Author's Note: This is mostly a Malachite Twins oneshot, I've been wanting to write about them for a while. Hope you like it! Review if you wish!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the show they belong to, which is RWBY. Roosterteeth owns them, not me!
The Malachite Twins were limping to the bar area of the club. Yang had just fought the two sisters and they needed to patch themselves up elsewhere, as the blonde brawler was fighting Junior. They were sure he could handle himself without them.
"Excuse me?" Miltia called weakly to the bartender, who was cowering behind the bar, leaning her hands on it. "Could you help us?"
The bartender looked over the bar and was taken aback by what he saw.
Melanie was clutching her stomach and had an air of dizziness and nausea around her, a bruise on her forehead and had slight burns on her arms. She sat on a stool, forehead almost pressing against the bar. Miltia also had slight burns on her arms and had little cuts all over her body.
"Yes, of course." the bartender nodded. "What do you need?"
"A paper bag for my sister," Miltia requested, glancing at her sister.
"Yes, ma'am." the bartender grabbed a paper bag from underneath the bar and handed it to Melanie, who threw up in it. "Anything else?"
"A first aid kit, two rags, some ice and a glass of water," Miltia listed, as she knew how to treat their injuries.
"Just a minute." the bartender left the bar area and went to the back room.
When Melanie finished heaving, she put the barf bag in a trash can and sat back down on her stool.
"Could you get me a napkin?" Melanie asked Miltia.
"You could've gotten one while you were up," Miltia muttered under her breath.
"Just get it, Miltia," Melanie commanded, her head snapping in her direction.
"Fine." Miltia walked to the other side of the bar, retrieving a napkin from a box, and gave it to her twin sister. "Here."
Melanie took the napkin and wiped her mouth with it. She handed it to Miltia, who threw it out.
"Here you go, ladies." the bartender came back, handing the twins what they requested.
"Thank you," Miltia thanked the bartender, walking away with her sister, who was drinking the water.
Once they were outside the club, there was an explosion behind them. The club was destroyed on the inside when the twins looked back.
"Do you think Junior's okay?" Miltia asked Melanie.
"I'm sure he's fine," Melanie said. "Can you call our chauffeur?"
"I can't get my phone." Miltia sighed. "My hands are full."
"I'll call him, then." Melanie reached into her boot and pulled out her phone, dialling a number. "Hello, Matt? We need you to pick us up at the club. We can't walk home." She paused, letting the chauffeur speak before talking again. "Injuries. We fought some blondie who put up a fuss. Get here ASAP." Melanie hung up.
"Shouldn't you return that glass?" Miltia looked pointedly at the glass in Melanie's hand.
"It's fine, Miltia." Melanie rolled her eyes. "It's a big club. What's one missing glass? Besides, it's gone anyway."
"If you say so." Miltia sighed, clutching her first said supplies tightly.
The Twins waited for a while in silence.
"Where is he?" Melanie huffed impatiently. "I told him to be here as soon as possible."
"Traffic, maybe." Miltia dismissed the subject.
Their limo came up in front of them about a minute later, the chauffeur opening the door for them.
"Finally!" Melanie said grumpily, getting into the vehicle first.
They arrived at the mansion they lived in with Junior, who somehow made it home before them. The Twins went to Melanie's bedroom to patch themselves up.
The room had dark grey walls and black hardwood floors. There was a white nightstand beside the queen sized bed, which had silvery covers. A light blue lamp sat on the nightstand and a chandelier of the same colour hung from the ceiling. There were three windows with black curtains.
Miltia placed the first aid supplies between them on the bed and decided to treat their burns first.
"I'm going to wet the rags," Miltia announced, going to the en suite bathroom to wet the rags with cold water.
"How bad are the burns?" Melanie asked when Miltia came back and handed her a rag.
"First degree," Miltia said, putting the cold compress on a few small burns, for the rag was large enough to cover them.
"I can't believe the blondie had to use her fire like that," Melanie muttered, putting her rag on a few of her burns as well. "She even singed my dress!"
"I'm sure we'll get back at her in the future, Melanie," Miltia assured her.
After around ten minutes of that, Melanie covered her burns with gauze, as Militia still had to clean her cuts. The doorbell rang.
"Can someone get that?" Junior howled from the living room, watching a sports game.
"You get in the shower," Melanie said to Miltia, grabbing her rag and putting ice on it, placing it on her bruise and standing up. "I'll get the door."
Melanie made her way out of her room. As she descended the grand staircase, the doorbell rang again.
"Be patient!" Melanie called to the door, annoyed. Why did they have to ring twice?
She opened the door, revealing a blonde boy who looked to be seventeen years old. "Who are you and why are you here?"
"I, uh..." The blonde said nervously and Melanie stared him down. "I'm Jaune. I'm here for the transcripts Junior was supposed to give me..." He paused. "Why do you have ice on your forehead?"
"Just a bruise." Melanie sighed, stepping aside, letting him inside and closed the door.
"Were you fighting someone?" Jaune asked her.
"What makes you think that?" Melanie retorted.
"You have bandages on your arms," Jaune said, pointing at her bandages.
"My sister and I were fighting some blondie causing a fuss at a club," Melanie explained, clenching her fist in anger. "She slightly burned us and threw my sister at a glass pillar. The nerve of her..."
"How's your sister?" Jaune asked, concerned.
"She's in the shower cleaning all of her cuts," Melanie said, pointing upstairs.
"Melanie!" Miltia's voice rang throughout the mansion. "I'm done! Who was at the door?"
"Just a guy!" Melanie called back. She turned to Jaune. "Shouldn't you be with Junior?"
"Oh, right! I forgot!" Jaune said in panic. "Where is he?"
"First room on the left." Melanie gestured her hand to the hallway.
"Thanks!" Jaune hurried down the hall. "It was nice meeting you!"
What would he need transcripts for? Melanie thought, raising a questioning brow. She removed the ice and rag from her bruise.
She heard Junior and Jaune talking in his office but didn't listen too closely, not wanting to get in their business. Melanie heard them saying goodbye and Junior wishing the blonde good luck, also hearing Jaune's footsteps approaching.
"Hey again," Jaune greeted Melanie with a smile and a wave, an envelope in his hand.
"Hello." Melanie gave him a wave and a tiny smile back.
"Is this the guy?" Miltia asked Melanie, slowly making her way down the wide staircase. Her arms were bandaged and at her sides.
"Yes, this is Jaune." Melanie gestured to Jaune.
Unexpectedly, Miltia tripped on one of the bottom stairs and started falling forward. Melanie gasped and was about to catch her, but Jaune gave her the envelope and beat her to it.
"H-hi, Jaune..." Miltia blushed. Jaune blushed in return.
"Hey... Are you okay?" Jaune asked Miltia.
"Yes, I'm fine..." Miltia nodded. "I'm Miltiades. You can call me Miltia." She gave him a small smile.
"Nice to meet you, Miltia." Jaune smiled back at her. Miltia giggled softly.
Melanie was looking at the envelope during their exchange. It read Jaune Arc in cursive.
"So, mister Arc," Melanie said loudly, clearing her throat. "Don't you have places to go?" She waved the envelope at him.
"Oh, right! I do!" Jaune set Miltia down and took the envelope from Melanie.
"I'll get the door for you." Miltia opened the door for him, letting him through.
"Thanks, Miltia and Melanie!" Jaune called over his shoulder. "Nice meeting you two!"
Miltia waved at him and closed the door.
"He's a nice guy," Miltia commented, looking at her twin.
"Yeah, he sure was," Melanie agreed.