Farkas took a deep breath of the salt air. He'd never left Skyrim, not in his entire life. He'd wondered about the world outside of the provinces, read books, and listened to Sara's fond reminiscing of Hammerfell, but he'd never actually left. He couldn't say he was thrilled about breaking the trend.

They hadn't really had a choice though, not with the threats looming down on them from all sides. Alduin the World Eater was as dead as a dragon could be, and random dragon attacks had lessened considerably. But Thalmor assassins had been bearing down on them every step of the way, enraged by Sara's infiltration and subsequent ransacking of their embassy. To say nothing of how she'd ended the Civil War and ruined their plans for that can of worms. Farkas and Sara hadn't been able to set foot in Markarth for a month before their departure.

And then there were the cultists. After the first attack, they'd thought nothing of it, just another enemy in the Club Of People Who Want The Meddling Do-Gooders Dead. But the attacks had persisted, and became increasingly frequent and consistent. After a nasty incident involving a dragon, some Vigilants of Stendarr, a vampire, three of the aforementioned cultists, and a Dark Brotherhood assassin, Sara had called it quits.

They decided to go to take the Northern Maiden to Solstheim and investigate the cultist attacks, while Tullius tried to calm down the Thalmor situation. Farkas didn't know much of the land, just that it used to be part of Skyrim, and it was very dry in most places. He assumed Sara would feel right at home, hailing from a desert land, but didn't know how he would cope himself.


Sara leant over the deck, gazing sullenly at the waters below. The nightmares were starting again. She'd had them during that business she did for Septimus Signus. They'd stopped about a week after she read the Oghma Infinium though. In them she was in a strange plane of oblivion. Murky, green hued water covered the ground, and all the structures were made of pages. There was completely illegible writing on them, not due to a foreign language or bad handwriting, but because the ink itself kept shifting and changing before her eyes.

Sometimes she'd travel through this realm. Other times she'd converse with some sort of creature, made of inky blackness, and writhing tentacles, and eyes that seemed to simultaneously look at her and through her. She never remembered the conversations upon waking.

She sighed and turned so her back rested against the planks. She lifted a hand to rest on her stomach. And then there was that other troubling piece of business….

'Have you ever been to Morrowind?' She looked up and immediately smiled. Farkas was standing over her, one large, calloused hand covering his eyes. He'd been more than understanding when she'd decided to lay low in Solstheim for a while. She'd need to reward him properly when they got to an inn.

'No I haven't.' She replied. 'But my older brother-the trader? Has. He says it can be incredibly peaceful in some places.' Farkas nodded in acknowledgement. He moved forwards to take her into his arms and they watched the faraway landmass grow closer and more distinguished.

It was then and there that Farkas decided that whatever came next, he would bear if it gave Sara peace of mind. He could feel the weariness in her frame, see the bags under her eyes. He would go to all corners of Nirn and beyond for her.

'Farkas?' She murmured, almost sleepily.

'Yeah? What is it?' The words were on the tip of her tongue. She should tell him. He would find out sooner or later.

The Dragonborn chickened out, swallowed the words and instead she said

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

About the title in bold-I literally can't think of a better way to express time or place change. Everything else i've tried disappears in copy-and-paste. Sorry if it's weird.