't even look at Adriana, his eyes are on Olivia. He was a tall vampire with short hair and a well trimmed beard. He dressed like a modern day cowboy, the only thing missing was the obnoxious hat.
"Nice for you to come, Adriana. This must be your daughter." he smiles, showing his fangs as he eyes up Olivia. "What a pretty little thing, looks just like you. She smells even better than she looks."
Olivia attempts to hide her disgust as she moves closer to her mother, not liking the look in the vampires eyes. She knew right away who he was, and she was right when she called him asshole earlier in the car, only now he was a pervy asshole. What a creep, she thought, glaring at him.
"Watch what you say about my daughter, Stan." Adriana warned him.
"Just speaking the truth, darlin'" he grinned, retracting his fangs with a click.
"I heard you nearly massacred the FOTS today." Adriana moves in front of Olivia, shielding her daughter from the other vampire as she gives him a tight smile.
"Nearly is the key word. We had them all together, ready for the picking if Godric hadn't shown mercy. The entire lot deserved to be drained dry." his southern accent was filled with disgust and hatred for the FOTS.
"I don't know if I would agree with you there," she admitted, but Stan just shrugged.
"Enjoy the party," he told them, and turned from them, gone with another woosh.
"I don't like him," she said bluntly but softly.
"No one likes him," Adriana smirked, "C'mon, let's go see the Sheriff."
It didn't take too long to find out where the Sheriff was, they figured he was at the end of the line that had formed right around the corner of the main hall. There was a beautiful stone fireplace that separated the spaces of the living room and kitchen. The line wasn't too long, with Stan at the lead, a blond human behind him and after him it was Adriana and Olivia followed by a few others.
"Welcome home, sheriff." they could hear Stan say, suddenly sounding much more happy and cheerful about the sheriff than he had before now that he was standing in front of him. Olivia tried to look around the line to try and see Godric, but she didn't want to be too obvious about it either.
"We are all very relieved." he continued, and stood in front of Godric who said nothing, simply meeting his eyes before nodding for his dismissal after a pause of awkward silence. With Stan walking off, the blond human, stepped forward to take his place and speak with Godric.
"Well, I just want to say I'm real sorry for what the Fellowship put you through." he said, speaking with a southern accent. But it wasn't a texan one, probably Louisiana, Olivia guessed.
Now that she was closer she could look around the person in front of them without being so obvious. The sheriff was young, just like her mother had said, but only in appearance. His eyes gave away his true age. He was handsome, with a wide set jaw, short brown hair and his eyes a much darker green than her own. His nose was attractively broad and she couldn't seem to stop glancing at his lips.
There seemed to be a theme of awkward silence between Godric and those who came to speak with him. But as the man was about to take his leave from Godric he was stopped, and at last Olivia heard Godric speak.
"You helped save many lives today, Mr. Stackhouse." he spoke softly, his voice rich and deep with masculinity, it was a voice that somehow filled her with a warmth low in her belly. She saw a peek of his teeth as he spoke,. He had a small, barely noticeable gap between his two front teeth. she found the imperfection charming. "Please know you have friends in this area whenever you visit."
"Thanks, man, but I don't know if I'll be wanting to come back anytime soon." Stackhouse told him, and Olivia could see the tiniest little upturn of Godric's lips as he blinked up at the man.
"God," the blond human muttered under his breath before rushing off and it was their turn to step forward.
"We're so happy to have you returned to us, sheriff. I'm glad to hear that the Fellowship had not harmed you." Adriana smiled, bowing her head just slightly to him. Godric gave a slight nod of his head, in acknowledgment to her words. Then he looked at Olivia.
"This must be your daughter. Olivia, correct?" both of them nodded.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm sorry about what the fellowship put you through." she smiled, biting her lip nervously.
"I can't believe they call themselves devoted followers of God." she said, looking at the ceiling irritably as her shoulders tensed from just talking about them.
The moment Olivia realized what she had said, she quickly slapped a hand over her mouth. That was so inappropriate of her. She was about to apologize when Godric spoke.
"Are you religious?" he asked. He seemed interested in her now, more so than he had been just a second before.
"I'm Jewish," was her answer, pulling out the gold Star of David from under the collar of her dress for him to see.
"Then were you not upset when you discovered your mother had been made vampire?" he asked her with a curious tilt of his head. "Do you not believe us abominations."
Wow, Olivia thought, was he always this cynical about his own kind? Or so forward about religion? This was not what she had expected after what her mother had told her.
"No, I don't believe God hates vampires like the Fellowship does, I believe in an accepting, compassionate and forgiving God." she told him, shrugging, as she tried to keep eye contact with him. He was so beautiful, so ancient, and here she was discussing Judaism with him.
"Sorry, religion is probably the last thing you want to talk to after coming home. I shouldn't have said anything, it was inappropriate." she quickly said when he fell silent and simply continued to stare at her with curiosity and fascination. After a few more seconds Adriana began to lead them away, as Godric gave no sign that he wished for them to stay or continue the conversation.
"Miss Olivia," they hadn't made it to far when Godric called her. "I wish to speak with you more when I am done here, if you have no objections."
"I would like that," she smiled almost shyly, trying to hide her excitement.
"Then I will seek you out when I am finished?" and he gave her the tiniest hint of a smile, enough to make her cheeks feel hot.
Maybe this party wouldn't be so bad after all.
I don't expect this to get a lot of faves, views or reviews as many people like to avoid OC centered stories, or even one with OC's in general unless their genderbended characters. I know I was like that. But if chance a few of you do get to the end of the first chapter and like it, please review or favorite, I would really appreciate it.
Love always,