(EDIT*/ Changed the ending a little, 'cause some people found it confusing)

Oh wow, this is the longest thing I've ever written O3O Anyway, as I promised, hella long chapter (At least for me) Oh! A quick warning for panic attacks!

Happy Valentines day!



Levi hated how jumpy he had become. A tap on the shoulder or a call of his name was enough to send him flying a foot into the air, and sometimes he even let out a gasp or a quiet whimper too.

Hanji showed the most concern out of everyone, she was constantly hovering around Levi and asking if he was alright over and over again. Of course his typical answer was 'I'm fine'.

Erwin never asked, but he gave Levi questioning looks. The shorter man hated how they were so hard to ignore, hated how they made him want to break down tell Erwin everything. It took every ounce of his willpower to keep his mouth.

Levi wasn't safe from questioning when he was with his squad either, Petra showed just as much concern as Hanji and always looked hurt when Levi refused to give her answers. Erd and Gunther also tried to help the Corporal, tried to get him to open up about his problems, but nothing they did would work. Auruo tried to pretend that he didn't care at all, but as the days passed, the facade crumbled piece by piece and soon he too was asking if the shorter man was really OK.

Eren kept his promise and stayed away from Levi, though there were times when contact was unavoidable. Like when Levi had to watch over Hanji's tests on Eren, or when Levi wanted to train with just his squad.

Sometimes Eren would give Levi weird looks, ones he couldn't quite figure out the meaning of, but they would send shivers down his spine.

Levi hated it, he didn't want the titan-shifter to touch him. He hated how Eren had already fucked him up so much, he hated how everyone was paying so much attention to him now, it was making it hard to hide what had happened. He hated how Eren seemed to be acting so casual, like absolutely nothing had happened and he had no reason to feel guilty whatsoever.

Eren was still able to smile and laugh with his friends, but Levi had to force it and he was doing so well when it came to hiding his pain, but then that thing happened...


Levi was eating dinner with Hanji and Erwin in the mess hall one night. The other two were conversing quietly, and Levi was just sat there, not making a sound, half listening to their conversation and half listening to the conversation Eren was having on the other side of the room.

He took another small bite of his bread roll and sneaked a peak at the titan-shifter.

Eren looked angry, his brows were furrowed and he was growling out words through clenched teeth that Levi couldn't quite hear. Mikasa put a hand on his shoulder and tried to soothe him, but Eren stood suddenly and began to yell angrily.

Jean stood too, screaming insults at Eren and leaning over the table so he could grab his shirt.

Levi's eyes widened to the size of the plate he was eating off of.

Oh no.

Eren was angry.

He was angry and he was shouting, and Levi couldn't hide the fact that he was actually scared. Shit, if Eren was angry, he would need to vent his anger out in some way, and Levi was so close. If Eren were to grab him he probably wouldn't have put up much of a fight, he'd be too scared of the consequences of angering Eren any further.

The black haired man gasped and tried to breathe, but it was hard. It felt as if his lungs were shrinking and his breath came in short pants. He heard someone call his name and then he was being lifted up and moved.

He let out a silent scream and tried to struggle, to get away. Eren had him, he knew it was him, Eren was the one dragging him outside. "Stop!" He gasped, "Let me go...!" Forget what he had said before, he had to get away, he didn't want to be raped again. He couldn't.

"Breathe, Levi, God damn it, breathe." A deep voice said, as someone placed Levi on his feet and gripped his shoulders tightly.

"Erwin... I-I can't- I can't breathe...!" Levi choked, gripping the taller man's shirt tightly.

"Look at me, Levi, copy what I do." Erwin said calmly.

The Commander took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, repeating it a couple of times until Levi finally calmed down and was breathing in sync with him.

"Now tell me what the hell happened back there." He sighed, "Is it to do with Eren? You seemed fine until he started a fight with Jean and then you just flipped out."

Just then Hanji burst through the doors of the mess hall and ran over to the pair.

"Levi! Are you OK? What happened?" She cried, pulling him into a tight hug. "You're scaring us, you know. Nobody knows why Humanity's Strongest Soldier is acting weirdly and it's scaring them. I just had to calm everyone in the mess hall down because they started to panic when Erwin had to drag you out here."

"Oi, shitty glasses, let go of me." Levi growled, trying to push her away and free himself. "I'm fine, I was just a little surprised."

"That's bullshit and you know it." Hanji sighed, "Why can't you tell us? Don't you trust us?"

"It's not that... I just can't, OK? I'm tired, I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow." Levi turned and began to walk away, but the blonde grabbed his arm.

"No, you're taking a few days off, no training, no paperwork and no experiments with Hanji until you've got your problems sorted out. That's an order. I'll find others to do your paperwork unless it must be done by you, now go." Erwin said firmly.

Well shit, that could be troublesome, but Levi couldn't disobey a direct order from Erwin. He nodded reluctantly and was finally allowed to leave.

"Do you think we should question Eren about Levi's behaviour?" Hanji asked, watching Levi leave.

Erwin nodded silently as he crossed his arms over his broad chest, keeping his eyes on Levi until the smaller man was out of sight.


Eren found it hard to keep away the thoughts of dominating Levi, every day they would enter his head and he would remember how good it felt. He was trying so hard to leave the Corporal alone, but it just wasn't working and it was pissing him off.

The fact that Jean just wouldn't shut up right now wasn't helping in the slightest.

"And that's all the proof I have that Jaeger is totally banging the Corporal." Jean smirked, looking quite proud of himself as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Shut the fuck up Jean, why the hell would I want to bang the Corporal?!" Eren snapped.

"You know what? You're right, you're probably letting Commander Erwin fuck you, I'm sure you could get more special privileges that way." Jean snapped back.

"Oh, fuck off!" Eren growled through clenched teeth.

"Eren, calm down." Mikasa said, placing a hand on Eren's shoulder.

"No!" Eren shouted, standing form his seat, "I'm not just going to sit here and let Jean make me sound like some sort of whore! I'm sure Jean's fucking more people than just Marco."

"Hey, fuck you!" Jean shouted back, standing and reaching across the table to fist the front of Eren's shirt.

"There you go again, Jean, you just can't keep it your pants, can you?"

Jean's eyes widened, then his brows furrowed again and he opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the sound of chairs being knocked to the ground.

The group turned their heads just in time to see Commander Erwin practically carrying a hyperventilating Corporal Levi out of the room.

The entire room was quiet, and the conversations slowly started to build up again. A few people got out of their seats and frantically started asking Hanji questions, she did her best to calm them down and then rushed outside.

The squad leader came back in a few minutes later and asked Eren to if he could go with her for a little while.


Eren was thankful for his amazing acting skills, Hanji and Erwin completely believed every lie he told, or at least he hoped that they did, and soon he was allowed to go. Asking to see Levi was probably a risky move to make, but he did so anyway and the older two just told him to see if he could get answers out of the shorter man.

He nodded and left quickly, making his way to the Corporal's room.

Eren was angry.

Levi was being way too obvious and people were already starting to suspect things.

It was time to give in to the thoughts.

Levi just had to learn his place before anybody actually found out.


Levi sat at his desk and stared at the stack of papers, he was bored and kind of wanted to start on the work, but he was told not to and Erwin would find out somehow, the man had his ways. He crossed his arms on the desk and hid his face in them, letting out a long sigh as he contemplated whether or not he should actually go to sleep or find a book to read instead.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his mental argument and he lifted his head from his arms, he was about to ask who was there, but he was cut off by who ever it was.

"Corporal, are you in there? Let me in please."

It was Eren, and he wasn't too happy sounding.

Levi's muscles tensed and he wondered if Eren would go away if he just stayed quiet and pretended he wasn't in.

"I know you're there, open the door." There was a loud bang and Levi jumped in his place slightly. "God damn it, Levi, open the damn door now and things won't be so bad for you!" Eren growled.

Levi gulped and slowly, quietly, stood from his place. He made his way over to the door and placed a hand over the lock, "Why are you here?" He asked, "It's late, I was about to go to sleep."

"Let me in." Eren hissed.

"It's late, Eren, get Hanji to lock you up."

"Let. Me. In." Eren said more firmly.


"OK, I'll let Hanji know you're locking yourself in your room and won't let anyone in, I'm sure she'll be thrilled. Now open the door."

Levi clenched his jaw, was Eren really stooping so low as to use blackmail? Well actually, considering the things the boy had done before, it wasn't really that low. Levi knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't hide in his room forever, he'd have to come out eventually, so he unlocked the door and took a step back, allowing Eren to enter the room.

Eren closed and locked the door behind himself, and Levi barely had time to react before Eren's hand was connecting with his cheek. The loud sound of skin on skin echoed throughout the room before Levi lifted a hand to his cheek, his eyes wide from the sudden pain and the utter terror he was now feeling.

Eren gripped Levi's chin and forced the shorter man to look up at him. "After you left, Hanji and Erwin asked me a few questions about you. They're suspecting things Levi, stop being so obvious. You don't want them to start prying for information, do you? Of course you don't."

Levi tried to hide his fear and keep the look in his eyes defiant, and he hoped that his trembling wasn't so obvious, but apparently his efforts were in vain because Eren gave Levi a knowing look and smirked, leaning a little closer.

"Scared? You should be." Eren scowled.

The next couple of hours were just a blur of pain for Levi, was it even a couple of hours? It couldn't have been the whole night, or maybe just a few minutes, but all he could focus on was the pain consuming his body like a wildfire.

He knew he was covered in bruises, he knew there were probably some cuts and he knew there was a lot of blood, but the marks on his body could be easily covered and the blood could easily be washed away. All evidence could be erased. The lower part of his body had received the most attention and Levi was sure that he wouldn't be able to walk for a while, which means he would be needing a lot of help over the next few days.

Eren made sure to clean the Corporal thoroughly when the abuse and rape was over, as well as the rest of the room, he also made sure that every bruise and cut on Levi's body was given a gentle kiss. Levi hated the attention, but he was much too tired to fight, he just wanted to sleep now, that's all.

He felt Eren lift him and he groaned at the dull pain in his limbs as he weakly tugged at Eren's shirt to get his attention.

"Shh, I know." Eren mumbled, kissing the shorter man's forehead. He carried Levi over to his bed and placed him under the covers, then crawled in after him.

Eren pulled the covers up over them, then pulled Levi against his chest and placed a kiss to the nape of his neck. "Goodnight, Corporal." He whispered soon before they both fell asleep.


Levi was awoken the next morning by rustling sounds, he groaned and cracked an eye open.

Eren was moving about the room, doing something Levi couldn't quite figure out, but he stopped when he heard Levi, "Ah, Levi. Go back to sleep, you need to rest."

The black haired man opened his mouth to say that he wasn't tired, but then he felt the ache in his muscles and he closed it again, figuring that he would need to sleep that off.

Eren reached out a hand and brushed a few strands of hair out of Levi's face, "I was just tidying up a little, I'll try to be quiet or do you want me to just stop?" Levi flinched away from the touch and Eren withdrew his hand slightly, his expression changing to one of sadness, "I'm sorry about last night, you needed to be punished for being too obvious, from now on I want to see you act, OK?" Eren kissed his forehead and smiled softly.

Levi stayed silent, trying to figure out the reason for Eren's kindness. He couldn't mean it surely, Levi refused to believe he was really sorry after the events of last night.

"Did you hear me? I want an answer, Levi." Eren frowned, kneeling in front of Levi. "I want to see you act, OK?" He repeated.

"OK..." Levi muttered.

Eren grinned, kissing Levi on the nose this time. He returned to his previous task and Levi somehow managed to fall asleep again, despite the noises that the other was making.


Over the next few days Levi healed up and caught up on all the sleep he never knew he was missing. Most of the time was spent in his bed, either sleeping, just resting or reading, though sometimes he got up to sit in his office, but he never actually left to wander the corridors.

Eren stayed with him, there were days when he had training and times when he was just with his friends, but he always returned to the Corporal. He slept in the same bed, ate his meals with him and he sat with the Corporal when he was reading books.

Levi didn't particularly like it, but he was too scared to voice his thoughts, even though Eren hadn't hurt him or tried to do anything more than kissing in the past few days. He just accepted the attention when it was given and hoped that when Eren left, he'd be gone for a while before coming back.

He was also kind of angry that Hanji and Erwin allowed Eren to do what he wanted, he was angry that they actually thought that Eren was helping him and improving his condition. It was true that Levi was looking a lot better, but that's only because he was acting, that is what Eren wanted after all.

That also meant that Eren was happy, Levi was acting, no one suspected anything anymore, well actually... they now believed that Eren and Levi were in a relationship, and Eren never denied it whenever someone brought it up, so that's what they were now. That was a real problem for Levi when he started leaving his room/office again, Eren had no qualms with public displays of affection. This often meant that Levi was stuck holding his hand, or forced to stay still when Eren had his arm around him, he even had to accept the quick pecks, but they weren't all that bad... Sometimes his mask slipped, but all it would take was a quiet whisper of 'I want to see you act' from Eren and the mask was back again.

Though... in those moments Levi felt as if Eren really loved him and cared about him, even though he knew that Eren was just acting too. The brat didn't like him, he just wanted his body, that was all, he was an item to be used. It didn't bother him, he'd always been a tool for defeating titans, that was worse than being a toy for venting out anger. He found that the more he acted, the more he lied, the more he actually started to believe the words he was saying, the words that Eren was saying.

As the days continued on, Levi was thankful that Eren had more good days than bad. It was rare for Eren to storm into Levi's- no, their room and have his way with the shorter man. Most of their free time, when Levi wasn't working and Eren wasn't training or with friends, was spent sitting on the window seat in Levi's office. Levi would be sitting in between Eren's legs, and the titan-shifter would have his arms around his Corporal's waist, and they would watch the clouds pass overhead while having a quiet conversation.

That was how they found themselves on the night before the Survey Corps' latest expedition.


Eren was sat on the window seat, his arms wrapped tightly around the man that was leaning back against his chest. He had his chin resting on the shorter man's shoulder as they stared out of the window and conversed quietly.

The stars were small, twinkling dots peppered randomly across the dark blue curtain of night. There were no clouds in the sky and the moon was full and bright.

Eren hummed contentedly and placed a soft kiss to Levi's neck, "Levi?" He asked.

"Yeah?" The other mumbled.

"What are the stars made out of?" Eren asked, focusing his attention on the night sky.

It was times like these that reminded Levi that Eren really was just a kid, young and impressionable.

Levi could tell the truth and say that stars were really just balls of gas burning miles and miles away, but he wanted to tell Eren a lie that he'd often heard mothers tell their children.

"When people die they become stars," Levi started, "And the really bright stars are the people that were close to you."

"Really? So my mother's a star?"

Levi nodded silently, turning his attention to the stars too. "And the moon is made of cheese."

"What? No way!" Eren turned back to Levi with a grin on his face, "That one's definitely a lie! The moon can't be cheese! How would it even get into space? And why would humanity waste so much cheese?"

Levi allowed a small smile to tug at his lips, "Ah, you're too smart Eren, you're right, it's just a big chunk of floating rock. I don't think cheese would last up in space anyway."

Eren grinned and held Levi tighter, placing more kisses to his cheek and neck. "I love you, Levi." He said softly.

"I love you too, Eren." Levi mumbled back.

The words weren't true, of course, no, they were just part of the act.


"Are you done eating, Brat? We need to leave now." Levi said as he grabbed his cloak and draped it over his shoulders, fastening it quickly.

"Yeah, I'm done." Eren stood and double checked his harness before putting on his own cloak. "I can't believe we're leaving for the expedition already, it feels as if only yesterday Erwin was explaining the plan to everybody. Time passes so fast, doesn't it?"

"It does." The shorter man said, making his way over to the door. He reached his hand out to open it, but another hand grabbed a hold of his wrist.

"Let's come back alive, OK?" Eren smiled softly and wrapped his arms around his Corporal's waist, pulling him closer.

The boy pressed his lips to Levi's in a sweet kiss that quickly became passionate, and when they parted their breaths came in heavy pants. Levi threaded his fingers into Eren's dark hair and pulled him down again to place another quick kiss to his forehead.

"Of course, Brat." He whispered. "We always do, this time isn't going to be any different."


The expedition started off smoothly, for the first hour barely any titans appeared and when they did, the course was changed and the titans were successfully avoided, even when soldiers had to fight, the battles were quick and no lives were lost. Levi had a bad feeling though, something just felt off about the whole situation, something really bad was going to happen, he just knew it. Expeditions didn't just go well like this, something was going to happen soon, and in no way would it be good.

Levi found himself glancing backwards often, constantly checking to see if his squad was still following, if Eren was still following. At one point, their gazes met and Eren had a look of worry and confusion on his face, a quick look at the others showed they all had the same expression. So they all felt it too, huh? That definitely wasn't a good sign.

"Everybody stay alert!" Levi called back to his squad, focusing his attention on what was in front of him.

"Captain, there's a black smoke signal to the left!" Petra called frantically.

"An abnormal this far in?" Erd questioned, "What the hell's going on?"

"Keep moving forward!" Levi ordered, "And Petra, fire a smoke signal."

"Yes, Captain!" She called, immediately doing as she was told.

Everything happened so quickly after that, Levi barely had time to react. Titans were everywhere and before he knew it his squad was lying dead around him, but Eren was no where to be found.

He clenched his teeth and tried to contain his emotions, there were still titans about, but they were being taken care of by other soldiers that had arrived on the scene. Levi maneuvered his horse around the bodies scattered about the ground, trying to see if there was anyone still alive, but it was hopeless. All the bodies were completely mangled, there was no way they would have survived.

He could feel panic rising within him when there was still no sign of Eren and he found himself calling out, "Eren! Eren, where are you? God damn it, has anyone here seen the brat?!"

Levi checked that the soldiers still fighting around him were doing OK before he galloped away, still calling out Eren's name. "Eren! Answer me for fuck's sake, Eren!" He screamed desperately, "Are you even still alive...?"

There was a loud roar, one that Levi recognised immediately and he turned to see Eren's titan form running toward him. He tugged on his horses reins and it reared up on its hind legs and neighed, before standing still.

Levi hurriedly took out his blades, just in case Eren wasn't actually in control.

Eren roared again and it sounded as if he was in pain, he raised a large hand and pointed somewhere behind the Corporal. He turned around again just in time to see a grinning titan reach out for him and grab him, lifting him from his horse.

The titan held onto Levi tightly, he could barely breathe and he knew that if the thing tightened its grip even the tiniest his ribs would start cracking. The titan brought Levi closer to its mouth and he used his blades to try and free himself, but he only managed to make small cuts that had no affect on the titan.

Levi heard Eren roar for the third just as the titan bit down on him, it's teeth digging into his stomach and back. He screamed and cried at the sudden pain, trying in vain to free himself again, he was about ready to accept his fate, but then he felt himself falling. He didn't land on the ground like he had expected, but something softer, he weakly turned his head to look up, his vision was blurry, but he could just about make out Eren's titan form.

"Eren..." He whimpered, as the titan-shifter held him close, "Eren, it hurts..."

The other let out a watery sounding growl that quickly escalated into yet another roar.

Levi would probably have been worried about going deaf if he wasn't dying. He could feel Eren moving about, but he couldn't see anything. Eren was holding him against his chest, shielding him with one hand while using the other to fight off what must have been a whole horde of titans.

The wounds Levi had were somewhat deep, they were bleeding profusely and they ihurt/i, but he managed to stand and look out through a gap in Eren's fingers. There were so many titans and they were quickly wearing Eren down, his titan form was being bitten and torn at by the other titans and he wasn't going to last.

Eren fell to his knees and one of the titans got a hold of the nape of his neck and pulled him of his titan form, it clutched him tightly and Levi heard cracking noises.

His eyes widened in horror, hot tears streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the blood, and he let out a loud scream of anguish, even if it hurt to do so. "EREN!"


"Over there!"

"That's his titan form, quick!"

Surely Levi was just imagining the voices of his and Eren's friends, blood loss did that to a person. Though he couldn't be imagining the feeling of someone carrying him, could he? Or was that just the feeling you got when you died?

He couldn't remember ever closing his eyes, but he opened them again and saw Erwin's face, and if he looked closely he saw what could have been tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Er...win...?" His voice sounded so quiet, so weak, he didn't have long left, he was honestly surprised he'd managed to last this long.

The taller man looked down quickly, surprise briefly showing on his face before it was replaced with a gentle smile, "You did well, Levi. I'm letting you retire, humanity thanks you for your service." He knelt down and set Levi on the ground as gently as he could.

The shorter man chuckled shakily, "Ah, finally... tell humanity that... I said... 'you're welcome.'"

"Will do, Levi." Erwin nodded, putting one hand behind his back and curling the other into a fist, placing it over his heart.

Hanji, Armin and Mikasa copied him, saluting the two dying soldiers. All four of the saluting soldiers had tears in their eyes and looked as if they could break down at any moment.

"Hey... no need to look... so sombre." A soft voice said from Levi's right side.

Levi turned his head and saw Eren lying beside him, blood was covering the boy from head to toe, but he still had a gentle smile on his face, "That's a big word... for someone like you..." Levi joked.

Eren grinned, despite everything, "I want... t-to say sorry... for all those things... that I-I did... and i-if we ever... get another chance... we should be lovers... proper lovers..." He raised a hand slowly and brushed a few hairs from Levi's face, "You l-look upset... I want... to see you act, L-Levi..."

Levi forgot about the four other people around them, in this moment it was just him and Eren, until the end. He flashed a smile of his own and let out a shaky laugh, "We... we should... Brat... I'd like that..." He reached for Eren's hands and entwined their fingers together, holding as tightly as his current strength would allow. "I love you... Eren..."

"I-I love you, too... Levi..."


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, Eren was going to be late, how the hell could he let this happen? He was so sure that he'd wake up early and actually have a little time to relax before getting ready for school. But no, he slept through his alarm and his mother didn't feel like helping.

He ran as he fast as he could with a bag full of books and didn't actually pay attention to where he was going, which caused him to crash into another man walking his way.

They both fell to the ground and Eren landed on the man in a somewhat awkward position, his face buried in their chest and his hands crushed in between them, dangerously close to the others' crotch.

He blushed a deep red, and immediately began to look for a way out. There were a bunch of papers scattered about that the other must have dropped, he immediately scrambled to try and collect them all while stuttering out an apology, "Ah, man, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking-"


His eyes widened and he whipped his head to the side, only to find himself staring into piercing silver eyes. Eren felt his own eyes begin to sting as hot tears rolled down his cheeks, and he flung himself into the others' waiting arms.



I really hope you liked this and thank you so much for reading!