Disclaimer: I do not own any characters that are from the TV series or the books, apart from the characters that I make up.
A/N- I had an idea for a new AU so here I am, don't worry I'm still going to update my other story :) To clarify some things: Jane is staring her senior year and she is 17, Frankie is 16 (started junior year), Tommy is 14 (Freshman) and Maura is 16 years old (Junior). Here are the American school years and ages:
Senior: 17-18
I'm Yours
She walked down the dark street, hands in her dark jean pockets and a cigarette held between her lips, dripping confidence and rebellion. She was wearing her usual black leather jacket, a dark t-shirt and black jeans, finished off with her well-worn and loved black combat boots. Her hair was as unruly as ever, cascading down over her shoulders in black curls.
Everyone had heard of her name, at least everyone at school had. Everyone knew that to mess with someone that she cared about was a free ticket to getting a black eye.
Everyone knew not to cross the girl with the name Jane Rizzoli.
That's why nobody wondered why a 17 year old Jane was walking the streets of Boston alone at night, because one thing they knew about Jane was that she could handle herself.
Jane liked to be alone, she liked her own quiet company, because she was anything but alone when she was at home. Her family was anything but quiet and Jane really didn't have much time to think with her two younger brothers running havoc and her overbearing mother.
Everyone who had heard of Jane Rizzoli all knew she was a daddy's girl. She may be a terror to teach or impossible to have her act like a girl, but she adored her pa and respected him like no other.
She may wish to have a quieter and less intrusive family but she loved them dearly and would protect them no matter what.
That's how she found herself with a cut lip and a huge bruise on her jaw after getting in a fight on the first day as a senior at school, due to Johnny Carton who decided to badmouth the youngest Rizzoli, Tommy, for wearing the same shirt as the day before.
The Rizzoli family were hard workers that always seemed to be short of money no matter how many hours Frank Rizzoli put into his plumbing job or how many cakes Angela Rizzoli made for the monthly bake sale at their church or how many paper rounds Frankie, Tommy and Jane did.
So Tommy had run out of shirts to wear because his other two were in the washing machine due to the boy's tendency to roll around with his friends in mud, that he had obviously learnt from his older sister.
Jane probably would've given Johnny a warning for badmouthing Tommy, but the minute the older boy had said, "Your parents are dirt poor and they do nothing about it, no wonder you only have one shitty shirt to wear." he had found himself being taken to the ground by a hard punch to the face.
He had only got a chance at a shot at the eldest Rizzoli child when she was being restrained by some of the other students in the hallway. He got himself suspended for a week but at least he was the one of the few people to say they had managed to take a shot at Jane Rizzoli.
So that's why Jane was walking the streets of Boston, pushing her curfew to the exact minute, in hope that the bruise would go down enough that her mother wouldn't notice, but knowing her ma, she knew she was in for a shit storm.
She had half an hour before her curfew and wished it was Friday so her curfew would be later.
She still had time to spare so she headed over to her best friend's house.
She decided that because it was late it wouldn't be a good idea to knock and wake her friend's mother. So taking a drag from her cigarette she walked round to the back of the house and picked up some small stones.
She could've just text him but what was the fun in that?
So Jane pulled her arm back and launched a small stone up towards her friend's window. Seeing that it had hit on target, Jane let out a small smirk and threw another.
Before she got ready to throw a third, the window above abruptly opened and her friend poked his head out.
"Jane what the hell are you doing?" His voice was a raised whisper and Jane gave him a condescending wave.
"Hello to you too, Frost. I had time to spare before my curfew so I thought 'hey my buddy lives round the corner, let's go see how he is' I apologise for being a considerate friend." Jane's voice was full of sarcasm and humour and as she smirked up at Barry Frost she threw her cigarette into his garden.
"Hey c'mon, don't do that, if my mum finds that she'll think I smoke." Frost knew Jane did what she did to piss him off, but he knew that she really did care for him.
"You do smoke, Frost. Now are you going to invite me in, or am I going to have to serenade you into getting into your bedroom." Jane wiggled her eyebrows at the coloured man and made a show of opening her arms wide and kneeling down on the ground. "Ohhh my loovvee-"
"Jane! Shut it!" Frost looked around to see if anyone heard the ridiculous girl sing, "For god's sake get up here, you idiot."
Jane smiled at getting her own way and before Frost could go downstairs to open the back door, Jane had jumped onto the drain pipe and, with ease, effortlessly climbed up and into his bedroom through the open window.
"You're going to get yourself killed one day if you keep that up." Frost scowled her, but didn't hide his impressed face.
"Yeah, well that day isn't today my man." Jane plopped herself down in his beanbag. "Why the fuck do you still have this, man? They went out of fashion years ago." Jane fidgeted in her seat to annoy Frost due to the noise.
"It's comfy, what can I say?" Frost smiled and shrugged. "So what brings me the pleasure of a visit from the famous Jane Rizzoli?"
"I was bored, and didn't want my Ma to see this bruiser I got from that douche, Johnny Carlton." Jane pointed to her jaw, showing it to her friend.
"Oh yeah, I heard about that. Heard that he looked much worse than you and only got a shot at you because you were being held back. Never liked him." Frost replied, wishing he was there to have Jane's back like normal.
Suddenly Jane saw a look flash onto Frost's face.
"What idea you got, Frost?" Jane sat up as much as she could in the beanbag, leaning her elbows on her knees.
"Well my mum has some makeup that would deffo cover that up." Jane thought about this for a few seconds before smiling her signature smile at Frost. "One problem though... the makeup is in my mum's room and well she's sleeping."
Frost suddenly realised that the idea couldn't work as they had to get past his sleeping mother. He looked at Jane and saw her eyes glint mischievously.
"What you thinking, Rizzoli?" Frost's voice was full of suspicion, knowing the thought track of his best friend.
"Everyone knows I'm stealthy. I bet you five bucks that I can get the makeup without getting caught by your mum." Frost eyed her carefully, but Jane knew that he was a sucker for bets so shaking hands, they set off quietly down the corridor.
Frost stood in the doorway and looked nervously in as he watched Jane and his mother simultaneously, Jane was walking low to the ground, making no noise whatsoever, which surprised Frost due to the squeaky floorboards. The only noise coming from the room was his mother's light snoring and his nervous breathing.
"Frost if you don't breath quieter, it will wake your mother up and we don't want that, do we?" Jane whispered quietly, shocking Frost into holding his breath.
Jane carried on walking with a smirk on her face. She was close to the vanity when she heard Frost's mother stir. Frost stood still in fear and Jane noiselessly fell to the ground so she wouldn't be able to be seen, making herself flat.
They both waited with bated breath to see what would happen.
"Barry, is that you?" Came Frost's mother's sleepy voice. Frost looked to Jane for guidance and saw her furiously shaking her head, telling him to stay hidden and quiet.
They waited for what seemed like hours, when eventually they both heard the quiet snores start again, releasing their breath, Jane smirked at Frost who shook his head at his friend's hobby for risky things.
Before Frost knew it Jane had grabbed his mother's makeup bag and made her way back to the door, however suddenly she stopped and gave him a smirk before going further into the room. Frost eyes bulked out of their sockets in shock at what he was seeing.
What was she doing?
Eventually Jane appeared with a wide toothy grin plastered on her face holding the bag and another item.
Hurrying back to Frost's room, he shut the door and saw the smirk on his friend's face.
"I swear that smirk is permanently etched onto your face." Jane only shrugged and put the makeup bag and mysterious object on the desk before outstretching her hand.
Frost huffed and went to his bag, pulling out his wallet he placed a five dollar bill in the palm of Jane's hand.
"Being your friend is expensive." Frost sighed whilst eyeing up the unknown object. "What is that?"
"Well I found out that your mum obviously likes a nightcap before bed so I decided to borrow it." Jane replied, picking up the object and unwrapping it from his brown paper packaging.
Frost yelped when he saw that it was a bottle of bourbon.
"Whoa, your mum is a woman of expensive taste, I like her." Jane commented, assessing the bottle.
Frost grabbed it out of her hand and saw the smile of his friend's face.
"We could save it for a rainy day?" Jane proposed.
The two friends looked at each other for a long time before they suddenly burst out laughing.
"You're a bad influence on me, Jane Rizzoli." Frost laughed, wiping at his eyes.
"You were corrupted before me, lil' man." Jane joked, softly punching him in the arm.
She turned at looked at the clock on Frost's wall.
"Shit." The dark haired girl grumbled. "We better do this makeup crap quick, Frost. I'm supposed to be home in 5 minutes."
They quickly got to work and covered the bruise as much as they could. Looking in the mirror, Jane smiled and clapped the 17 year old man on the back.
"Cheers man, see you in school tomorrow." Before Frost could tell her she could use the front door, Jane had swung her legs out the window and began her descent down the drainpipe.
Before she took off, she called out, "Oi, Frost, remember to hide that bourbon, I'll come round tomorrow night and we can share it."
"Yeah yeah, just hurry up before you miss your curfew, Rizzoli." Frost waved her goodbye before closing his window. The dark haired girl shook her head and took of sprinting for her home.
"Jane Clementine Rizzoli, you are so lucky you are on time, because otherwise you would be grounded! Where have you been? Why didn't you call or at least send me a text! You're more hassle than it's worth sometimes, young lady!" Jane cringed at her mother's shrill voice that was heard as soon as she ran through the door at 11pm on the dot.
"Sorry, Ma. Just doing my homework at the library and lost track of time." Jane was thankful that she was an expert at telling lies, putting on a polite face for her mother.
"Have you even eaten?" Angela Rizzoli's voice still boomed, nothing she hated more was for one of her children to be hungry.
"Yes, Ma. I picked up a burger at that diner me, Frankie and Tommy go to." Jane kept her voice at a respectful level.
"Well you could've at least worn nicer clothes. If you had of worn a dress and put on some makeup and styled that unlawful hair, you could've met a nice boy." Angela's voice had quietened dramatically, but what she said grated on Jane.
"Ma! We've had this conversation before, I'm not going to change what I look like just so some guy might notice. I want someone who would like me for who I am!" Jane hated this topic as it always turned into an argument between her and her mother.
"You're such a pretty girl, if you would just make an effort you would get so much more attention which will make yourself feel better. My goodness, it's like having three sons." Angela was trying to be caring and comforting towards her daughter, however instead it just hurt Jane.
However, before Jane could make a remark, Frank Senior rounded the corner.
"There's my girl! Right on time, I see. Come 'ere." Jane's face broke out into an innocently happy smile as she saw her Pa and, without hesitating, ran into his arms. "How was your first day as a senior? Showing all the younger ones who's in charge, I hope." Frank let go of his daughter but kept his hands on her shoulders.
"It was alright, nothing exciting. And of course, Pa, who else is going to do it?" Jane may have been old for her age with a tough exterior but when she was with her Pa she reverted back to a 10 year old girl, who used to sit on her father's lap.
"I hoped one of the boys in your school would." Angela muttered. She had always loved that Jane was a daddy's girl, because it showed that she at least respected men, but Angela had grown to become jealous of their close relationship. She had always wanted a daughter to take shopping and help choose dresses for but every time she asked Jane what she would like to do, the answer always was to go and play with her brothers in the garden.
Frank had never shared the same views as his wife and instead encouraged Jane's boyish behaviour, not being one to care much for gender roles. Children should be able to play with who and what they want, you shouldn't change that.
He knew his wife loved their children dearly and would do anything for them, but he knew she longed for a daughter to dress up nicely and do all the girly things that Angela did as a child.
Angela often chastised her husband for treating Jane like her brothers and sometimes blamed him for the way Jane turned out. Frank sometimes even called Jane his favourite son, which created a few laughs throughout the family and friends.
No matter how much Angela nagged her daughter, she knew deep down that nothing was going to change Jane. Angela knew she had accepted this long ago, however there was no harm in trying.
"Nah, they're all wusses, Ma." Jane stated, smiling jokingly at her parents, her father had barked out a laugh at her comment, earning a glare from his wife which quickly turned into a smile, to let him now that she was joking.
"Anyway, we all should get some sleep." Frank kissed his daughter on the cheek and as they all said their goodnights, Jane followed her parents upstairs.
Opening the door she walked into her bedroom and flopped down onto her bed, plugging her phone into her charger and closing her eyes.
Jane was woken not 15 minutes later by someone whispering her name and shaking her shoulder.
"Mmph. Wha-what? Frankie? What are you doing?" Jane stirred from her slumber by her frantic brother.
"It's Tommy. I woke up and found that his bed was empty, Jane where'd he go?" Frankie cried, obviously distressed. Jane abruptly sat up and took in the information.
Tommy had gone? Gone where?
She knew Tommy was a bit of a trouble child and tried to follow in her rebellious footsteps but lacked the sneakiness that she possessed. She also knew that if he got caught, she would get the blame, because she was the role model and Tommy is only 'an innocent little boy'.
Jane resented the way the youngest Rizzoli barely got into trouble due to their mother making excuses for him, like 'he doesn't know any better' or 'everyone makes mistakes'. Jane knew Frankie felt the same, but when Jane said something she was grounded for disrespecting her parents.
"Frankie, was Tommy talking about anything before you two went to sleep, like was he bragging about anything?" Jane inquired, waiting for Frankie to think.
"Well he was talking about this new girl that is joining our school tomorrow, moved from Europe. Apparently one of his friend's lives opposite to where her and her family moved and they said she's hot or something." Frankie recalled and watched as Jane's face turned from fear to anger.
"Goddammit Tommy. I know exactly where he's gone. Stay here and cover for us if Ma or Pa wake up." Jane surged up, putting her combat boots and grabbing her phone.
She suddenly realised that she couldn't take her parents car as it would make too much noise.
"Frankie, can I borrow your bike?" Frankie nodded without hesitating and Jane nodded her thanks, putting on her leather jacket she swung her legs out the window for the second time that day she climbed out a window.
Frankie watched as his sister placed two feet on the ground and sprinted off down the side of the house where he left his bike.
Jane jumped on Frankie's bike and took off, pedalling as fast as she could. She could take a strong guess that Tommy had gone to his friend's house.
Jane promptly arrived at the Fairfield's house and saw Tommy's bike parked on the pavement. Dismounting her bike, Jane looked around the street and instantly laid eyes on her brother who was walking with Summer Fairfield, the youngest of the Fairfield brother's.
They were walking out of the gate that led to the 'new girl's' house and Jane stood tall with her arms crossed on the other side of the street as she listened to their conversation. She was wearing all black and wasn't under a streetlight so she wasn't easily seen.
"You said that we would be able to see her in her underwear." Tommy whined and Jane fumed at the little pervert.
"It's not my fault that she was already asleep and we missed her getting changed!" Summer replied, playfully shoving Tommy, making him stumble forward towards his bike.
Jane saw the moment that Tommy realised that Frankie's bike was near his own.
"Frankie?" Tommy's voice was not filled with as much fear as when he realised that it wasn't his brother but instead his sister.
"Even better, little brother." Jane stepped forward, with anger filling her eyes. Tommy stepped harshly backwards, knocking into Summer.
"Wh- what are you doing here?" Tommy squeaked, clearly terrified of his older sister.
"I should be asking you the same question, but I have a feeling I already know. And if my guess is correct, you will be wishing it was Frankie here instead of me." Jane snarled, keeping her voice quiet.
Seeing panic and fear fill her brother's eyes and facial expression she inwardly smirked.
Jane suddenly remembered that Summer was still standing there, same fear in his eyes.
"I would like to speak to Tommy alone so get out of here, and if you do this again, you know who you'll be dealing with." Summer scrambled back to his house and Jane saw Tommy swallow thickly in the knowledge that he was alone with his rage filled sister.
"You wanna tell me why you ran out in the middle of the night and why I found you here?" Jane knew exactly what her perverted brother was doing but she wanted to hear the many idiotic excuses that came out of his pathetic mouth.
"E-er me and S-Summer had some b-books that this n-n-new girl left behind in a lesson and we t-thought we s-should go give them to her." Tommy seemed to be pleased with the excuse he had just made up and he put on a smug face.
Jane sneered at him. Rizzoli's owned up to something when they were caught by their family, they did not lie.
"Don't fucking lie to my face, Tommy. How did this girl leave her books in a classroom when her first day is tomorrow. I'm disgusted to call you my brother right now and you better get your ass back home right now and be the perfect child from now on so I don't tell Pa and Ma about their 'perfect' little boy being a filthy pervert." Jane seethed, slightly raising her voice, forgetting that she was outside the house of the very girl they were talking about.
Tommy had tears in his eyes, never wanting to disappoint his idolised sister. Jane saw the tears and felt a bit bad for what she said. Sighing, Jane grabbed her brother in a quick hug, still angry at him but not wanting him to believe she hated him.
"Promise me you won't do something like this again, I have a feeling it was Summer's idea, because it sounds like something Garret would think of. You're my brother and I love you, but goddammit Tommy you need to learn some respect. Now let's go home so we don't get in trouble with Ma and Pa."
Garret Fairfield was the middle Fairfield child and was in Jane's year at school. He was a bigoted asshole who disrespected women by objectifying them, sleeping with them and then throwing them away like trash. She despised him. And he despised her due to her punching him in the gut when he felt her up in the corridor.
Getting on her bike, Jane looked over at the house of the new girl and she swore she could she a figure standing in the upstairs window. Jane shook her head and rode her bike with Tommy trailing behind.