
Heyyyyyyyyy, it's me! I can hear the shocked gasps everywhere!

So this all started out as a flash entry that got way out of control. I finished it late (I know I know... fail) and couldn't post it for the challenge as I had hoped. But I felt it somewhere in my heart that the extended version had to be posted anyway.

Props to the lovely ladies over at AngstPlayContest on twitter. This flash was originally for their weekly flashfic challenge. Head on over to the blog and check out this week's amazing prompt. Also, you should definitely write for the contest because angst and Coldplay? Those two go together like bread and butter. And since I'm a judge, I'm gonna need allllllllll of your angsty words. Here's a link to the contest blog!

Everyone's been in this fandom long enough to know that S. Meyer owns all of the things. What do I own? All of the mistakes this is sure to have because it's un-preread and unbetad. I do hope you enjoy the little story, nonetheless though. Here we go...


"Hey kiddo, think fast," Mom asked, tugging on my chin and forcing me to look at her. "If there was one place in the world you could exist forever, where would you choose to be?"

"Any where in Europe," I blurted out excitedly. "No wait, Vegas. Or no no, I know. New York City."

Everyone burst out laughing after that. I could never give just one answer and every single time mom would ask this question, my response would be different from the last. I think I may have even said Mars once, back when I was six. But no matter where we were or what we were doing, Bella's would be the same.

"Belle?" Mom posed the same question to my best friend.

"Same as always, Mrs. C; The beach." She'd reply dreamily, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

And I guess it was.

The first time I saw Bella, she was at the beach. She was barely ten years old, but she rode that board and surfed that tide with the finesse of a pro who'd been at it for way more years that she was given. And I liked that. I really enjoyed watching her in her element on that board, but it was the smile on her face while she did it I remember the most about that day. Because not even for one second, was I able to look away from it.

Not that day, or any day after that.

Even now as my arms tighten around the handles of her chair, propelling us both forward, I can't help but think about it. I don't think I've ever forgotten the first day I realized how much being on the water meant to her. And I don't think I ever will.

"No peeking," I whisper against her ear, as the wind whips her hair, slapping it against my face and hers. The smell of fresh water and salt permeates the air so I'm not dumb enough to think that she doesn't know we're at the beach. She probably won't like it, and she'll most likely be pissed, but the tiny sliver of hope I have of seeing that smile again is so so incredibly worth the risk.

I guide her as close as I can to where the waves break against the shore, before applying the lock on the wheels. I circle in front of her and crouch, taking her feet and slipping her flip flops off one by one. When I release the blindfold, Bella's eyes snap in my direction, unfocused with the usual sharpness of uncertainty.

I take her hand in mine and bring it to my lips. Her sun-kissed skin is soft and summer warm as I rub the back of her hand along my cheek, before linking our fingers together.

"I know how much you love this place. I've known it since the first time I laid my eyes on you owning those waves," I pause, wanting to be strong for her, for both of us but I can't fight the tear that escapes, sliding down my cheek traitorously. And even though I know that she can't possibly see it… see me, I know that she isn't blind to anything else. And I've never felt more bared to her than I do right now.

"I wanted to bring you home. To ignite that spark in your eyes again. I needed to see the smile that has haunted me since I was a clueless 13 years old kid. I wanted to bring your heart back to life."

Bella disentangles our fingers and reaches out unsteadily for my cheek. "You are my heart, Edward."

"I know," I answer lamely, clearing my throat against the thick clog of emotion. "I just… happy birthday, Isabella."

Then my lips are on hers though I'm not sure how or when they got there, just that they are. I sigh when I feel her lips responding against mine, desperate for reassurance. With her hands on my jaw, fingers sliding beneath my ear and brushing the too-grown-out hair on the back of my neck, her touch reaches deep inside me and I shiver, holding her close, closer, closest not willing to let go of this moment just yet.

Much too soon, I reluctantly pull away, but never straying far.

"I wanted us to try today," My hand wraps around hers as they shake. I can feel her protest through the tension that stiffens her body "Please, Bella."


"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere and I won't fail you… never again," Even though I vow this to her, I mostly do it to myself. The accident may have left me physically unscathed… a scratch here, a bruise there, but it darn near killed me to stand by and watch it take everything from her.

She's never been back to the beach since. Not once. She refused me every single time I've tried. And I know how much she feels that she has nothing left. Like a prisoner to that chair in a dark world, with eyes that may never see again. But with every single day, I beg God that with his help, I could be the one who pours the life back into her sullen soul.

Without another word, I stand pulling my shirt over my head and resuming my crouch, this time beside her chair. I pull her head gently to my chest. "Wrap your arms around my neck and shoulder, and hang on as tight as you can okay?"

She nods wearily against me and I slip my hands beneath the curve of her knee, hoisting her up against me. I lose balance when I try to stand and Bella whimpers in fear.

"Don't worry. I've got you,"

She sniffles into my chest and her arms tighten around my shoulder as I turn toward the water. My knees threaten to buckle under the burn of her tears as they splatter against my chest. God, I hate that she's hurting, but I also do know that this is how she will begin to heal.

This is her first step.

And she's taking it with me.

Footprints litter the sand behind us as we face the water together, feeling the crash of the waves around us. Bella's shuddering body clings tightly to mine, and I can't help but think that if mom were to ask me right now, where I'd want to be if I could be anywhere in the world… my answer would be this.

It doesn't matter...

As long as it's with her.


Ahhhhh,I know, I know... it's little. As I said it was a flash entry, but hope you enjoyed it anyway. Let me know what you think in a review... or not. I appreciate the time you took to read anyway. :)

Until the next time,

xox Packeh xox