I happily skipped down the hallway, pausing to glance out the window in time to see Haurka fall into theme arms of a dark-skinned male.
'Eh' she thought, linking her hands behind her back and continuing her leisurely stroll down the hallway.
'Haruka-san sure does have a nice relationship with STARISH. They all seem like such nice people!' She smiled to herself, thinking back to when she first saw STARISH at their debut concert with the other members of Quartet Night. Pushing that memory aside for now, she made her way to the planning room where everyone else already resided.
"Hina! I was starting to think you wouldn't make it!" Reji yelled, pulling her into a tight hug.
"We've been here for 5 minutes." Ranmaru reminded him, also standing and ruffling her hair.
"You look nice Hina-chan." So said with his usual blank face. She gave him a big smile. Today she was dressed down in a comfy yellow tee and baggy gray sweatpants.
"So what did you guys want to meet about?"
"We wanted to know the outcome of your 'unexpected inspiration'" Camus said from where he was leaning against the wall. She smiled again.
"Well..." she said, digging through her bag of papers until her hand closed around several turquoise sheets, "I managed to put a new song together!" She pulled it out, slightly crinkled but still good, "and..." she began digging again, "I began one this morning!" She announced pulling out several yellow sheets.
"That's great Hina! What's the first one?" Reji asked, grabbing the turquoise paper from her hands.
"That one is written for Ai's voice. But this one is for all of you." She told him, taking the sheets from his hand and replacing them with the yellow ones, handing the others to Ai.
"Wonderful work as usual, Hina." Camus told her, smiling.
"Yeah, looks good." Ranmaru muttered, glancing over Reji's shoulders. She was about to respond when the door softly opened.
"Um, Hina-chan? If you aren't busy, I don't suppose you could help me with this? I'm having trouble with the bridge." Haurka asked nervously.
"Of course Haurka-kun! See you later guys!" Hina waved as she ran out the door with Haruka.
That little rascal. Ranmaru watched her run out of the room, her short hair following, blown by the wind. It had grown since the last time he'd seen her. And she was still as cute as ever. Like the little sister he'd never had.
"Ran-ran! Look at this, Hina's work is so good, you can feel the emotion from the song!" Reji exclaimed, shoving the papers in his face and pointing to various lines.
"And look here! This harmony is perfect, it complements each of our individual styles!"
"I told you not to call me that." Ranmaru huffed.
"Aw! I bet you wouldn't care if it were Hina-chan calling you Ran-ran." He pouted.
"I do have to admit, Hina-chan certainly has improved." Campus said, looking over the papers he'd taken from Ai, "she's really figured out how to fit all of our voices together in a song."
"Yeah! Haruka will have a lot to learn!"
"She's pretty good already, I mean, you saw that concert too." Ranmaru shrugged and sat down.
"WHA-! ButHina-chanissogoodtherecantpossiblybesomeonebetterthanheryouthinksotoodon'tyouRanran!" Reji began yelling.
"Jesus Christ! Calm down! I didn't say that!" And so they continued their pointless bickering as the author ended with a fade away because she wants to post for all her lovely readers but is too lazy to continue...
Hello! Yes indeed, I have finally updated, only 12 or so stories left tonight! Wow, this story was nothing but pointless filler, I would certainly appreciate some reviews from my lovely readers to tell me where I should take this story. (Hint hint) SPOILERS! Hina will be appearing in another of my Uta no Prince Sama fics that is in the drafting stage right now, so if you've read This, You're good. Why does my tablet keep randomly capitalizing things?
CUTE STORY! so my dog is sitting on the bed with me as I type this, and earlier I got up to go to the bathroom and I'm like
"I'll be right back."
So I go to the bathroom and I'm gone for like 3 minutes, and when I got do e I came back in my room and went,
"I'm back!"
And she started wagging her tail and rolled over to ask for a belly rub and licked my face! Aww-! You're so cute Annie! Well now I want a cupcake, bye! B-)