Hey everyone who's still around. Sorry this really isn't an update but I figured that some-sort of status check was in order seeing as to how I haven't updated in so long. This is a mass notification across all of my fics so for those of you who follow multiple of my works no need to check on the others.
Where to start? Well I'm not dead! That's good at least right? My fall semester went a bit wonky and I ended up dropping out of my chemistry class around midterms. At this time my grades in my other two classes was able to be brought up. For Thanksgiving my family and I vacationed in Santa Cruz again and ever so smart me fell off a fence and chipped my shoulder bone. Yes it's still broken and I'm doomed to a sling for a few weeks more.
Now fast forward to mid December, the week before my finals we get a call saying my Uncle is back in the hospital and the doctors don't expect him to recover this time around. Of course we go visit but I had to leave after two days because the real world doesn't stop because yours does. I managed to scrape through the finals I didn't study for and barely passed my two classes with C's.
It was two days later that I get the call that my Uncle has passed away. And I feel horrible even to today that I wasn't there with him. He was my favorite family member and we were really close, he was like the older brother i never had.
This post right now is more of a vent I suppose, I'm sorry to unload this you don't have to read, just skip to the end. I haven't really been able to talk to my family through this, they're mourning their own way. Someone's always a puddle of tears at some point. I guess that's what truly bothers me. I haven't cried at all. I cried like a baby when my great grandma died, but I just feel empty since my uncle's death. I dunno...i dunno.
But, I've tried getting creative again since because he himself was too...And I just can't seem to do anything. No painting, no writing, no guitar playing, no piano, I can't even look at nature the same way I used to. I've tried a few small fics, that will only ever be found on tumblr, to try and overcome the stiffness but it didn't work. So I've been listlessly reading fics, I've even read some of my old chapters and marveling at how easy it used to come.
So I'm sorry, I can't really give you an estimated time as to when I'll update again. It could be in a few days or in a few years, I really don't know. But I hope it won't be too long, I truly miss writing and reading your guys' such supporting reviews as I go along.
Thanks for understanding and I'm sorry for everything if you don't.