Naru sighed tiredly, knowing that she was being watched by one of the village children- yet couldn't bring herself to care all that much as long as the boy left her alone. Instead she let her eyes stare straight ahead unblinkingly and watched as entire realities (so alike and yet different from her own) began to slowly unfurl themselves before her eyes. It was an amazing thing to see.

Starting out simply with the different nebula's, milky ways and stars. Each sparkling a different color for each different life.

She could see alternate versions of herself. Hundreds upon millions of them- each with different upbringings, personalities, and fates. All entwined yet separate at the same time, making her smile faintly as it occurred to her what they were and would one day be.


Each of them would become immortals that everyone in the world would know. No perhaps saying they would become immortal was a bit arrogant of her. The closer truth of things was that they would be legends.

The ones who changed the destiny of the world.

Yes. Legends seemed to suit them better though she was the only one who knew it and could see it. The moment when everything would come together would be during last few moments of the next great shinobi war. Against Kagura.

She saw herself there on the battle field, bruised, and bleeding for the future of all human kind. And she could see her other selves appear- pulled out of time and space by a jutsu that she had invented when she left the village with Jiraiya. There was so many of them.

Hundreds. Thousands. Millions even.

All of them at different stages in age and development, each ganging up on Kagura until the woman had no choice but to die again. The terror of facing so many who held so much boundless potential would be enough to scare anyone back to the grave, Naru thought with an amused smirk as she let the sight disappear and finally blinked her eyes as she brought her hands up to rub at them.

Oooh- She must have been staring for a while, her eyes were so dry they were burning in her sockets.

The soft crunch of leaves had her turning her head slightly to face the one disturbing her as he finally seemed to gather the courage to approach her. "Naru?" He said tentatively as he stopped well outside of her reach, causing her lips to almost quirk up. My, my. Brave and smart- she must have hit some sort of jackpot.

"Something I can do for you Nara?" She said, purposely leaving the honorific off of his name. Hoping to perhaps get a rise out of him. But the boy was either smarter than he let on or simply didn't care about the lack of respect he was given by her.

"It's getting really late-" He pointed out to her. As if she couldn't smell the twilight rays from the sun as the day had ended a while ago. "Can I walk you home?" He tried to sound polite to her, but she could tell that he was more or less giving her an order.

He would not leave her alone in a wooded area with potentially dangerous animals when he could simply take her home and be sure that she was safe.

And for a moment she was silent. Her ruby eyes just looking at him as if he were insane. And then the look on her face changed, it was brief- only lasting for a second, maybe less- but he still saw it. That look of such murderous anger and fury that he almost took several steps back and wondered if perhaps he should re phrase his words and ask her to walk him home instead.

After all, in his mind anyone who could give such a look would have no problem with wolves, bears, man eating sharks (it was dumb but it really did pop into his mind) or anything else for that matter. "What's wrong Nara? Are you scared of me?" Naru asked in a menacing tone as she slowly got to her feet and let her chakra flair just enough to intimidate him into stumbling back while trying to apologize for sounding so- well, sexist before.

His mother was still sort of in the process of breaking the habits that his dad ingrained on him when he was younger. But then Naru didn't know that. And even if she did, there was the possibility that she simply wouldn't care. "What's wrong Nara?" Naru asked as she advanced on him a bit while cracking her knuckles. "I thought you wanted to walk me home."

He stumbled back a bit more, shaking his head as he said almost weakly- "No! No, I was going to ask you to walk me home it just came out wrong!"

Naru paused in mid step and dropped her hands as she studied him for a moment with a look of somewhat disappointment on her face before smiling at him. "Whatever you say, lets go before you're dad comes."