
Waylon fell to the floor with a painful thud. He got up quickly and scrambled back a few steps. He almost tripped over the complex webbing of rope along the floor. He looked up at the insane psycho path known as Eddie Gluskin. The insane man who tried to mutilate Waylon to give him a lethal sex change.

He was almost hanged moments ago, but he got lucky when body's began breaking the roof. The weights was pushing on the tangled ropes. The roof broke a second time, sending Waylon reeling a bit. There was a loud sound of blood splattered, meat shredding, and a painful yell. Waylon was still struggling, he had only gotten one large breath of air from the rope going slack for a second.

He was able to turn slightly while hanging. He was started when his hand was grabbed. He looked in shock, seeing Eddie tied in ropes and impaled on a busted pipe. Waylon watched him, trying to swallow at the painful site. Unable to because of the choking rope burning his neck.

"We could have been beautiful." Eddie breathed out. Waylon stared at him, a mix of fear, pain, and sickness stirring in him. The pain in his neck was blocked for a moment when another snap was heard and he dropped.

He was now up and staring at the dead man. The feeling of whirling adrenaline and thrill of living over coming everything else. He let out a re-leaved/ nervous chuckle as he stared up at the body that was slowly bleeding out. He grabbed his camera from the ground, recording it. He wanted to remember the moment this psycho died forever. And when he got out, let everyone else be aware that there was one less sick and insane man free.

He wiped his nose, looking down at the fresh blood in his hand. His nose was feeling incredibly painful. When he touched it, he regretted it after feeling immense pain. He growled as he walked away from the cursed area. His nose was broken and bleeding from Eddies punch.

"fucking Gluskin." Waylon growled as he limped down halls. He jumped and froze when bright lights were shown on him.

"Mr. park … you're alive?" said a recognizable and surprised voice. Waylon glared at the bright light, knowing now that Jeremy Blaire was behind it. Not for long though, he came to stand by Waylon with a wide unsettling grin. Waylon glared back, unable to do anything as he was surrounded by security with guns pointed at him.

"a little injured, but you seem healthy." Jeremy said cheerfully. Waylon glared, wanting so badly to punch his overly happy face.

"i was going to let go all the patients, but seeing you has changed. If I did remove all the patients, I would have to get new ones. That would be such a hassle for me. You can be one of the few I keep for continued research. Ill patch you up and feed you, what do you say?" Jeremy smiled.

"fuck off." Waylon growled, hed rather be shot dead then be a experiment.

"good! glad you agree!" Jeremy said, patting Waylon on the back hard enough to hurt.

"and ill take that. Don't want it to break, do we?" Jeremy said, yanking away Waylons camera. Waylon looked in pain and fear as his camera disappeared from his hands. He went to attack Jeremy, but was yanked away by two large security officers.

He was dragged down halls, yelling and fighting to get free. He was desperate to escape, even contemplating suicide. He was bashing the officers left and right to agitate them into killing him, but he failed at his attempts. He was weak from constantly running with no water to drink or anything to eat since yesterday morning.

He was brought to the lower labs and strapped to a medical bed. Being soon tranquilized for being uncooperative with the doctors. His leg was cleaned and wrapped, his nose fixed, and he was put on a oxygen supply. Breathing was hard on him for his injured throat, yelling down all the halls didn't help either.

He woke a few hours later, unable to move from his strapped position. He held in the strong need to cry. How could have this happened? He was so close to being free. Why him, was this some punishment from god for him working under Murkoff? He was begging in his mind for freedom.

Any freedom from this place would be merciful on him. Death seemed the best solution. No way he could escape again with security everywhere. He tried struggling out of the straps, failing after 5 minutes. He was panting heavily, his throat still healing back to normal.

Doctors came in and brought a large Styrofoam cup to him. He sat up and looked in the cup expecting water, possibly drugged, but found some disgusting green slop. It looked like some blended spinach, mixed with grainy baby food and thick powder. Waylon had no idea he could ever see something look so watery yet dry in all his life. The smell alone made him want to vomit. It was like rotten milk mixed with old fish.

He got as far as he could from the cup. When they got it closer and tried to make him take it, he hid his nose and mouth in the mat. It hurt his nose to do so, but there was no way hed be drinking that junk. He wasn't even sure what it was.

The doctors were yelling at him to convince him it was for his own good. Waylon refused to believe that. they tryed to move him and force him to drink. He refused to let them win, keeping his jaws locked together or hidden from them. Waylon thought he won when the doctors left him alone. He was wrong when a feeding tube appeared, they were going to force feed him.

He struggled and fought off some doctors holding his head. It only delayed the tube being painfully shoved down his throat. The slop was poured down the tube, with a splash of water to help it moved. When it was all down, the tube was yanked out, causing Waylon to gag and almost vomit.

The junk that had just landed in his stomach felt like a lead brick. It made him sick and want to vomit. Although no matter how close he got to vomiting the contents in his stomach refused to move. He laid helplessly in his bed, watching doctors move around him. They checked screens, talked to each other about there personal lives like he wasn't there. Waylon wasn't a person in here, he was just a lab rat. Or plant that people ignore till its dead and laying on the ground.

The sickness in his stomach wasn't getting better. It was getting hard to focus with his stomach cramping up. What the hell was in that junk? He noticed a doctor was near by and looked at them. He hissed in pain when a needle was jabbed into his arm. He yanked on it to try and pull away, but the straps stopped him.

He glared at the doctor, who didn't even notice. Another doctor came with a Styrofoam cup. Waylon swallowed and leaned away from it, wanting no more of that lead thick mud. He was a little releaved by it only being water. He became wary of it however, when the doctors circled around him to watch him drink it.

"its drugged." he thought, glaring at the water. Waylon wanted to drink it, if it contained pain killers or a tranquilizer. He had no idea what could be in it besides that, which is what scared him. A hallucinogen ordered by Jeremy? Some kind of pain inducting nerve chemical? Or maybe some of that hormonal therapy junk.

Waylon swallowed dryly, taking the chance of what ever it could be. He finally realized how thirsty he was when he guzzled all of it. Running around for your life for almost two days can make you dehydrated like that. The purpose of the water soon became known as his body became exhausted and the room was blurring. He was given a sedative, which wasn't that bad. Waylon would rather sleep through most the torture they may put him through.

thank you for reading and please comment. =]

surprise! a prequel to escape! i was going to start this after the sequel, but it kept buzzing in my head, refusing to leave. so i was forced to get it out early. i also wanted to post something special, since my bdays on thursday. i was going to post 2 aftermath chapters, but with starting college and all. so i did this instead. =]

unlike the original and sequel, this one wont be very long. it only shows the horrible experiments Eddie and Waylon went through during the month of experiments. most chaps will be really short, switching between Eddie and Waylon point of view(POV). they wont repeat the original, since they're trapped, and some chaps may have alot of time skips. so forgive me if some chaps are a little confusing.

and it starts just after eddies impalement.

"Why have you forsaken me?

In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken me"

ALSO, unlike the original and sequel, this will require 5 comments(1 per person) per chap to continue!

1 chap = 1 Waylon and Eddie POV