Okey so I've never actually seen an episode of Duck Dodgers. WAIT! Before you press the back button, hear me out (read me out?). I wrote this because it was an idea that got stuck, and it's mainly for myself. Who am I kidding, it is for myself. I just felt like posting it... So yeah, IM APOLOGIZING IN ADVANCE IF THIS IS NOTHING LIKE THE TV SHOW!

Also, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is in a slightly different universe, because it's an lazy excuse for plot holes. Like I know Martin General Z-9 is in prison, but he's not here, so.. Yeah. Almost guaranteed OOC-nes here, but I might go and watch a couple of episodes, to ya know, make it a bit better. Then I'll go through and edit this.

Anyway, I hope this isn't a too horrible disgrace to the show. And sorry for this ridiculous long A/N.


It was in the middle of one of their meetings when it happened. The screen switched on and every eye in the house immediately turned their attention to it. There stood the confident Martian General Z-9, grinning evilly down at the captains as if they were prey. Which to him at least, wasn't too far from the truth.

"Greetings!" He sneered down at them. "I suppose your wondering the reasoning behind my call, no?" The captains remained silent, only glaring at the screen as if their glares alone could turn it off, shutting the Martin off. Then they could at least get back to their, oh so boring meeting once again.

'I wonder what that buffoon wants this time..' Wondered the single most famous duck captain on the team. Well the only duck captain on the team. So far it had been years since the last real incident, and over those years, wether you chose to believe it or not, the arguably most immature member of the Space Protectorate, Duck Dodgers, had matured. Somewhat. Though it was a massive improvement to his previous self.

"Not much talk, eh?" The Martin raised an eyebrow, a firm frown coming apparent on his face. "Odd, not how I remember it, but no matter." He brushed it off, the smirk returning as he crossed his arms over his chest. He reverted his gaze to Dodgers and his smirk grew wider.

"Ah! Dodgers! Good to see you!" He laughed, his eyes meeting the ducks.

"Wish I could say the same." Duck snarled.

General Z-9 placed a soft hand over his heart, planting a fake hurt expression onto his face, gasping a small overly dramatic gasp. "How rude! I hope you won't greet your friend the same way!"

This caught the ducks attention. 'Friend? What friend? I mean Cadet it sitting right next to me..' "Excuse me?" The confusion clear in his voice and looking around, he wasn't the only one. That's when the whispers began, the captains each sharing their speculations with one another.

"Did I not mention?" The Martin grinned. "Why off course your friend from the 21st century!" That shut up everyone, as some stared at the screen in horror and wonder, among them, with the most horror stricken face, was Dodgers.

Thats when an all too familia voice made it's presence known in the background.

"What? What's going on and where am I? Get your hands off me doc!"

Dodgers eyes widened as a grey bunny was dragged in, struggling in the arms of two large martins.


The bunny's attention was immediately drawn over towards the duck.


And cut! ...Yes, Bugs Bunny. I wanted to try it out.