Me: "Well this is it (voice getting all chocked up with emotion) the last chapter. I just want to say thank you to all of you that have followed me from the start and -"

Rose:"Oh would you give it a rest! I'm the one that's about to get married and have my entire life planed out in the space of a few thousand words! And I'm still waiting! So how about you get those magic fingers of your typing so I can get on with my wedding to my Sexy Russian!"

Me: well excuse me for wanting to thank the people who make me happy enough to wright! You know that if it wasn't for them then I would have never evan written this story! Much less finished it so you better watch your mouth girly or I just much steal Dimitri away from you! I'm the writer! I have the power!"

Rose: "Yeah. Or I could just jump out of this computer screen right now and kick your ass."

Me: on with the Disclaimer I don't own VA

We all got ready and both Lissa and Vika helped with my hair and make up while Olena was busy at home making sure that all of the men were dressed and at the church on time.

And before I knew it, it was time for the big day.


"Are you ready?" Lissa asked as she stood in front of me in her maid of honor dress. It was a simple dress that looked graceful and elegant on her. I decided to make it an emerald green to match her eyes and it had a little tear drop, sparkly diamonds all over and she really looked like a fashion model on the catwalk.

I nodded. "Yes Lissa, I'm more than ready," I said before the music started playing. The rehearsal had gone off without a hitch last night so I only hoped that this did too.

"They're playing your song Kiz," my dad said as he looped his arm through mine. We had really gotten closer in the last few months and I was glad. Though not so much about the fact that he and my mum had re kindled their flame and that I sometimes had to see them kissing. But if they were happy, then I was happy.

"I know dad. Remember, left foot first," I said both to him and myself. The wedding march began to play and I started to walk down the aisle. I had my hair down and curled the way that Dimitri liked. My dress had a tight red corset top that fanned out at my waist and down the rest of my body that made me look beautiful and sexy. And I had on some high heels to make up some of the hight difference.

In short. I looked amazing. And I had done it all so that Dimitri could look back on this moment and realise how lucky that he was to have me. But what I didn't count on was for him to do the same.

He has wearing a classic black tuxedo with a white shirt and a red tie to match my dress. His hair was left out of his normal pony tail but smoothed back back so that I could play with it later, just the way that I liked it. And he had even skipped shaving yesterday so he had just a little bit of a rugged look about him. So he also looked both beautiful and sexy. I guess that we were well matched.

After what felt like forever I finally reached the end of the aisle and my father gave my hand over to Dimitri. But not without saying one more threat.

"Take care of her. Or else," he said with a cold smile. I just rolled my eyes.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Rosemarie Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov. They have come to join their lives to each other in marriage and love. The two have asked to say their own vows."

Dimitri and I turned to look at each other. I couldn't take my eyes away from his.

"Roza. From the moment that I met you my life changed for the better. It was as though I was blind my whole life and was seeing the sun for the first time. You have given me love, joy and more happiness than I could have ever imagined. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life thanking you for that," Dimitri said without breaking eye contact with me, which just made his whole speech way more intimate.

"Dimitri, before you I never knew that this kind of love was possible. I never even dreamed that I would even find someone that would be crazy enough to love me." I got a few laughs from that, especially from Christian. "But most of all, I never dreamed that I would fall for someone as hard as I've fallen for you. You complete me in every way. You are the other half of my heart and my true soul mate. And I want to spend the rest on my life by your side," I said fighting a losing battle with my tears.

"Dimitri, do you take this woman as you lawfully wedded wife? And do you promise to love, honor and care for her in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" the priest asked.

"I do." Dimitri said strongly with a huge smile on his face as he slid the ring onto my finger. It was a simple gold ring and I loved it.

"And do you Rosemarie take this man as you lawfully wedded husband? And do you promise to love, honor and care for him in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" the prest asked me.

"I do." I said and couldn't stop the tears this time. I slid Dimitri's ring on and looked deep into his eyes.

"Then with the power invested in me by this church and God, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride," Dimitri pulled me into a long and deep kiss while people cheered and clapped for us. I think that we may have kept kissing for a bit longer than was appropriate. But hey! We had waited for this day for a long time!

We broke apart and walked down the aisle hand in hand when people started throwing freaking rose petals at us! I looked over and saw Christian laughing. I would so get him for this later...or right now. Instead of making a big deal of it at the reception later I decided to throw the bouquet right now... at Christian's face!

And by some luck someone actually took a photo of his face when it happened! I would have to get a copy of that photo! Speaking of photos, Dimitri and I were whisked away to get our wedding ones done.

After posing for the least 45 minutes, we were taken to the town hall for the cake cutting, embarrassing speeches, and where I learned that Dimitri's first kiss had actually been Ivan! It had been on a dare but still. No wonder his family had been so happy to hear about me. And then we had our first dance. Cliche I know, but our first dance was Angels Brought Me Here by Guy Sebastian.

"So, are you happy with your new name Mrs. Belikov?," Dimitri wispered into my ear as we slow danced.

"Mmm yeah, I think that I could get used to it. How do you like your new title Mr. Belikov?" I asked with a smile.

"Like I've been waiting for it all my life." Wow. I know it was our wedding day and all that. But were we being cheesy or what!

"So are you ready to get out of here?" Dimitri asked after we had danced with everybody and it was getting a little late. I smiled.

"Eager to show me just how UN gay you are now that I've found out that your first kiss was another man?" I teased. This was going to be my weapon of choice for years to come.

"Mmm definitely," Dimitri said as he started kissing my neck.

We said our goodbyes and went to the hotel that we had rented out. Because Russia was already kind of our honeymoon. And let's just say that Dimitri spent the ENTIRE night proving to me that he wasn't gay. (Sorry no lemon)

One year later.

I looked down at the positive test and couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous. I hadn't exactly asked Dimitri if he had wanted to have kids because we both knew that that wasn't possible. But he didn't know that I had been taking the fertility pills on and off for a few months now.

Dimitri and I were both stationed at Court, with me as Lissa's Guardian and Dimitri as Christian's as we had planned. Lissa had pushed the campaign to give Dhampirs equal rights and had one a few months ago. All of the Dhampirs' lives had improved almost instantly and things were going really well. So I decided to try going back in the pills for a while and...well the little plus sign on the stick had been the result.

I was sure that Dimitri would be happy. But I was really psyching myself out just siting here and waiting for him to come home. I looked at the clock again to see that Dimitri should have been home ten minutes ago. Typical. The one time that I was actually hoping for him to come home early and he's late!

Finally I hear the door open and him calling out to me.


"Lounge room." This was it. Ok, deep breaths. I haven't felt this nervous since I walked down the aisle.

"Hello milaya," Dimitri said with a smile as he leaned down to kiss me. But he pulled back frowning.

"Are you ok? You seem tense," he said worried. If only he knew. Oh wait, he was about to!

"Sit down Dimitri, I need to tell you something," I said making myself go through with it and not choking out. Dimitri sat down and took my hands. I could see the worry on his face.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" he said worried.

"Nothing's wrong exactly," I said giving his hands a squeeze. "But it is very unexpected." Well for him. I knew what what going on right from the start.

"Well what is it then?" Dimitri asked not looking any more relaxed.

"Well, you know how we can't have kids, and how you told me that you didn't mind and that you loved me no matter what?" I asked wanting to start this off slowly and not just dump it on him.

"You've changed your mind?" Dimitri said almost hurt.

"What?" Where was he going with this?

"I'm sorry that I can't give you kids milaya. And I understand if you want to have one. But I don't really like the idea of a surrogate or sperm donor. Maybe we could adopt?" Dimitri said with a little smile.

"Well that's not where I was headed but you're on the right track," I said glad that he was staying so calm.

"Then what are you trying to say?" he asked worry going into his voice. He probably thought that I had some crazy idea in mind, and he was right. I just had it long ago and it was finally playing of now.

"What I'm trying to say is that I wasn't happy that we had to give up kids just because we loved each other and wanted to be together. So I decided to give something crazy a try."

"Now I'm really worried. Are you in trouble? Do I have to call Lissa to try and get you out again?" Dimitri said with genuine concern in his voice.

"No no it's nothing like that!" I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Ok so I decided to do some research while you were away with my parents and came across some fertility pills that have a high success rate. So I decided to pick some up when I went to do a supply run for the school. I've been taking them on and off for over a year now and..." I showed him the positive pregnancy test that I hid in my pocket when he came in the door.

He took the test in his hand and just studied it for a minute. I was getting a little worried at his silence but didn't want to push him. After all I had had over a year to prepare that this might happen. But Dimitri had only had minutes. After it was almost too much for me to take, a huge smile spread across Dimitri's face and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"T...this is real? You're really pregnant?" he asked getting more excited as he spoke. I just nodded and started crying happy tears too.

"Oh Roza!" Dimitri said and pulled me close to his chast and laughed and cried into my hair. I had know idea how long we stayed like that but I didn't really care. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.

"You're going to be an amazing mother," Dimitri said pulling away a little so he could look at my face.

"And you're going to be the world's best father. I'm so happy that you believed me."

"Why wouldn't I believe you?" Dimitri asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well it is a little hard to believe, but I promise you that it's the truth," I said looking him in the eyes.

"Roza I never doubted you for a second! There is no way that you would ever cheat on me. Just like you know that I would never cheat on you. We love each other too much for that," he finished with a smile.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll just blame it on the pregnancy hormones," I said with a laugh. Dimitri then got up and went to the door and started getting something out of a bag.

"What are you doing Comrade?" I asked.

"Well this was the reason that I was late, but I figure that now was as good a time to celebrate as any," he said handing me a big box of chocolate donuts with a little black velvet box in the center of the donut in the middle.

"Happy one year anniversary Roza," Dimitri said with a smile. Speechless, I reached out and opened up the box. Inside were a beautiful pail of diamond earrings.

"I...I...I didn't get you anything," I said as I stared. I had been too excited about being pregnant to even think about our anniversary. Dimitri just laughed.

"You think that matters now! You're giving me a baby! That's better then ten anniversary gifts at once!" Dimitri said pulling me close and just holding me. How did I get so lucky?

9 months later.

"She's beautiful," I breathed out as I held my new baby in my arms for the first time. And right then, every pain and ache over the last nine months had been all worth it. I was a mother.

"Just like you," Dimitri said right next to me. I really couldn't have asked for a better husband. He had been there for me for the entire pregnancy: going out on midnight food runs, holding back my hair when I threw up, holding me when I got hormonal and cried. And he never complained once! He really was perfect.

"How do you think that she will react when we tell her what we named her?" Dimitri asked as he watched us.

"She will jump up and down screaming of course," I said and rolled my eyes. Just then the person in question bursted in to the room.

"Where is she?" Lissa cried and ran over to the bed that I was laying in.

"Vasilisa Dragomir. Say hello to Vanessa Olena Belikov." I said with a smile. And Lissa's eyes almost popped out of her head.


I laughed. "Ok course. We're best friends. And now because of you, she can grow up as an equal citizen."

"Oh thank you Rose!" Lissa said hugging me as much as she could. "I promise that I will be the best auntie in the world!"

I looked over at Dimitri and I once again couldn't believe my luck. We had a beautiful home, wonderful friends and now we had a daughter to raise together. Could things get any better? Just then Dimitri leaned in close to whispered in my ear.

"I get to name the next one!" Apparently they could!

And there you have it. The end. Thank you to you all for giving me encouragement and reviews and death threats! You all made my day!

I'm going to start my new story now. The sequel to Blast from the past. And it's going to be called Back To The Future. I hope that you all read it and love it as much as you have loved this story. Thank you and see you around;)

Sequel to Blast from the Past. Rose has been rescued from her 'fanged fate'. All the Strigoi in the word are dead, and with wedding bells in the air, things couldn't get any better right? Wrong! Tasha has broken out of jail and wants to start her own Strigoi army and once and for all get rid of Rose so she can have Dimitri for herself. Can they stop Tasha from taking over the world?