Ok, credit where credit is due: It is surprisingly hard to write supports. I suppose some might be easier to write then others, and maybe the script format makes things easier, but damn it can be hard.

That why this chapter took so long. I'm taking a bit of a break from one of my other stories (Weighing the attention vs effort and how I had a bit of a writers block with it) and it was hard to figure out a situation. The thing you have to understand about supports is that, in order for them to be what a support is, it has to seem like a platonic relationship up to A rank. Romantic feelings can only come into play at S rank. That makes it hard to figure out a senerio to fill up the first three ranks with.

I'll rant more about this later. For now, read the thing.

"Jon'so!" Luna exclaimed, pointing a dulled blade at the prince as he walked onto the training grounds. "At last you return to the training grounds! Are you prepared to spar?"

"I am." Jon'so replied, grabbing a training sword from the rack nearby.

"Really?" Luna asked, lowering her sword to show her concern. Jon'so couldn't help but smile. It was always amused him to see the aggressive warrior traits she got from her father work alongside the caring traits she got from her mother.

"I'm fine." Jon'so replied. "I cannot keep moping around in the Ylissean castle. I'll get rusty, and I think I'm the only one in our group who can keep up with you."

"Actually, I've been sparring with Lucina and Chrom for the last few weeks, which has been amazing!" Luna exclaimed, clutching her blade in excitement and hopping slightly, before calming herself down. "W-Which isn't to say I haven't missed sparing with you! It's just that I've been well taken care of during your recovery."

" That's good to know. Try not to go easy on me." Jon'so said, giving his training sword a few practice swings.

"I wouldn't even entertain the thought!" Luna exclaimed, striking a combative pose. "What's the wager?"

Something Praim had taught Luna when she was growing up was that you should only fight when you have something to fight for. That could include a loved one, a country, or even your life. That was why, whenever Luna spared with someone, she put a wager on the battle, in order to give the fighters something to fight for.

Aln and Annie would wager money whenever they spared with Luna, while Victoria would often put tasks on the line, like preparing her dinner or setting up her tent. Aln and Annie were just greedy, while Victoria just seemed to have control issues. Mar'on wasn't really one for sparing,since, in the rare occasions he used his sword, he was in dragon form, so he didn't really have much of a default wager.

Jon'so, however, was sporadic with his wagers. Sometimes he would bet an unopened box of treasure,other times he would bet the last candy in a bag he bought in the last town. It was one of the few ways he expressed his sense of humor, and it always entertained Luna.

"The wager…" Jon'so thought. After a few seconds, he snapped his fingers. "I've got it! If I beat you, you have to eat a traditional Chon'sin meal!"

"Nooooooo!" Luna exclaimed, sickened at the thought. "Not fish!"

"It's just fish and rice!" Jon'so exclaimed. "I don't get why you hate the idea so much!"

"Father taught me that anything that isn't meat is poison!" Luna exclaimed. "Mother...made sure I ate my fruits and vegetables, but fish was never proven to be good for me!"

"You don't have to only eat food approved by your parents…" Jon'so commented, although it wasn't heard by Luna.

"...Very well!" Luna exclaimed, pointing her sword at Jon'so. "But, if I win, you…." She paused, thinking of a worthy wager. "...will owe me a favor."

"...So I'll owe you a rematch?" Jon'so asked, knowing what she usually meant.

"You'll find out when I defeat you, prince of the Chon'sin!" Luna exclaimed, as the match began.

A few days later…

"Luna!" Jon'so said, surprised to see his friend on the training grounds. "So I take it you're feeling better?"

Luna groaned. "...I can't rest for too long…" Jon'so noticed that her face still looked pretty pale.

"Right…"Jon'so said, scratching his head in embarrassment. "Have I apologize for that? I should not have trusted that Chon'sin restaurant in town. The owner wasn't even Chon'sin! It wouldn't have been that bad if he wasn't also faking an accent! That was pretty offensive! I should have realized it when I saw how strange that shrimp smelled."

Luna turned slightly green and glared at the prince.

"Sorry!" Jon'so exclaimed. "I shouldn't keep talking about it. I promise you traditional Chon'sin food is much better than what you ate the other night."

"Jon'so." Luna said. "It's fine. I was just sick for a few days. Seafood just isn't for me. I'm fine." She smiled weakly. "Now, I'd offer to spar, but I think I'll be fighting shadows today."

Jon'so thought to himself as Luna drew her training sword. "Hold on." Jon'so said, pulling out his training sword. "I want to spar."

"...You do know I've been bedridden for the last few days, right?" Luna asked.

"Nothing the 'blood of heros' can't handle, right?" Jon'so asked, attempting to awkwardly pose in a heroic stance.

Luna couldn't help but laugh. "Fine. I'll humor you. What's the wager?" Luna asked.

"If I win, you'll eat a traditional Chon'sin meal." Jon'so said. "Before you protest, I'll be the one making it, since apparently I'm the only person in the area that can make it correctly."

"You're offering to cook a meal for me?" Luna asked. "I might just throw the match." She added under her breath. "I'm not sure…I don't think I could look at Chon'sin food without..." She turned slightly green again, shuddering. "...Fine." Luna said. "But if I win, you have to drop the whole meal thing!" She brought her blade up, ready to fight.

The next day…

"Did you enjoy our meal last night?" Jon'so asked, tossing a training sword to Luna as she entered the training grounds.

"I did." Luna replied, catching the sword. "It's obvious what that restaurant missed in their food! I mean, they didn't cook it as long as you did, and they used far too much seasoning!"

"I know!" Jon'so exclaimed. "It was when I noticed that when I decided to opt out of eating there myself!"

"Wait." Luna said. "Are you saying you know the food was bad, but didn't tell me?!" She exclaimed.

Jon'so sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "I really wanted to you try some Chon'sin food. I didn't think it would be that bad…At least you get a decent meal out of it!" He added, noticing Luna's growing anger.

Luna scowled, then sighed. "I supposed it was worth it. Anything to get you mind off of...well, you know."

Jon'so looked at Luna. "Is that what this has been all about?"

"It's just...we were all in shock after remembering our future. You were on the edge, Jon'so." Luna said, her face clouded with sadness. "You clearly hadn't gotten over Lucina's death, or the almost dying in that final battle with Grima. If there's a constant trend among the Chon'sin noble bloodline, it's an easy acceptance of your own death, even when it could be avoided."

"...I was in a dark place." Jon'so admitted. "That isn't something I would usually do."

"But you were still willing to do it!" Luna angrily exclaimed. "You have to promise you won't do something like that again. Promise me that for all of us."

Jon'so didn't speak for a few moments. "...Very well." Jon'so said. "I promise."

Luna smiled. "Good. Now, you owe me a match." She walked over to the training grounds. "I'd offer a wager, but I think I could stand just to hit you a few times."

"I'd probably deserve it." Jon'so admitted. "And Luna?"

"Yeah?" The princess asked.

"Thank you." Jon'so smiled. "You're a good friend."

Luna smiled back. "As are you, Jon'so."

Some time later…

Luna took one final swing at the training dummy before wiping the sweat from her brow. She had been training for a few hours, and the sun was beginning to go down. Usually, she would only train for about two hours, but she stayed longer because Jon'so had yet to show up.

They always tended to train together, even more than usually recently. It was always the highlight of Luna's day. They would train with one another, talk to each other, and generally spend time with one another. Jon'so had opened up to her even more, talking to her about how he felt about various things, and in turn, she talked to him as well.

Luna wasn't stupid. She realized that her small crush on the Chon'sin prince has grown into something more, and it terrified her. From what she could tell, Jon'so was still mourning his Lucina, so he probably wouldn't want to start a new relationship. There was also the chance that he might not reciprocate her feelings. She had heard stories about Cordelia. Luna knew she didn't want to become some hapless fan girl follow after Jon'so.

Besides, Jon'so was a really good friend. She knew that, at this point in his life, he would need her as a friend. If it was what was best for him, Luna would do it, as long as it made him happy. Still, she knew she would alway dream of something more.

"Luna?" Jon'so's voice stopped Luna's train of thought. The prince had apparently arrived on the training grounds while she was lost in her thoughts.

"O-oh!" She shook her head, bringing her attention to Jon'so. "Jon'so! I didn't notice you arrive. Where were you? You're pretty late for training." She commented.

"I'm sorry." Jon'so said. "I was busy...getting some advice." He added, somewhat nervously.

"Advice on what?" Luna asked.

"You know...Stuff." Jon'so replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you alright, Jon'so?" Luna asked. The prince seemed fidgety, and he looked flush.

"I'm fine!" He exclaimed. "It's just...I've been thinking a lot about Lucina lately."

Luna put a reassuring hand on Jon'so shoulder. "I understand. We all miss her."

Jon'so shook his head. "Wait. No, no, I wasn't supposed to say that. Literally everybody told me not to bring up Lucina." He groaned, putting his hands up to his face. "I never had to do this with Lucina. Fie, I mentioned her again, didn't I?"

"Jon'so." Luna said firmly, getting the flustered young man's attention. "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't you have to bring up Lucina? Who gave you advice?"

"Aln, Mar'on, Annie." Jon'so listed. "Fie, I even asked Robin about this sort of thing! You would think, having a brother like Nei'oh, I'd know how to at least ask a girl out."

"..." Luna's face slowly turned a bright shade of red. "...What?"

"...Fie. I said that outloud, didn't I?" Jon'so said, his face the same shade of red.

"You...You like me?" Luna asked, dazed.

"Yes. I do like you. A lot." He added, awkwardly. He noticed her dazed silence. "Well?"

"What?" Luna asked.

"Do you...like me as well?" Jon'so asked.

"Oh! Yes, I do! I do." Luna exclaimed, excitement in her blushing face. Jon'so smiled in return. However, her face fell into a gentle frown. "But are you sure this is what you want?"

Jon'so frowned. "You've become my closest friend over our entire quest. Being with you brings light to the darkness that I often find myself slipping into. I don't know exactly what I want. I've already lost everything I care about. But now I have you, and I know that, whatever it is I wind up getting, I want you to be a part of it." He smiled, extending a hand out to Luna. "I want you to stand by me, for however long it takes to figure it out."

Luna smiled at Jon'so, and took his hand.


This one was completely pulled out of my ass. I had in the past compared the Jon'so/Luna relationship with Chrom/Sumia, in that canon leaned toward it. However, after writing this chapter, I think, in later chapters not focused on this pairing, I probably won't use this pairing. One of the other pairings has a far more interesting dynamic then this one.

I realize I may be talking down this chapter, but I'm starting to realize that every other conversation with any other of the six characters would have been more interesting. I feel like you guys will agree with me once you actually read the other supports.

Any who, if you like this pairing, all the more to you. Next chapter will catch up with Aln, featuring a surprise cameo and an interesting development.