Disclaimer: The characters in my story are borrowed, not owned. If for any reason they must be returned, I will hide and claim I lost them! Just kidding. Seriously I don't own the characters. Just the story. Don't sue me. I'm not worth much.

On with the story...


Kagome sat nervously in the silence of her darkened room. They had entered the room without bothering to touch the lights, and she was thankful. She knew her face held all her emotions. Every ounce of confused guilt gradually grew with the pounding of her heart. She knew hair and sweat told a story of its own and she was thankful she could barely make out the look of disappointment Rin gave her.

"I thought I'd surprise you being able to make the trip, but it seems you've got some surprises of your own..." Rin started. She sat down next to Kagome. They seemed miles away on the plush bed and neither seemed to move in fear of creating awkward and unnecessary noises. Kagome took a deep breath. Where do I even start? There had been so many things running through her mind that she had completely forgotten to take Rin into consideration.

"I don't even have an explanation for you..." Kagome tried.

She did her best to relax and rested her back flat on the mattress. "Sometimes I wish I could lie to you because you deserve to hear the things you want to hear. But you and I... we've always done our best to remain honest and I don't want to ruin that. I have no idea what that was back there..." Kagome covered her eyes with her arm in frustration.

Rin stared at Kagome's tousled hair that seemed to dominate the comforter. She gradually took in Kagome's entire appearance and slightly smiled at her remarkable ability to be beautiful in any circumstance. Rin didn't know which questions to ask and which to avoid. In all honesty, she wasn't truly as mad as Kagome thought she was. And as much as she wanted to know the full story, she was afraid of hearing the parts that didn't consider her feelings.

"I don't know what I expected. I left you alone with dogs. Of course, you were bound to catch fleas." Rin said with a smile, as she turned on the lamp near her. "I just didn't see it happening this fast..." she mumbled to herself.

Kagome gave her a questioning look. Did she have no faith in her from the start? Apparently, she and Rin had different levels of trust for one another.

"Sesshomaru called me often to keep me updated on things," Rin explained. She watched Kagome's face closely to analyze her reaction. Kagome patiently waited for Rin's eyes to meet hers. Rin continued to take in Kagome's appearance, analyzing what to say next. Kagome sat up with a sigh.

"You came for him, not me..." She confronted. Kagome immediately crossed her arms. Rin glared at her daringly.

"So what! You're the one who keeps encouraging me to admit it and I admit it. I wanted to see him..." Rin was exhausted from her flight. The last thing she wanted to do was argue with Kagome over a guy. "But I also wanted to see you! Just not in that scenario...I'm so dis-" Rin wasn't able to finish as Kagome jumped up in agitation.

"Don't you dare be disappointed in me!" Kagome said in a hushed scolding. Rin rose her eyebrow and stood up in front of Kagome to match her glare. Rin stood silent waiting for Kagome to somehow dig herself out of her own grave.

"Sesshomaru said..." Kagome started strong but lost her confidence. She began pacing. "Sesshomaru said Inuyasha has feelings for me... And you! You told me I should go for it if I thought he genuinely cared for me. And now..."

Rin gave a laugh and grabbed Kagome's shoulders to shake some sense into her. "Yeah 'Gome. I did say that... but not here. Not when he's supposed to be with his wife or whatever. Do you know how fucked up this shit is? What if she saw you? What if either of their parents saw..."

Kagome grabbed her face and groaned. "I know... I know... this whole trip is just a mess." She walked over to open the balcony and get some fresh air. Rin slowly joined her as the room was becoming suffocating with all the negative energy swarming.

"You don't even care that I kissed him?" Kagome lightly questioned.

"I care that you looked like a slut. There's a time and a place Kagome..." Rin chided. "I want you to want better for yourself."

"He's just so... addicting. I do my best Rin, I really do. And one way or another, those Takahashi boys win every time." Kagome explained. Rin squinted her eyes a bit and sat on one of the ottomans outside. She looked at Kagome once more wondering what else Kagome was keeping from her.

"Boys.. as in...plural?" Rin verified. Kagome's eyes lit up in the biggest puppy dog way she could muster. She bit her lip and wondered why Sesshomaru didn't mention anything during those frequent calls he apparently made to Rin.

"So... I'm kinda sorta dating-but-not-dating Sesshomaru..." Kagome dragged out. Rin began to raise her hand to smack her on the head. "But! It's all a facade so that Kikyo and her dad can be at ease that I'm not a threat to her."

Rin flicked her on the head anyway despite really wanting to smack her.

"So you get in a relationship with my eye-candy all while stealing someone else's fiance?" Rin gritted her teeth while closing her eyes. She did her best to focus on the calming sounds of the waves nearby. Kagome sat down next to her, nearly dominating the small ottoman.

"It sounds awful when you out it like that. Please don't be mad Rin," She coaxed. Kagome reached up to pull her head into a gentle kiss. Rin let out a sigh and rested her head on Kagome's warm forehead. "This could benefit us both," Kagome added.

Rin flew her head back to check Kagome's forehead with the back of her hand. "Kagome... how much have you had to drink today? You're warmer than usual."

Kagome slowly grabbed Rin's wrist to bring her hand to her lips. She kissed her fingers, her wrist, her arm, all while pulling Rin closer. Kagome gave her neck a nuzzle before kissing there as well. "I had enough drinks to admit I need a release...and soon..." Kagome whispered. She continued to work her way up Rin's neck as her hand slowly worked up Rin's thigh. Rin was still a bit irritated with the amount of information she learned today.

"Go call your stupid demon of a boyfriend. If I wasn't here, isn't that who you'd be with now?" Rin pouted. She wanted to be mad at Kagome. She truly did. But it was hard to keep a negative emotion towards the raven-haired girl. She was more annoyed with Sesshomaru for trying to steal Kagome behind her back. He never mentioned this arrangement they had. She wondered if he would ever bring it up or if he assumed Kagome would tell her eventually. Rin let out a soft moan as Kagome's fingers slowly circled her forbidden core.

"I'm glad to be here with you," Kagome whispered. She gave Rin a small nip on her clavicle. Kagome gradually stood up and grabbed Rin's hand to lead her back inside. "If you miss him you can call him Rin," Kagome began again. Rin watched as Kagome removed her blouse slowly. She was curious to know how bad Kagome's hangover would be in the morning. The girl wasn't making any sense.

"Why would I want to call your boyfriend Kagome," Rin asked dramatically. Kagome flinched at her irritation. It would appear Rin cared for Sesshomaru more than she let on. What was this attitude? Annoyance? Pettiness? Kagome pulled Rin into a heated kiss. She slipped down one of Rin's bra straps before breaking for air. Kagome looked her over with more clarity this time. It's jealousy, she realized.

Rin watched Kagome's lips form a sensual smile. "You are mad," Kagome whispered as she pushed the model down onto the bed. Kagome removed her dress and gently descended towards Rin's lips. "I don't like it when my things are taken from me," Rin said simply. She met Kagome's mouth in a hungry kiss. She explored the sides of her ribs and the small of her back before making it to the soft plump skin of her ass. "You're supposed to be mine," Rin broke the kiss to add. She firmly dug her nails into Kagome's flesh. Kagome released an excited gasp breaking. So you do still love me.

"I'll always be yours," Kagome confirmed. She slowly nibbled on Rin's ear. "And just so you know," Kagome whispered while moving Rin's thin layer of lace out of her way. She circled Rin's moistening folds before inserting two fingers. "By default, he's your boyfriend too."

AN: It's been awhile fam! How do you guys feel about me continuing this story? Or are you guys over MB&S? I have more chapters under construction. Lots of twisted, forbidden indulgences. I just want to make sure its even something the fanfic fam wants. Let me know :)

..Until Next Time..

-Ordinary Extra
