A/N - I bet y'all are excited! A sequel to 'I'd Come Back For You' has officially been confirmed! :) So, to be quite honest with you, I have no idea where I'm going with this sequel. It's mostly just going to be a crazy, made up as I go along, kind of fic... This is my Christmas present to you guys by the way :D So, enjoy this epilogue, and I'll explain more at the end ;) - Enjoy

Clementine walked through the main building of Howe's Hardware. She had just been up in the main office with Jane and Luke. She had been discussing what job changes they were making, since she complained that she didn't get enough time with AJ.

"I miss him…" Clementine put on her best puppy dog eyes. Randy had only just left, claiming that the eleven year old was 'their problem', not his. Jane sat in Carvers old chair while Luke leaned against the desk, smirking at the girl.

"You see him every day, Clem…" Jane said, rolling her eyes at the child's silly request.

"But I never get to spend time with him! He always with Mike and Bonnie! Even Patricia gets to spend more time with him than me, and she has less time on her hands!" the curly, raven haired girl explained.

Luke looked over his shoulder to Jane and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see why not…" he admitted, trying to get Clementine the two hour extra time that she begged for.

Jane made it clear that everyone could have one hour in the morning, one hour for lunch, and one hour after dinner to do what they please; as long as one person took watch while the others did what they pleased during their breaks.

"You two have only been here for three days and already you're trying to make changed to my rules?!" she gasped, before giggling quietly to herself and staring down at her hands on the desk.

Clementine turned her attention away from Luke and Jane, and turned to the left to see AJ sleeping in the crib Randy had made before her and southern man had arrived. She could hear Luke and Jane whispering at the desk.

"Fine!" Jane sighed, shaking her head as Luke turned away from her with a satisfied smile. "Done and done!" he whispered, winking at the girl he had been through so much with. She gave him a thankful smile back and turned her gaze to Jane.

"You can have the extra time! But that means, during whatever times you choose, you are in charge of AJ. You need to keep him safe, feed him if he's hungry, change his diaper, and keep him entertained." Jane listed off all the chores Clementine had just gotten added into her daily routine. She was about to come up with another excuse, but AJ waking up and starting to cry stopped her.

Luke approached the baby and lifted him out of the crib. "Shhh…" he tried to shush the boy, but AJ showed no signs of stopping.

A smirk appeared on Jane's face. "Give him to Clem. She can have her two hours now." She told Luke, who showed a similar smirk to Jane's on his face, and handed the baby to the eleven year old.

AJ stopped crying straight away and gurgled like the sweetheart he was, his brown eyes locked onto Clementine's. She pulled her attention away from him and turned to the grown-ups across from her.

"Piece of cake…"

Now, Clementine looked down at the baby in her arms, who played with the fabric of her new hoodie Patricia had given her on her first day back at Howe's. She had been gifted with new clothes while Luke's leg was being patched up after Randy shot him.

Carver had obviously been keeping a lot of useful supplies hidden away, as even Bonnie had no idea he owned so many garments and weapons. They were loaded at the hardware store; for now anyway. Carver was also prepared for AJ's arrival, as he had piles among piles of baby food and formula.

The eleven year old was making her way to the pen, to play with Gill while he was having his lunch break. "You're getting bigger, Alvie!" she cooed, making the boy squeal up at her and give him a loving, gummy smile.

She walked through the gate, which was now constantly opened, and waved at her peer. "Clem! I got another color. I found a green pencil on one of the shelves earlier!" Gill shouted over to the girl.

"What are you drawing this time?" she asked, taking a seat next to him and holding AJ close.

"Here I drew a dinosaur eating Mike; which he wasn't very happy about when I showed him…" he handed a page to Clementine which had a green colored Dinosaur with a pair of blue trousers and black boots sticking out of its mouth in a comical manner. "…And now, I'm drawing me and you fighting off some walkers!" he exclaimed, sticking out his tongue as he added a few extra things into the picture.

Gill was the complete opposite of Sarah. He was so full of confidence and loved pushing Jane's rules to the limit. He had been told to not go through things on the shelves that littered the store in case he got hurt, but that didn't stop him from hunting the whole building; shelves and all, for some new colors to draw with.

"These are really cool!" Clementine announced, admiring his picture of him and her.

"I know!" he always took pride in his works. That was one of the things Clementine liked about her new friend.

"Gill!" Mike called from the gate.

"Yeah…?" the eleven year old boy asked, already preparing to leave for his next job.

"You're with me in the armory now." The black man said, smiling like a fool as usual. He had obviously been with Bonnie recently…

"Later, Clem!" Gill left the pen with Mike, leaving Clementine by herself with AJ next to the fence. "What do you wanna do, Alvie?" she asked, already being bored with no one who could articulate out loud to talk with.

She lifted the baby up under the arms and put his feet on the ground. "Look AJ! You're walking!" she laughed as the boy bobbed up and down in her arms; as if he really was trying his hardest to walk.

"Jump!" she whispered, lifting Alvin Junior into the air as she too stood up.

"…ump!" AJ's, almost, first word made Clementine cheer him on. "You almost spoke! This is the biggest thing that's happened since you were born!" she gasped, speed walking out of the pen in search of someone to break the news to.

She walked back up to Jane's office, but was quickly shooed away, being told that her, Luke, Patricia and Randy were having an adult conversation. She knew Mike and Gill where in the armory, but she didn't think they'd be as excited as the girls would, so she made her way to the roof in search of Bonnie.

"Bonnie!" she called, as she quickly, but carefully, made her way up the stairs leading to the roof. "Clem? What's go you so cheery?" the red haired woman yelled, watching her little friend come onto the roof with the youngest member of the group in her arms.

"You're never gonna guess what?!" the girl gasped, hopping AJ up and down in her arms.

Bonnie came down from the chair that had been neatly sat on the highest point of the roof, facing out into the car park, and approached Clementine with her rifle at her hip. "What?" she asked, amused by the usually cranky and strong headed young girls excitement.

"AJ almost said his first word! He tried copy me by saying 'Jump', but he only said 'ump'." Clementine explained, smiling down at the boy in her care.

Bonnie chuckled quietly before putting her hand on the almost bald baby boy's head. "Is someone trying to be like his big sis?" she asked, in as much of a baby voice she could muster to make AJ laugh.

An idea sprung to Clementine's mind as she sat AJ in her arms, so he was looking up at her, and gave him a small smile. "Alvie, can you say 'Clem'?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

He gurgled playfully at her and reached his hands up to her face. "I don't think he-" Bonnie's negative view on the situation was quickly cut short when AJ's incomprehensible babble turned to silence, followed by a delighted squeal of "Cem!" just as his fingers brushed against her cheeks.

Both girls were surprised by his sudden talkative state, but Clementine quickly brushed the shock aside and replaced it with pride. She squeezed him into a light hug and giggled quietly while Bonnie remained mute from next to her.

"See, Bonnie?" Clementine said, watching the amazement dance around in Bonnie's blue eyes. The woman put her hands out, indicating she wanted to hold the infant, so Clementine handed him over.

His face went blank, almost as if he was saying 'Hey! I wanted to stay with her!'

"Can you say, Bonnie?" she asked, watching his face remaining the same. "I guess not…" the southern woman mumbled, giving Clementine a halfhearted smile.

The eleven year old could see the disappointed on Bonnie's face, so she put her hand on her shoulder and offered her some kind words. "It's okay, Bonnie. He's still only a baby; he technically didn't even say any words yet! We might have to wait a little longer before he starts picking up on proper words…" she explained.

Bonnie smiled at the girl, genuinely this time. "It's great having you back, Clem. Luke too!" she said, changing her grip on the boy.

He suddenly started whining, which Bonnie took as changing time. "He has to be changed, Clem. You wanna do it? Jane told me you're in charge but, heck, if I was your age, I wouldn't want to touch a dirty diaper." She asked, smirking at the kid as she pulled a disgusted face.

Bonnie was right, Clementine didn't want to touch AJ's dirty diaper. "Would you do it?" she asked, almost begging.

Bonnie chuckled and handed her gun to Clementine.

The girl was surprised and as Bonnie made her way for the door that led downstairs, she called out for her. "I don't know how to shoot one of these!" she exclaimed.

"If you see any walkers, just stay quiet and they'll pass. If a person comes by, just scare them into thinking you're armed and ready to shoot!" with those last few tips, Bonnie and AJ were gone, leaving Clementine by herself on the roof of Howe's Hardware store.

She took a seat on the chair Bonnie had been sitting on a few minutes before.

Clementine stared out into the car park, thinking about the things that she had gone through in the woods that surrounded the settlement. She remembered all the bad things first, like Kenny's death, being shot by Arvo, nearly losing Luke in the frozen lake…

She managed to put them thoughts in the back of her head as she found the positive memories she had managed to save. She had saved Luke from drowning, protected the picture of Lee from being destroyed by the elements or being devoured by walkers, she learned to drive, AND she survived being shot! These were all things to be proud of, things she was proud of.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she was something, or someone, emerge from the trees cautiously. She stood up and lifted the rifle up so it was aimed at the person.

She cleared her throat and waited for the figure, which she could finally identify as a male, got closer. "Stop!" she yelled, causing the boy to stop walking and raise his hands in surrender.

Their eyes locked, the boys baby blues staring straight into Clementine's amber eyes.

The boy couldn't have been older than twelve or thirteen. He had a brown, leather jacket on, draggy jeans, a red bag on his back and black converse. His blonde hair was pushed back off his face; almost like Nick's hair had been, except shorter.

"I'm not any trouble!" he shouted up to Clementine, somewhat unaffected by the gun pointed in his direction.

"Who are you?" the girl asked, confident that she sounded much more threatening that she actually was.

"My name's Adam." He stated proudly, squinting his eyes to get a better look at the girl on the roof.

"Have fun and I'll Seeya in a while - Adam." Clementine thought back to the notes she had in her bag that her and Luke found at the ski lodge.

"I'm looking for my sister, Liv. Did she come through here?" Adam asked, putting his hands down and smiling hopefully at the girl guard above him.

"Liv's disappearance has affected him dearly." Clementine knew this was definitely the guy from those notes.

She slowly lowered her gun. "Go around the building to the door at the back. I'll let you in." she shouted down to him. With a small nod of his head, he started making his way around the building.

Clementine thought about what the others might say when they found out she invited a stranger inside. Hopefully Luke would stick by her side when he realised Adam was the kid mentioned in the notes and tape recording they had found.

She sighed loudly before walking to the door leading downstairs. Clementine hoped she didn't just make the biggest mistake of her life, letting this boy into the settlement that held the people most close to her in it.

Only time would tell…

A/N - So.. You like? :) I'm not going to be uploading the first chapter for some time, so that gives EVERYONE a chance to pitch in and give their idea's! In the reviews share your plots, with me and each other, of what you think should happen throughout this fic! Don't forget to follow because I will upload an ALERT CHAPTER here to let everyone know when the fic has begun and give you the name (since I'm still coming up with it) So, EVERYONE, please leave your ideas for an interesting plot, maybe a title (and communicate with each other too) in the reviews, and I'll see you all soon! Merry Christmas!