"No!" Bright apple green eyes snapped open as their owner jolted awake gasping for air. Sweat glistened off pale ivy skin, heart hammering away like a beating drum and the feeling of pure fear swept over their soul. Wildly looking around the dark empty bedroom for any traces of a intruder only not finding any, it happened again. Eight years worth of nightmares still plague the young twenty year old woman's dreams, the exact same nightmare of the night her beloved parents were murdered.

Killed in front of her at the young tender age of twelve because of what she truly is since birth, a prophecy child capable of extraordinary gifts. This gifts were both a blessing and a curse depending on the person who holds them, sadly she's in-between. She doesn't want them nor wish to abuse such raw power, the powers passed down from generation after generation to the females. She's lived in fear for a very long time.

"I was...only dream again." Still gasping for air she pressed a hand onto her wet sticky forehead, why does each dream seem so very real?

Each night she would wake up exactly two thirty six am and couldn't find enough will power to fall back asleep. Physically she cannot find the power to fall back asleep only to wake up an hour later in the same state she's in right now at this moment. Tossing aside the blankets from her body Alita Janson stood up walking slowly across cold wooden floor boards towards the kitchen. Flicking on the light switch allowing the room to be flooded with light, empty as always. Quickly grabbed a glass cup then fill it to the brim with cold tap water.

'I really need to relax now.' Slowly gulping down the cool refreshing drink in five large gulps then re-fill it once again. Alita shakily sighed drifting to her cold leather couch sinking into the cold material, not at all bothered at it's cold smooth texture. Her apple green eyes narrowed at her off television screen, she's not in the mood for television.

Apple green eyes drifted towards a glass display case further away from the entertainment unit. Inside proudly holding in plain view was one extremely important part of her dream, two silver deadly pair of sais. Both hilts were bound in black and red cool hard leather handles and ancient symbols.

In each dream she was holding them while facing strange evil looking creatures circling her snarling madly with saliva dripping down their chins. In the end of each dream they had each limb before literally tearing her apart with one pull.

"No. It's all a dream, a very bad nightmare. I am not being torn apart. I am alive." Alita bowed her head down grabbing clumps of black raven hair.

A growl escaped her throat as Alita stood up storming angrily back into the bedroom she came out of moments ago. Sitting innocently by a digital alarm clock sat a small white bottle labeled with her own name and doctor's name, sleeping pill the strong kind. Un-screwing the lid shaking out two small white pills laying on her flat hand. Crawling back into her now cold bed Alita blankly stared them.

Sleeping pills were a last resort but tonight is different. Throwing them in her mouth swallowing the dry pills down.

"Stupid pills." Her head hit soft fluffy silk covered pillows she waited till the wave of drowsiness to hit full on. Eventually it did hit and she passed out in a dreamless state until morning.

Following Morning.

Alita sat alone in a local bus ignoring the people around her as they piled in.

Staring blankly out of a dirty un-washed window drumming thin black nail polished fingernails against the hard cover book's page as she read peacefully without interruptions. Another dark dismal rainy day for little old Bludhaven also slightly chilly. Bludhaven is always dark like it's bitch of a sister Gotham City, both cities were infested with crime and drug lord scumbags. At least there's a ray of hope for Bludhaven, a vigilante named Nightwing. He alone protects this city fighting crime each night like a silent guardian angel.

At least there's one man who can do the un-imaginable showing everyone even one man can make a difference.

Her eyes narrowed slightly spying a police car turning a corner, that's another thing that plagues her mind at night. Bludhaven's police force is also larger in numbers like Gotham City. The top paying yet extremely dangerous number one job in both cities were in fact police officers. She doesn't have the guts to be a officer even if they were well payed and a great health care package bonus. Alita's happy being a cleaner for a hotel, not fancy but it's a reasonably safe job.

"Next stop!"

Standing up pulling a slightly worn out handbag over her shoulder the young woman held onto a support pole pressing the stop button. Once the crowded bus came to a complete halt she casually walked out. Dressed in a white collared button down shirt under a black knee high uniform cleaners dress and black flats on her feet. Black hair pulled up into a stylish french bun held together by heaps of black pins. Work is just up a monstrous hill near traffic works, start at nine finish by six pm.

As she turned around about to make the climb up that stupid bloody annoying hill a random man passed her and roughly grabbed her bag's straps.


"Let go you bitch!" He used a open hand slapping her harshly across the mouth. A painfully squeal escaped her mouth as she accidentally let go allowing the man to make a run for it. Losing her footing Alita fell onto the pavement.

"Thief! Thief! Someone please catch him!"

People gasped and yelled as he shoved past them running like a mad man trying to get a clean get away. A police officer casually strolled out of a bakery carrying a fresh hot box of donuts and a cardboard tray of freshly brewed coffee. His attention immediately snapped at the mugging.

"Hey stop!" He dropped his precious morning treats running in hot pursuit of the on going crime. He ran weaving through people quickly gaining speed.

"Oh fuck a cop!" The man wearing a hoddie jumper cursed trying to gain more speed only to be spear tackled into the ground. Hands behind his back as the police officer clasped on a pair of metal handcuffs onto his wrists, digging his knee into the criminal's spine.

"Think you can steal from a lady now." The officer then started giving the criminal his Miranda rights while yanking him onto his feet as two other officers took him away towards their police cruiser.

Alita watched on still mermaid style on the ground. She cannot believe that she was almost mugged, what the hell? If he wanted some money for a hot meal or a possible place to sleep she would have given up some money. Apple green eyes watched on as her savior picked up her old second hand blue handbag and walked towards her. Once in front of her he offered a hand.

"Are you alright miss?"

"Yes...Yes I am alright. Thank you officer for getting my bag back." She accepted allowing him to gently pull her up off the cold wet ground.

"I am sorry that happened to you. Sadly anyone would do anything to get their fix in this city." He handed over the bag which she slowly accepted.

"Yeah I know. People will do anything to support their terrible habit even by stealing. Thank you again." She smiled up at him sweetly.

"Don't mention it. Happy to help a pretty lady like yourself, apart of my job." He winked smiling down at the woman who barely reached his shoulders.

"...Sorry but I am now running late for my own job. Thank you again." She attempted to walk away only hearing shuffling feet approaching her from behind until he was casually walking beside her. Taking a side ways glance she looked at his appearance. Shaggy black hair about neck length with bangs peaking out from his police hat. Bright everlasting blue eyes nicely bringing out his handsome facial features. Wearing a white collared button down police shirt, black jacket and black pants with a belt holding his gun, a torch, a taser and a police radio. On his feet were lace up black shiny shoes made for running yet still had a comfortable look. Needless to say he was extremely handsome especially in his work uniform.

"Where do you work at?" Oh great his trying to start a conversation and possibly information out of her.

"I work at the hotel up the hill, The Blue Orchid Hotel. I am a cleaner there." Alita shrugged not exactly caring if he started laughing at her job. In this city at least she's proud enough to say she actually has a job.

"Really? Oh cool I suppose you get to meet some famous people and go through their stuff." He chimed smiling down.

"I've seen a few but I actually respect their privacy enough to not go through their personal belongings, that's just disrespectful and very rude. Isn't it a crime to do that?"

"Actually yes it is. Invasion of privacy and kinda like stealing in a way."

Alita nods staring ahead not huffing or puffing out of breath as they went up that freaking hill. Why in the hell is he still following her? Wait a minute is a police officer stalking her? Ooh that's gonna be a freaking excellent court case if she's not a total bitch by reporting him to another officer. Meh at least his sort of keeping a reasonable distance away from her personal bubble.

"Do you live here?"

"You mean in Bludhaven?"



"Born here?" He asked curiously following the odd cleaner.

Alita frowned looking up over her shoulder at him with bored eyes.

"No I wasn't born here. My mother is from Australia and my father is believe it or not from Romania, he was a gypsy apart of a traveling caravan. They met when my mother went there for her twenty first birthday and eventually fell in love, got married and had me a year later. To answer your question properly I was born in Australia-Brisbane. I moved here only recently." Alita stopped at a crossing pressing the button on a pole beside her waiting for the red man to turn green.

"No way too cool. Your half Australian and half Romanian, wow amazing.

I am Romanian." He beamed happily almost excited like a child hearing that the clouds are made from cotton-candy.

"You don't say." The man turned green and they walked across the road ignoring car horns loudly beeping by angry drivers.

"Hey I never asked what's your name. My name is Richard John Grayson but everyone calls me Dick."

"Nice to meet you Dick. My name's Alita Mary Janson."

Dick's smile strangely softened greatly after hearing her middle name, does he know a Mary or something about that name made him look strangely happy? Well she's not asking that question, work is in plain view and her manager stood outside looking pissed off.

"Alita Mary Janson eh? Well I wont be forgetting your name anytime soon. Hey is that your boss standing outside looking ready to explode?" Dick asked looking at the elderly man wearing a fancy business suit staring down at his wrist watch.

Alita sighed nodding at his question. "Yeah that's my boss, I am in so much trouble." Great today not only did she almost get mugged by a criminal but it about to receive a tongue lashing from her head boss. Dick frowned straightening up his uniform before walking forward.

"Officer Grayson?" She tried running after him.

"Call me Dick."

"Dick please don't make this any worse as it already is! I can handle him fine on my own." Alita cannot believe she's actually being him not to make a scene.

"Hmm nah I can handle this." He grinned over his shoulder before stopping in front of her boss.

"Can I help you officer?" Mr Boss Man asked curiously yet flinched noticing Dick's well built body and tall height. Alita stood beside Dick softly panting from jogging up that freaking hill even more, it's steep as hell.

Dick's face turned serious as he nod, "Everything is fine sir. I was just escorting this young lady here after she almost got mugged only a half hour ago. She's a little shaken up about it still."

Mr Boss blinked in surprise as he looked down at his youngest cleaner in shock surprise.

"Oh well then I suppose I cannot be mad at that officer. Miss Janson is after all normally very quiet and a well respected cleaner here in this fine hotel. It's a shocker to hear that someone so young almost got mugged. Well then Miss Janson please come inside and have a cup of coffee in the staff room until you feel well enough to continue your daily duties."

Alita nods timidly. "Yes Sir. I am so sorry being late, it will not happen again I assure you." Great just great first time ever in her track history for being late once, all time low on her perfectly straight score. Damn freaking junkie!

Dick smiled shaking hands with Mr Boss. "Thank you for being understanding about Miss Janson's tardiness today."

"No problem at all officer."

"All in a days work.

Alita looked over her boss's shoulder frowning heavily.

"Thanks again Officer Grayson." The frown was replaced by a sly grin as his mouth twitched slightly fighting down a frown.

"Be careful next time Miss Janson. I cannot always be around to rescue you during your damsel in distress moments."

Oooohhh burn!

Alita glared at him as Dick walked away waving a hand over his shoulder while smiling smuggling knowing that she got burned. Mr Boss pressed a hand on her shoulder looking down into her bright eyes.

"Miss Janson are you alright?" His voice full of heavy concern.

Alita nods "Of course sir. I shall start my duties immediately!" Time is money and standing around outside isn't exactly bringing money into her account now.

"I admire you. Not many women would won't to work after being apart of a mugging. Very well go inside clock on and start work effective immediately."

Alita nods walking inside the hotel ready to leap straight into work and she's so ready to get down and dirty!

Eight Pm

"I over did it again. Oh my back kills!" Groaning Alita walked towards her apartment door carrying a large brown paper bag of food.

After work which finishes at six she quickly walked out of work before one of the cleaning girls could offer a ride home after hearing about this morning's incident. Work spreed fast especially in a their so called little family. Pffftt well she's not a charity case, shit happens and their all living in Bludhaven. Of course someone's gonna get mugged eventually! Sadly enough that person was her, damn her short height!

Alita sighed feeling tired and hungry ready to sink her teeth into the new cereal she bought. Well come on she goes three three maybe four boxes a week, cereal's the best food ever!

'I am gonna go in have a freaking hot shower, eat my cereal and then crawl into bed early!' Settling down the paper bag beside her feet before un-zipping the handbag and search for apartment keys. Man this bag might be small but gosh it has alot of junk inside. There's a cheap looking wallet, a old badly scratched up mobile phone, packet of gum, a book, perfume, a personal lady bag and a hand mirror. Also two mars bar wrappers, bus tickets, cheap red lip gloss, small hand sanitizer bottle and her old missing sunglasses.

"The fuck? Where's my damn keys?!" Alita made a small whimpering noise that sounded like a cute little puppy after being kicked.


"Missing something?"

Oh shit.

Alita looked up over her shoulder with tired droopy eyes to see none other that Officer Grayson standing behind her holding her keys with one finger. Now she's worried that his stalking her. Too bad she's too damn tired to care right now, maybe tomorrow.

"Yeah my keys." Handing out a open hand expecting him to hand them over.

"You dropped them after the mugging, the clip broke off. Next time Alita put them in your bag." Dick grinned handing them over. Wait a minute. Why is he also carrying a paper bag of food and had his own set of keys out as well? Oh no please don't say that his actually her neighbor?!

"Oh that's right I clipped it on my bag handle, shit. Well thanks again for I don't know nor care how many times today." Waving a dismissive hand she tried opening her door while blinking rapidly.

Dick chuckled leaning against the apartment door on her left hand side.

"Now I know who's the responsible why I rarely get any hot water.

Honestly I am surprised that your my neighbor Alita, I was kinda expecting a elderly couple or something."

Alita used her foot to open the door wider. Bending down picking up her food then stood up straight looking at him blankly.

"I was expecting my neighbor to be a chef or at least a good looking teacher. Then I'll have a reason not to buy sugar."

Dick winced pressing a hand on his chest while looking mockingly insulted at her statement.

"Ohh ouch! Your implying that I am not a good looking guy who you can borrow a cup of sugar from? Ohh the shame of it all. Officer Grayson's sugar isn't worthy enough for little Miss Damsel in Distress. My heart bleeds at such cruel words." He smirked wiggling his eyes brows.

A giggle escaped her smiling mouth, for a police officer he sure is funny.


"Well then I'll stop buying sugar so I can at least get to see you more often. You cant resist seeing this charmingly handsome face." Winking playfully while doing his chest charming smile that's wooed females over millions of times past and present.

"Just don't walk near my windows and mirrors then stud. I don't need to see your ugly mug shattering my things now. I can't replace them all with the money I make." Alita snorted as he deflated in defeat head hung down in rejection. Well isn't this interesting a female who's not fawning over him. Maybe she doesn't know who he is exactly, hopefully. If she did then things would have gone a lot smoother in the flirting department. He cannot help not denying that she is indeed strangely attractive even if she's the one teasing him.

"Touche also very harsh. I thought we were friends Alita." Pouting he crossed his arms looking away pretending to be hurt. A smug smile crossed his face as she giggled cutely at his childish antics, he had to admit she had a cute giggle.

"Well it's nice knowing that an officer's living next door, I feel safer at night now. Nice seeing you again Officer Grayson but I am starving."

"Good night Princess."

"Princess?" Her face twisted in confusion and slightly disgusted being nicknamed Princess. She watches enough Disney movies to know that's not exactly a good thing on her part.

Dick grinned looking up, "Well Damsel in Distress is a mouthful now isn't it? It's easier saying Princess because they also need saving eventually, well more than the other. Any who good night Alita and save me some hot water once in awhile!"

"No promises. I love having a very hot bath." Alita snorted as he raised an eyebrow.

"Really? So do I. Hey I got an idea why don't we be shower buddies!" He smirked as her face morphed into a expression of compete horror at his so called idea. Hell to the no. Shower time is her time and there's not way she's sharing hot water with Officer Grayson any time soon.

Alita frowned slamming her apartment door closed after shouting out, "Never!"

Dick laughed opening his own apartment door walking inside laughing. Well at least this neighbor is fun to annoy and is pretty crafty with timing and words. Snorting he muttered "Shower buddies huh? You could have come up with something better than that. Great now she thinks I am a creepy pervert or something along those lines. Oh well looks like I am having a early dinner, a quick shower then go on patrol tonight. Rumor has it a large cargo ship is carrying illegal contraband and weapons tonight by the docks. Ugh another late night again." Groaning he kicked the door shut after stepping into his apartment.

Two hours passed by after showering and eating two bowls worth of cereal. Alita sat on her couch wearing a white pair of sleep pants decorated with little mini black roses, a blue sports bra and bare foot. So far she's waiting for the right moment to get revenge on a certain officer next door. He hasn't turned the shower on yet. Reading a book silently Alita's ears perked up hearing running water from next door since the walls are thin as hell. Slyly smiling she got up running towards her bathroom, sat on the bathtub and turned the hot water tap.


Alita laughed as Dick's loud booming voice was clearly heard from her bathroom walls thin plaster job. Knocking a fist on the wall to hopefully gain his attention.

"Nah it's revenge for the princess nickname!" Again she started playing with the tap turning it on then off a dozen times just to hear him scream. Damn if she knew having a neighbor was this much fun, she would have introduced herself sooner then later.



Biting her upper lip playfully she waited a minute before turning the tap again.


Leaning against the wall she laughed holding onto her stomach in fits of pure laughter, face bright red. Five minutes later someone started pounding on her front door harshly causing her to yelp jumping slightly in surprise.

"Eh?" She skipped towards the door and slowly opened it revealing a pouting Dick Grayson wearing nothing but a towel dripping wet. Looks like someone's a little pissed off.

"Can I help you Officer?" She faked innocent trying to conceal her laughter or a large goofy smile.

Dick pointed a accusing finger at her face looking deadly serious. Yeah his mighty pissed off.

"Do not mess with a man during his shower time!"

Alita pouted crossing her arms looking away from his blazing eyes, shoulders shaking while biting her thumb nail.

"Don't call me Princess then and I'll allow you to have some hot water."

Dick's eyes narrowed jabbing a finger again looking unimpressed. He should have seen this coming. They both share the same hot water system after all also adding the shower buddies comment earlier. Of course she would want some sort of revenge after he said that. Of course he knew that she's not exactly like most women his met or dated over the years. This one is a little firecracker. She doesn't let go easy. Alita's the kind that gets even by using his own weaknesses against him.

"Don't call me Officer Grayson then when I am off duty."

"...Spoil sport. Fine your terms are agreeable. Now go back to your apartment before someone reports a half naked man running around the apartment building." Alita smiled too damn innocently still childishly looking away from him. He was silently stunned that she's actually not checking out his body, hell this would have been any woman's living fantasy. Yet this woman's not even making eye contact, how strange.

"Good, alright then. I'll be keeping my eye on you for now on trouble-maker." He backed away slowly making the 'I have my eye on you' gesture pointing at his eye then at her. Alita smiled waving at him as Dick quickly ran into his own apartment. Well at least she has someone to talk to now and annoy.

Gently closing her door then dead bolt it shut for extra security measures. Giggling softly her eyes fluttered closed for half a second before re-opening as a frown appeared just as quick. Two hours passed by slowly as she crawled into her warm blue and white blanket covered bed, why did she spent so much money on a freaking king sized bed? Sure these plenty of moving space and extra pillows, but the right side does get cold at night. Normally she wakes up each morning cuddling a boomerang shaped pillow, that's embarrassing to admit. She's a pillow cuddler but at least it's not a teddy bear. Sighing Alita laid down waiting until the sleeping pills kicked in.

Soon she felt into a deep sleep which soon turned into a nightmare once more.

Why can't the nightmares go away for one night? Why must she forever be tormented by nightmares? When will she finally be able to have a good dream for a change? Just as Alita fell asleep a streak of black and blue ran past her bedroom window after silently observing the female take her sleeping pills and eventually fell asleep. The person gracefully dove from the buildings edge before firing a grappling gun and swung safely onto the nearest building. That person was in fact BludHaven's own dark protector of the night, Nightwing.

Author's Note

Oh yeah first story I've written down in months! Well anyway this is the first time ever I've actually had the guts to write down a Batman story before and it feels amazing. I have to admit that I do in fact buy writing books to practice different styles and finding a decent story plot. It's sort of difficult finding a style which suites you as an author, I' am just sticking to my sorta gray area style. Not exactly dark or to light sided, just in-between.

I really do enough adding humor pieces into my stories so there's plenty more coming. ;)

Again be nice please that's all I am asking. A nice helpful review would be nice if you notice any spelling mistakes or poor grammar. I am working on NotePad here people.

I don't own Batman or Nightwing. Anything related to the Batman saga isn't mine and shall never be mine. I do own Alita Mary Janson and this story plot. Thank you for listening to my ranting ehehe. ;)