Notes: Last chapter, lots of smutty goodness. It isn't important to the storyline though, so if this isn't your thing it's fine to just ignore it. Anyway, please enjoy!
Disclaimer: If you haven't figured out yet that I'm not Jennifer Lee or Chris Buck and have no say over Frozen... I'm not sure what to tell you.
It had ended up being a very good day.
Anna smiled to herself as she curled up in her sleeping bag, her lips still warm from Kristoff's goodnight kiss, and thought about how much better her day had gotten after Hans had left. It was almost like when he drove off, he took all the negativity with him. Anna had felt that she could breathe (and laugh) easier once he had gone. It was also a big plus not to have to hide her fledgling relationship with Kristoff. She could enjoy each casual touch or kiss (and there had been a lot of them) and not have to feel guilty. She even fell asleep quickly, lulled into it by the sound of the gently falling rain.
That was, until her tent collapsed in the middle of the night.
Soaking wet from the rain that had drenched her tent, she somehow managed to crawl out of the waterlogged canvas that stuck to her and everything else inside. Shaking with cold and exhaustion, she crept up to the door of Kristoff's tent. "Kristoff?" she whispered, her voice quavering as she fought back tears. She was freezing, miserable and tired. All she wanted right now was dry clothing and a place to sleep.
She waited for several long moments, feeling her teeth chatter and a shiver race through her body. She almost wept in relief when she heard rustling from inside the tent. Kristoff unzipped the door and stared at her with wide eyes, a bright flashlight in his hand that nearly blinded her.
"Anna?" he whispered, rubbing his eyes as if he couldn't believe she was actually there. "What are you doing? It's like two in the morning."
"My tent collapsed… can I sleep with you?" she asked, struggling to keep the teeth chattering to a minimum but failing miserably.
"Elsa said no?" he asked in confusion.
"I thought of you first and, well... Elsa snores," Anna admitted, feeling embarrassment washing over her. "So, can I sleep with you?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," he said nervously, but held the door open so she could crawl inside.
She hated dripping all over his dry tent, his sleeping bag and Kristoff himself, but she wasn't willing to strip down in the downpour, so she hoped he would understand. Fortunately for her Kristoff had been smart enough to place his sleeping bag away from the tent entrance. She figured he had moved stuff around after it had started raining. No one wanted to drip mud and rain water all over their sleeping gear. It made her smile to see how resourceful he was. It was one of the many things that she loved about him.
Carefully she moved around his bedding and crouched in a corner until Kristoff had closed the tent back up and turned toward her, worry in his eyes. He rustled around in one of his bags, pulled out a towel and handed it to her. "Here, you look like you're freezing. Dry off a little and I'll see if I can find something for you to wear."
Anna took the towel with a grateful smile and started drying off her hair first. She watched with interest as he set the flashlight beside him and started digging through his bags, looking for something dry for her to wear. Even though it was the middle of the night, he didn't hesitate to help her out. How could she not be crazy about him? Who else would let some soaking wet girl invade their space at two in the morning?
He turned back to her with a sheepish grin on his face. "Uh, Anna… it looks like I don't have any extra clothes. I must have changed into my last fresh shirt after I pulled you out into the rain this morning," he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, a nervous flush creeping up his cheeks. "I can give you the one I'm wearing, though… if you want. It's pretty clean."
She flushed at the thought of wearing his shirt, still warm from his skin. "Yeah… okay. If you don't mind."
He pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it to her. She had to force herself not to dwell on his beautifully sculpted body. That would only get her brain going down a road that was dangerous at two in the morning. Instead of spending her time memorizing every inch of him the way she wanted to, she smiled at him. "Thanks for the shirt. Do you have anywhere for me to put my wet clothes?"
"Just toss them in the corner for now. I'll wring them out in the morning," he said with a shrug.
Anna nodded and stared down at the shirt, feeling the warmth of it in her hands. He had literally given her the shirt off his back in his willingness to help her. "Um…" she whispered, squeezing the shirt between her fingers, "should I turn around, or…?"
"Oh… right!" Kristoff's eyes grew wide. "I'll give you some privacy."
He turned around, being a perfect gentleman even though he didn't really have to. It wasn't like he hadn't roamed his hands all over her body, but for some reason they both seemed a little jumpy. Anna wasn't sure if it was the fact that they were alone and would be sleeping curled up next to each other, or if things were just hyper charged because Hans was gone, but whatever it was she had butterflies in her stomach that wouldn't seem to go away.
Anna stripped off her wet shirt, shivering as the cold night air raised goosebumps on her damp, naked skin. She grabbed the towel and dried her body as quickly as she could, pulling off her wet underwear and tossing it and her shirt aside. She then slipped Kristoff's shirt slipped over her head, still warm from his body and smelling of him: the forest, rain and a hint of something that was uniquely Kristoff.
"So, where's Sven?" she asked, trying to defuse the tension between them. She scooted back onto his sleeping bag and touched his back to let him know she was done.
He turned with a smile on his face, but the smile slipped when he took her in. She knew the shirt was too big on her, that it fell off one shoulder and left the freckled skin bare. It wasn't as much skin as she had shown in her bikini, but for some reason it seemed to elicit a much stronger reaction in him. He swallowed hard, his eyes rooted to her bare shoulder. She tried to pull the collar up, but it slipped again and she sighed. It was no use trying, the shirt just didn't fit… and it didn't seem like Kristoff particularly cared.
"Hmm?" he asked absentmindedly as he crossed the small area of his tent back to his sleeping bag where Anna was sitting.
"Sven?" she asked again. "Where is he?"
"Oh, that," he laughed lightly and brushed his fingers along the collar of the shirt, making her shiver all over. "Hans left his tent behind and since Sven had already claimed it yesterday, I figured he'd enjoy having the space to himself."
She imagined Sven sprawling out in the middle of the tent, snoring happily in his own space, and giggled. "At least someone is getting a good nights rest," she said with a mocking sigh.
He frowned, his concern for her evident in the narrowing of his eyes. "I can fix that," he promised, pulling open the sleeping bag and gesturing for her to slip inside.
Anna didn't hesitate, she slipped in and then sighed as he slid in behind her, his arms surrounding her with the promise of warmth and protection. "This is nice," she admitted, snuggling up against his chest. He was absolutely radiating heat and she was thawing out just by being close to him. It was a pleasant feeling.
Kristoff went quiet for a long time, so long that Anna had thought he had fallen asleep with his arms around her. She was soothed by his deep even breaths and felt herself following his example and nodding off when he finally spoke again. "I don't live on campus," he whispered in her ear. "I don't have a roommate either. If you want, we could make this a regular thing."
"Make what a regular thing?" she asked sleepily, her head lolling back onto his shoulder as she struggled to keep herself awake. It wasn't easy. She felt so contented in his arms, it was hard not to nod off.
"This," he said, squeezing her around the middle to emphasize what he meant. "You could come and stay over at my place any time you want."
She didn't answer right away, she wasn't sure if she could. They had just shared their first kiss the day before and he was already suggesting that she spend the night with him, and on a regular basis no less. The anticipation of it brought a warm flutter to her stomach. Was he suggesting that he wanted more from her? He had told her he loved her, hadn't he? Even if this was moving fast it felt right. For the first time in her life, she felt completely at ease and at home.
She took a deep breath and and grasped one of the hands on her waist, bringing it to her breast and then waited, hoping he wouldn't comment on the nervous pounding of her heart.
"Anna," he whispered hoarsely, his hand moving reflexively against her. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
She nodded, pressing herself even harder into his hand. It just felt so good and she wanted more of it. "More than anything."
"I… I don't have any protection with me," he admitted with a sigh, moving his hand away from her breast and back down to her waist.
"But," she protested, turning in his arms so that she was facing him, "you want me, right?"
"Oh, Anna," he whispered, his forehead dropping to hers. "You are all I've wanted, hell, all I've thought about, for years. It's taking all my willpower not to just rip that shirt off of you and bury myself in your body."
Her heart skipped a beat. That was all she had needed to hear. She cupped his cheek in her palm and brushed her fingers against his skin. "Take me," she begged. "I want you and I don't want to wait, so… take me, please."
He closed his eyes and let out a breath that rumbled through his chest, causing him to shudder. She thought he was going to pull away from her, but instead his lips found hers, soft and undemanding. She gave herself wholeheartedly to his kiss, moving her hand from his face to the back of his neck so she could pull herself closer. It was impossible to be close enough to him.
She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and caught it with her teeth. She was rewarded with his sudden intake of breath and the feeling of his cock twitching and hardening against her belly. He was reacting in the same way that he had when they had kissed at the hot spring, but this time they didn't have to rush back. There was no one to interrupt them, so they could take all the time they wanted or needed. If that thought wasn't an aphrodisiac, she wasn't sure what was.
"Anna," he whispered against her lips, her name a sound of pleasure.
She grabbed his hand and placed it back on her breast. "Touch me," she begged. "I need you."
He dropped his head to the crook of her shoulder, his lip moving against the exposed skin as his hand tightened around her breast, his thumb flicking back and forth over her nipple. She let out a gasp that was masked by the thunder that rolled overhead, but it didn't seem to matter because she felt him smile against her throat. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and it was obvious that he couldn't be happier. And seriously, how sexy was that? A man who enjoyed bringing her pleasure. Once again, she wondered how she had gotten lucky enough to be chosen by him… and then his lips trailed down her neck and she stopped thinking at all.
"You're making it difficult for me to think," she groaned. He was inching his way down her chest now, pulling the collar of the shirt down for better access.
"Isn't that supposed to be the point?" he asked her, and she couldn't help but laugh. It was strange, but being able to laugh hadn't been something she had been expecting from this experience. It helped diffuse the nervous tension lingering in her and she finally found herself relaxing.
He nipped and sucked at her skin, leaving little marks in a trail from her neck down to the top of her breast. She was hot and her skin was both flushed and increasingly sensitive. She took a deep breath and then yanked the borrowed tee shirt off. It left her completely naked and vulnerable to him. She was grateful it was so dark in the tent, she wasn't sure how comfortable she would have been otherwise. She wasn't ashamed of her body, just nervous to have someone else see every inch of it. Especially if that someone was Kristoff, her best friend for the past twelve years.
"You're beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with wonder. He trailed his fingers down the valley between her breasts, his eyes drinking her in as though he couldn't get enough of her.
She flushed, once again thankful for the darkness of the night and the storm outside. "I'm nothing special," she said, her voice squeaking with nerves.
"Oh, no," he argued, his mouth taking the place of his fingers on her skin. "You are special. I've always seen it… and now I'm going to make you see it."
"Wha…?" she asked, but was abruptly cut off when his mouth closed over her nipple.
Speech became impossible as the feelings of pleasure rocked through her body. His tongue rubbed circles around her nipple, his teeth grazed over it, nipping just hard enough to bring a gasp or moan from her. She had never felt anything like it, not even yesterday when he had pulled her off the hiking trail to tease her. Fingers felt nice, but oh… oh! There was nothing that could compare to the feeling of Kristoff's mouth on her body, the rough texture of his tongue tasting and teasing her sensitive skin. It sent a tingle of warmth spiraling down into her groin and she felt a warm wetness there that she had never experienced before.
She dug her fingers into his hair, twisting the strands as she clutched his head to her. His hands clutched her hips, digging his fingers into her as he moved to her other breast to lavish the same affection and attention. To say he was an attentive lover was an understatement. Not that she had ever been in this situation before, but she had the feeling that most men didn't spend this much time focusing on their partners.
He moved his lips from her breast and brought them to her ear, whispering a question that left her shivering all over. "Are you wet for me yet?" he asked her. One of his hands moved from her hip and brushed over the curls at her core. "Do you want me to touch you, Anna?"
His fingers slipped inside her, brushing over her clitoris and making her burn. Her mouth ran dry, she wasn't sure she could speak so she nodded instead and moved her hands from his hair to his shoulders. She clung to him, her head falling to his chest. "Please," she whispered, her voice paper thin. "Please. More… please."
He nipped at her shoulder, biting hard enough to leave a mark and make her cry out. "Whatever you want. Always," he promised.
He rolled her onto her back and then began kissing his way down her body, starting with her lips, lingering over her breasts and belly button and ending with a kiss to her curls. Realization for what he was about to do dawned on her as he hooked her legs over his shoulders and gave her a cocky grin. When he bent down and touched his tongue to her, she nearly came undone right then and there.
"Kristoff," she whimpered and clawed the satiny material of the sleeping bag underneath her.
His response was to plunge his tongue deep into her folds, his nose rubbing and teasing her clitoris with every vigorous stroke. "Mmmm," he moaned as he lapped up her arousal, "you taste like honey."
She wanted to laugh, to tell him that he was being ridiculous, but there was a warmth growing inside her and it was hard to focus on anything else. Every stroke, every deep thrust of his tongue was making her shudder and the way his nose moved against her? She had never really gained an appreciation for noses before, but she wouldn't overlook it again. The combination of both pleasure centers being teased at once, well, it wasn't long before her orgasm rolled over her body. She felt like she was coming apart at the seams, but in a delicious way. Never before had she felt this kind of satisfaction. It felt as if she was glowing from the inside out. She was surprised the tent wasn't filled with a white hot light.
"Oh, Kristoff… that was… that was…" she was at a loss for words, but thankfully he wasn't.
"It was amazing. You were amazing," he said softly. He set her legs to the side and moved up to kiss her. "Here, feel." He brought her hand to his chest so she could feel his heart beating. It was racing, just like hers was. He had enjoyed touching her like that, giving her that pleasure. She had definitely made the right choice in Kristoff. He was everything she could possibly want and more.
"I love you," she breathed. She put her hand to the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.
She shouldn't have been surprised when his arousal twitched against her again, but she was. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. There was heat there and a desperate need. He had given her release, but he still hadn't received his. She couldn't leave him unsatiated. She didn't want to.
"Didn't you say you wanted to bury yourself in me?" she asked him, stroking the side of his face with gentle fingers.
He let out a playful growl and nipped at her shoulder again. "I wasn't sure if you were ready for more."
"If it's you, I can't get enough," she admitted. "I want to feel you inside me."
Normally, she wouldn't be brazen enough to say something like that out loud, but this was Kristoff, her best friend and the man she loved. If she couldn't be this open and honest with him, she couldn't do it with anyone. Plus, it felt kind of sexy to say it out loud.
He groaned again, but she could tell that it was a very good sound. "Anna," he breathed into her ear, "you're going to be the death of me."
"But what a way to go, right?" she asked.
He laughed, a soft rumble in his chest that matched the thunder overhead. "Right," he agreed, "but for now, I'm more interested in enjoying life."
And he must have been, because he didn't waste anymore time talking. His lips went to work on hers, forcing hers open so he could slip his tongue into her mouth and tease her tongue the same way he had teased her clitoris only a few minutes before. She was surprised to realize she could still taste a little of herself on his tongue and even more surprised that it turned her on. She moaned with pleasure and clung to his shoulders, holding him against her. If only he wasn't wearing his sweatpants.
She moved one hand from his shoulder and tugged on the waistband of his pants, trying to remove them so she could feel him against her. It wasn't enough just to feel his cock pressing into her stomach all hard and hot, she needed to feel it inside of her and she didn't want to waste any more time. They had already wasted weeks since he had been home from school. If only she had known then what she knew now… well, that didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was they were minutes away from complete bliss. If only she could get his damn sweatpants off!
"Easy, feisty pants," he laughed, grabbing her hand and pushing it away. "I want this to be perfect, so slow down."
"It can be perfect later," she said and cupped his arousal in her hand. "Besides, I don't want perfect, I just want you… and I don't want to wait any longer. Please, Kristoff."
It must have been the 'please' that did it, because he stared into her eyes for a long moment and then yanked his pants off. She reached her hand out to touch him, letting out a shaky breath as she felt the smooth skin under her fingertips. It was hotter than she had expected and much, much bigger. She had thought she had a good idea of his size from all the times in the past two days that she had felt it pressed against her, but feeling it and seeing it were two different matters. She was suddenly very unsure about whether or not they would fit.
She didn't have long to worry about that fact because he pushed her knees to the sides, giving him full access to her still wet folds. "Are you sure?" he asked her, once again trying to be the gentleman even when she didn't ask it of him. "Is this what you want? We can stop now."
She shook her head. "I don't want to stop."
He let out a breath, almost like a sigh and nodded. He took her hands in his and pinned them above her head, linking his fingers through hers and giving them a soft squeeze. Then, very carefully, he moved his body into position at her opening and thrust into her.
She bit her lip to keep from crying out, but she still let out a soft whimper of pain. It wasn't as painful as she had been told it might be, but it was enough. She took a moment for herself, to get used to his cock that filled her up and then some. When she felt the pain begin to ease, she took a deep breath and squeezed his hands that were still linked with hers. "I'm okay," she told him, giving him an encouraging smile, "keep going."
He hesitated, unsure of whether she was being honest with him. When she gave him another encouraging smile, he shuddered and dropped his head to her shoulder. He began moving again, but it didn't hurt this time, instead, she felt the friction like an erotic massage. She let out another whimper, but this one was filled with pleasure and not pain. Encouraged by this, she began to move with him, increasing the friction between them with a push-pull rhythm. Her body rose and fell in time with his, the cold rain outside the tent forgotten as heat burned between them. It was the most beautiful moment of her life.
All too soon the friction stopped being merely pleasant and became white hot heat searing through her body. Her breathing came in short, sharp gasps and she squeezed his hands hard as her second orgasm of the night raced through her. Somehow, it was even better than the first. Possibly because when she tensed up around him, he shuddered and emptied himself inside her as well. Their combined orgasms brought tears to her eyes. It was just so perfect.
"Kristoff, I love you," she managed to whisper, though every breath still seemed to burn in her chest from her exertion.
Her words were met with a groan from him and a kiss to her neck. "Anna… I said you were going to kill me."
She laughed and un-threaded her fingers from his so that she could wrap her arms around his neck and pull him close. He still smelled so good, despite the sweat they had both worked up. "How often do you think we can do this and not wear ourselves out?" she asked, only half teasing.
He groaned, but it was tinged with laughter. "I don't know, but I'm willing to find out," he joked wearily, "but for right now, I need some sleep. You wore me out."
She opened her mouth to respond but paused when she realized how quiet it had become outside. The rain had stopped and so had the accompanying thunder. How long had that been the case? They had been so wrapped up in each other that she wasn't sure. Had they been loud enough to wake Elsa? A flush crept up her neck and spread to her cheeks as she realized the likelihood of her older sister having heard every moment of her first sexual experience. "The rain stopped," she whispered. Her voice was filled with horror.
"Yeah? So what?" Kristoff asked, yawning and pulling her closer to he could nuzzle her neck.
"The thunder stopped too," she pointed out. "Elsa's tent isn't that far away."
Silence met her remark and she realized that Kristoff had stopped nuzzling and cuddling her. "Damn…" he whispered. "Do you think she heard us?"
From a few yards away, Elsa's voice rang through the night. "Oh, she definitely heard you. You two are even louder than mom and dad used to be. Do I need to get my ear plugs out or are you going to sleep?"
Anna choked as a fit of giggles overtook her and Kristoff shoved a pillow over her face to quiet her down. "Sorry, Elsa. Get some sleep, all right?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," she grumbled loud enough for them to hear. "Took you two long enough."
Anna laughed again and shoved the pillow aside, expecting to see Kristoff look as mortified as she felt. Instead, even though he was blushing the brightest red she had ever seen, he also looked happier than she had ever seen him. He didn't seem to be that offended that Elsa had pretty much informed them that the whole campground had overheard them having sex. He looked deliriously happy. She couldn't stop the swell of love that washed over her as she looked at him and she didn't really want to. He really was everything she wanted and more, no matter how long it had taken her to figure that out.
She brushed her hand against his cheek again and smiled as he turned his lips into it and kissed her palm. "You were worth the wait," she told him.
"So were you, Anna. I love you."
He pressed a soft kiss to her lips and Anna grinned. She couldn't have planned a better camping trip if she had tried.