Nineteen year old Akira and Annabelle sat around and were playing some video games Akria was able to buy at GameStop and of course one of them was the Devil May Cry HD Collection. "Hey Annabelle", the long dark haired girl said, "Have you ever heard that girls who have bought this game go missing?" "Yeah", Annabelle said twirling her short light brown hair, "Some of the missing girls even came from our school. It kinda makes you wonder if we are next" As soon as she said that, the lights began to flicker and the TV suddenly shut off. "Aw c'mon", Akira said, "but it's weird though, the sun is out, must be a power outage" She got up and placed a hand on her TV screen and as if by magic, her hand went through, making her quickly pull it back as Annabelle said, "Whoa! Time out! I didn't know your TV could do that!"
"It's never done that", Akira said as Annabelle jumped up and placed her hand through the TV replying, " Either way, this is fun!" Annabelle felt something on her arm and when she pulled it out, a skeleton arm covered in black torn cloth came out, making both girls yelp in fright. The arm tightened its grip and began to pull Annabelle into the TV, screaming for the arm to let her go. Akira tried to get her friend free but it was no avail as they were both dragged into the TV. "A-Akira", Annabelle said in a panicked tone, "What do we do?" "What CAN we do?! This like Persona 4 here", Akira shouted as they both yelled with a bright light shining in their eyes when things suddenly went black.
"Hey wake up!", a voice said causing Akira to open her emerald colored eyes and glance up at a man around her age with white hair and ice blue eyes, wearing a red jacket, dark colored pants and combat boots. She automatically recognized the person as none other then Dante as she lifted herself up and saw herself in a new outfit. It was a golden tank top with a red leather sleeveless shirt with a golden belt that had a katana that reminded her of Sasuke's from her favorite anime Naruto, she saw she was in a dark red and black mini-skirt that went to the mid-point of her thighs with black leggings that went to the top of her knees, fingerless gloves that were red, and to finish it off she wore red and black western boots with a quiver on her back. 'Someone is playing a trick on me', she thought as she asked, "Where am I?" Dante just looked at her and said, "I saw you fall from the sky and I tried to yell at you but you didn't wake" "There was another girl with me, did you see her?" Dante nodded his head and said, "Yeah but the Hell Vanguard took her to that tower over there" He pointed to a large tower that she recognized as Temen-ni-gru, making her stand up and say, "Well, in any case I'm going to save her"
"Yeah like you're just going to waltz in on the party uninvited", Dante said, standing up and eyeing her from her long dark brown hair to her western boots and continued, "I'm going with you" She let out a heavy sigh and said, "I have no intention to argue with you so, let's go then. Name's Akira" Dante just gave her a smirk and said his name, "Dante, sweetheart" With that, he walked forward to the tower with Akira blushing a dark red from him calling her a 'sweetheart' as he said out loud, "No doubt you've got some fun planned for me. Right, Vergil?"