The newlyweds stepped up to the reservation desk and Dean hit the bell. The attendant was standing right there but Dean really wanted to ring the bell so he did it anyway. Dean was a rebel.

Sam noticed a big sign that said NO Bears Allowed! The NO was crossed off. Sam was offended, "You should take that down, my husband doesn't want to see that. Just because your establishment was speciesist before doesn't mean you have to leave up reminders."

Dean took his claws and ripped it down, "There, I feel better now."

The attendant smiled, "Good, I wanted that down for a long time. Since our lovely King Adam proclaimed that interspecies marriages were perfectly fine I can now proudly proclaim that I am married to a koala bear!"

Dean made a face, "Gross…well to each his own."


"Sorry Sammy." He smiled at the sour looking attendant and gave him two paws up, "Hey, koalas are cute, good for you!"

He gave them their room key, "Too late, my feelings are hurt."

Dean tipped him with a jar of honey hoping to sweeten his sour mood.

Dean looked down at the pool from their balcony, "Sam look at that great swimming hole!" He had on the flowered board shorts Sam had bought him for the vacation, Dean's tail flicked around in excitement.

Sam walked out of the bathroom in his hot pink bikini bottom with his big baby gut sitting high and proud, "How do I look?"

Dean turned and looked at his vision in lycra, "Wow you are so sexy!"

Sam tied a floral sarong around his waist for modesty because his balls were hanging out the side of the scrap of fabric, "I think I needed this in a few sizes bigger."

Dean slipped on his sunglasses, packed the sunscreen and grabbed the picnic basket. He cracked Sam on the ass as they headed to the door, "Nope, it's just the right size."


It was a glorious day; they opted for the beach instead of the pool. Dean was enjoying a cold beer after rubbing down his Sammylocks with sunscreen. Now he was just enjoying watching the humans frolic in their swimsuits.

Sam was watching all the hot bears strutting around, it was ok because they had a look but don't touch rule.

Once the sun set the beach began to clear out so Dean went to catch their supper. He soon popped out of the water with a big fat fish in his mouth. Sam clapped his hands happily, "Dean you are such a good provider."

Dean gutted the fish with a swipe of his claw and built them a fire. The newlyweds cuddled under a blanket and enjoyed the fresh seafood.

Sam looked up at the stars and sighed, "This is perfect."

Dean slipped his hand between his wife's legs, "I know something that will end this night with a bang."

Sam batted his lashes, "More fish?"

"Mmm…yes, Sammyfish."

Soon Sam had his feet up toward the stars as Dean first sampled his birthing parts then ended it inside his human's pretty, pink ass. It was pure magic; Dean got his tail stroked and his ears rubbed afterward. Sam was bathed and pampered when they got back to their honeymoon suite.

The next day they went souvenir shopping, and had a nice brunch then the couple headed back to the forest.

When they arrived the cubbies were playing in the front yard, when they saw their aunt and uncle they toddled over to greet them. Cas was sunning himself baking to a golden tan. John was busy sorting berries for pie he was planning on making. Since having the cubbies, Cas was pampered more than ever but John enjoyed taking care of his little family even if it meant chick chores.

Orson and Ursa hugged Sam around the knees. Ursa said, "Auntie Sam we missed you! When are you having the cubby?"

Sam patted his gut, "Pretty soon now, I seem to be growing quickly."

Dean added, "That is because Uncle Dean has super charged bear c…."


"Uh…super charged candy."

Orson looked up at his big brother with wide eyes, "Oh I love candy, may I have some?"

"Sorry Orson, only your Auntie Sam gets to eat my candy."

John waved, "Dean get over here and help me sort berries while the ladies chat."

Sam gestured to his body, "I am not a lady!"

John chuckled, "Sure you're not. Dean you got a real spitfire there, is he having his monthlies?"

Dean poked around between Sam's legs, "No, I think you don't get that when your preggers."

Sam stomped into the house not willing to feed their delusions.

Castiel yelled, "Sam, if your beargina is bleeding I have cotton sticks in the bathroom!"

They heard Sam swearing a blue streak. Dean apologized for his wife's cranky behavior sighting female problems.

Dean handed out their gifts, the twins received t shirts that said, "My Aunt and Uncle went to the beach and all I got was this crappy shirt." John got a back scratcher with a seashell glued on it and Cas got a snow globe with a beach scene inside.

He shook it and his eyed went crossed watching the snow come down, "Did it snow while you were there?"

Dean tapped the plastic, "No."

"How did they get the snow in there?"

Dean pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's a good thing you're pretty."


A month later Sam was a waddling giant and figured he was going to give birth to a hippo's baby instead of a bears. He couldn't wait for it to be over and told Dean he was going to use condoms from now on or enter through the back door.

Dean had no idea what a condom was so Sam took him to Paulgreen's Drugstore so named because the owner was a guy named Paul. Dean was fascinated with the condom display and chose some that looked like a sea anemone was living on the tip of it.

Sam said it was called a French tickler. Dean put them back because neither of them was French. Finally they both agreed on ones that were clear so Dean could admire his own wang. They stopped on the way home and picked up some bananas to practice on.

Sam showed Dean, how to roll one down the banana and explained what the reservoir tip was for. Dean wanted to know how Sam knew so much about condoms. He explained to his husband that he learned from Cas. That didn't make Dean feel much better.

Adam screamed for Bruno as their cubby was ready to come into the world. Miki was the midwife for the King, a great honor even if it was Adam.

Bruno burst through the door all manly and handsome in a pirate shirt with puffy sleeves, "My darling is it time?"

Adam pointed to his dilated vagina, "What do you think? I feel like I'm ripping in half. Help me Bruno!"

The huge bear watched at a tiny head began to crown and he passed out.

Miki growled, "Useless male. Alfie I need your help."

The squirrel climbed onto the Kings belly and started jumping, "Is it out yet?"

Adam backhanded him off. Alfie was good natured so he climbed back on and promised not to jump. Miki instructed her husband to help stretch the labia majora.

Alfie scratched his head in confusion, "What the heck is that?"

"Pussy lips."

"Oooh…why didn't you say so?"

He clamped a tiny paw on either side and used his squirrel muscles to help, "Come on, get outta there you darn cubby!"

Adam pushed and out popped a baby.

The infant had the usual bear ears and tail but they were blonde furred just like the hair on his mothers head. He was a runty cubby but Bruno wasn't disappointed, he had a son and tiny or not this boy would be well loved. They named the blue eyed creature Fern.


Dean was taking Sam for a walk through their garden. They had just completed the building of a little cottage boarding John's property. The in-laws all chipped in and had a flower garden with stone pathways put in for the couple as a housewarming gift.

Dean looked around proudly at his little slice of heaven, "We got a nice life Sammy."

Sam huffed and puffed as he chugged along, "We sure do…oh no…Dean!" He sunk to his knees and rolled on his back, "Dean the baby is coming!"

Dean tugged off Sam's harem pants and spread his legs, "Yuck, it's all wet down here. Hang on Sammy I can do this."

"Get Miki or even Cas!"

"No time, an ear is already showing. How hard could this be?"

It was pretty hard especially for Sam, somehow Dean figured it out and when the little head emerged Dean yelled, "Sam this is great…here come the shoulders…ouch that looks painful…aaaand we have a cubby!"

Dean chewed the umbilical cord in half, tied it off and then ate the afterbirth as Sam laid there among the posies wiping the baby with his flannel shirt that didn't match his harem pants at all. The cubby began to cry possessing a great set of lungs.

Dean, she's perfect. What should we name her?"

Dean looked around the garden, "Lily."

Sam thought that was a lovely name, "Lily Deanna Winchester…perfect."

Winchester Apiaries stayed a family business. Sam did the books, Cas was the eye candy, John the sliver tongued business bear and Dean ran the show.

Lily, Ursa and Orson helped out as they got older. Orson and Ursa eventually went into marketing where they expand the business into mail order and began advertising.

Winchester Apiaries had the first billboard in the kingdom, it had a picture of Cas from behind, bare bottomed with a pink bow on his tail. The caption read, "Our honey comes in jars as well. Come experience the sensual sweetness of Winchester Apiaries."

To the delight of Bruno and Adam, Lily ended up marrying Prince Fern. They fell in love during Bear Pride when several randy circus bears tried to cop a feel of the poor little creature and Lily saved the Prince from being molested.

Prince Fern liked his ladies big and bossy, Lily liked her males petite and needy. It was a perfect match and who can argue with true love.

Cas loved his big Daddy John and John loved his spoiled little cub. Everyday together was a happy ending.

Alfie and Miki divorced but it was amicable. Miki went on to be a Mears rights activist and Alfie finally got a pair of tiny shoes so he could use his shoe mirrors. They shared custody of the children. Alfie still went for booty calls and Miki happily obliged. She couldn't get enough of that good squirrel lovin'.

Dean the Honey Bear and Sammylocks had their eyes opened to a whole new world when they fell in love. Thiers was a true fairytale romance and they lived happily ever after.

The End