HeorieOtaku: Okay, so I can't belive I actully got this idea. I am sure that it will have it's fans. lol. It's odd. I can't seem to write only one story at a time. It has to be atleast two. lol. I guess that's the way it is. I really hope you like it. It may seem confussing at the begining, but it will make sence in the end. Well, enough with the talking. Here is the first chapter of Neko Fairy Tail!

Chapter 1

Neko Cat Natsu

I couldn't believe what they just discovered. I wanted to have another pet so bad, and now was the best chance. I could have a neko cat. It was perfect. From what Levy told me, it is a magical cat. They were still researching it, but they decided to give out twenty of them in our town.

We have to have one of them! I thought as Levy, Erza, Juvia, and I ran to the pet store so we could have one. We already had a secret way to go, just incase something like this happened. We were always prepared for the oddest of things.

"There it it!" We didn't let go of each other's hands as we went our secret way around. We actually knew the owner of the pet shop, too, so that helped.

Finally arriving inside, we gasped for air. "There! There...there...there they are..." I looked over where Levy pointed and saw all the cute cats.

"Awww." I wonder which one I will pick. I looked at them all, but there was some that caught me off guard. They had what looked like dragon wings. Blinking my eyes and rubbing it a few times before looking again, it didn't change.

Are those...really dragon..wings? "Do you want one? You were the first one to find a way in, so go ahead and take your pick." I looked back over my shoulder to see that it was the store owner, Livia.

I smiled as everyone agreed, running to pick first. "Look!" Levy was the first to pick. To my surprise, she picked up a almost all black one, and it was one of the ones with wings. "I want this one! It can be a big brother to my Panther Lily!" Levy had another pet cat that was almost all black and had a white scar across his eye.

Next was Erza with her cat. When she picked it up, it looked really irritated as she swung it back and forth. "It's so adorable! I love it's red markings around its eye!" Looks like cake isn't her only obsession and weakness. I giggled a bit looking back at her dark blue cat.

Then Juvia got all crazy as she saw a cat that was a dark bluish black with a cross necklace on it. She picked it up swiftly and hugged it. At first it tried to get away, but eventually subsided. "Juvia really wants this one! It has a shiny coat of fur all over it! It reminds Juvia of the sun!" Paying for her Neko cat, she ran out the door, almost jumping to the roof.

I guess I should probably choose. I smiled and stepped forward to see what was still there. The first thing that caught my eye was one of the other ones that had Dragon wings. I picked it up and examined it. It had pink fur. What an odd color. Of course, though, it's not that I haven't seen a cat with an odd color before, because my other cat it a blue and white one. I sure have a reputation for odd colored cats.

I turned around, about to buy this little fur ball, when she stopped me for a second. "He comes with this. For some reason, when we found him, he would not leave, unless we brought it with us, so if you are buying him, then here." She handed me a scaly looking scarf.

It wasn't just scaley looking, though. Upon inspection, it turned out to be actual scales. They are huge. It's almost like a human scarf. Taking it, I bought that cat, and took the little fella home.

"This is your new home." I put him down on my bed, calling Happy. Jumping up and seeing the new pet, he meowed with joy and gave me a goofy grin. "See. I told you I would bring you back a brother."

I giggled as I sat down on my bed, petting the newly bought Neko cat. I sat there for maybe an hour before I decided that it was time to go take a bath. I jumped out of my bed, and grabbed everything I needed.

"I am going to take a bath, Happy. You know the rules. Stay out of the bathroom. You too...um...I will figure out a name for you later." I walked to the bathroom, ran the bath till it was full, and got in.

"Ahhh." I sighed in relaxation. It's so nice to get some rest for a change. Especially since I am finally getting a break from all this stuff at home.

After a while, I finally decided that I needed to force myself out of the bath, otherwise my skin would wrinkle. I don't really want to, but...

I got out of the bath and got dressed into my P.J.'s, walking out of the bathroom, ready for bed. "Oh, Happy! Bring your brother, it's time for bed!" I just wanted to get some sleep, so I was lazy, and called them just this once.

I slide into the bed right as they were climbing up there mini cat stairs to get on my mattress and sleep. They both don't know it, but they are spoiled.

Looking at them I saw both of them yawn really big. "You two are just too cute." Then the pink, unnamed, Neko cat stretched its wings out a bit, turned around three times, while pawing the the bed, and layed down.

"Night you two." I turned off the lights and fell asleep.

'Riiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggg...!' The alarm went off and I slowly rolled around in my bed. Finally after getting feed up by the noise I slammed my hand into the alarm system, until it turned off.

"uhhhhh..." I groaned as felt something off. It's...it's oddly warm and comforting. I sat up slowly and looked around.

"Where did that Pink cat go?" I could only see the a blue and white Happy at the end of my bed, but no pink haired cat. I don't see him.

I sighed and moved the covers to get out of bed, like I usually do. "AHHHHH!" I screamed as I saw a little boy with pink hair laying on my bed.

"What are you doing?! Who are you?!" Again! What are you doing?!

I scooted back quickly, only to bump my head against the wall. "Owwww..."

The little boy stirred and slowly woke up. His eyes were were big for a small child. I watch as he got up rubbing his eyes. "What did I do, Miss? You took me in didn't you?" My heart was pumping really fast.

"I know nothing of the sort..." I was confused for a second, when a small, pink tail popped out with some ears that had been hiding in his hair. "Wait...could you be..." I looked at him for a second, examining him on more time. It couldn't be. I mean, it's possible, but at the same time...

This stretch was what showed me the real deal. Wings popped out from behind him. "Your...your that Nyon cat I got yesterday..." At first I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a real shock.

"Yeah, that's right...I think. All I can remember about me, though is that my name is Natsu. So...are you going to abandon me? I don't really know what I did, but you seem to be really shocked." He stared at me constantly.

"Natsu..." I whispered the name. "Natsu...Natsu..." Why does this sound familiar? I mean, how could I know that name? I never really meet a Natsu before, so why does it ring a bell?

He started to cry. "You're going to give me up, aren't you?" I couldn't bear seeing him cry.

"No. Don't cry." I stopped for a second. "You know what? I think I will take care of you." I gave him a hug, ready to do what I had to, because now...I had to try to help this kid out. Especially since it was an such a familiar name he gave me.

Natsu. I thought. What a nice name.

HeorieOtaku: Please atleast try a few chapters, but if you don't like it I understand. It is in the prospective of a goofy person like me. lol. Well I hope you enjoyed it.