Hey everyone! I'm here with a new story! This one is a special request to continue from Savvy0147. I loved her first story 'Taking Care of Baby Amy Rose' and I wanted more from the sequel ' Taking Care of the Ultimate Life form', but it didn't work out, I guess. But I'm here and I will do my best to make this work for ya, cutie! :3
Just to let you know, there will be swears and stuff in this, but no 'M' stuff…unless there are some scenes, but not to graphic.
Let's start!
Chapter 1. A Baby Shadow?
A calm summer afternoon was what they needed. A special get together is all they want. The lovely rosette beauty and the handsome blackened knight couldn't ask for a better evening than this. Until…it happened…
"Shadow, this is so wonderful!" cried a happy pink hedgehog.
Sitting under a large tree in the park, was the famous 'Sonic-Loving' Amy Rose. But for a sudden change, she slowly lost attention to the blue hero. Even Sonic was surprised, but after caring for her with his 'companion' Shadow the Hedgehog, he started to see some strange connection between the two.
After she was returned back, she began to start to be with her boyfriend more and more. Days passed, then months. Amy was then asked out by Shadow, again, and the two were now laying in the cool shade on a hot Saturday afternoon. Shadow had bought both some cooling waters to help them stay cool.
Amy nestled her head onto his chest hearing his soft heartbeats, "I'm glad you think so, Rose." Her boyfriend answered back with a gentle smile.
"So what shall we do next? We've been here under this tree for at least an hour." She asked looking up with her big emerald eyes.
Shadow looked down at her, "Well…we could do something." He suggested, "But, I really like this. It gives me enough time to lay down with my rose.".
Amy smiled, "Oh, Shadow…" she giggled resting back onto his chest.
The black and red hedgehog smiled once more. He placed his hand onto her head and started to gently stroke her long hair downwards. It all seemed well to the two that nothing could happen to destroy their wonderful time together.
"Catch me if you can, Egghead!"
A loud laughing shout was heard, followed by a louder boom. Amy quickly shot up from his chest as Shadow sat up both looking over to see black smoke rising up above a few trees along with a few humans and mobians running away. Amy was shocked of course, but Shadow only groaned.
"Damn…" he cursed getting up from the ground.
Amy looked up at him, "Eggman, again?" she asked.
Her lover held out a hand to her helping her up to her feet, "Yeah. Looks like that annoying faker is there as well…" he growled.
The young rose giggled quietly to herself. She knew how much he hated him, but he would at least help him to stop Eggman, or anyone who tries to take over the world. Amy held out her hand and out popped her famous Piko Piko hammer gripping it tightly.
She grinned determined, "Let's go crack that Eggman!" she said with a fun smile.
Shadow looked at her slightly worried, "No Rose. Your not going." He ordered. The said female shot out a 'WTF' face to him.
"You serious?!" she shouted, "I wanna help! You need me!".
"Rose, the last time you were involved into a combat like this, you were zapped! And turned into an infant!"
"So?! I didn't know you were fighting him! But I wanna help!".
Shadow shook his head crossing his arms, "No, Rose. I won't le-!" before he could finish, a pink blur rushed passed him off to the battle. He looked back shocked at what had happened before he face palmed, "God dammit, Rose!" he shouted before turning a heel and sped off to the battle.
In the trail walk right across from where the two were, a good battle was being held. Sonic, the local blue hero, was busy battling his archenemy, Doctor Eggman. The doctor was sat into his hover craft behind a large mechanical robot. The metal beast held up it's large 'hands' that were actually saw blades hooked onto it.
Eggman laughed his maniacal cackle, "Now, you pesky hedgehog! I will destroy you once and for all!" he shouted pointing his white gloved hand at the said hedgehog.
Sonic smirked and kicked the dirt before rubbing his nose, "Come on! You always say that, yet you never had the chance of beating me!" he taunted.
The doctor glared through his goggles, "This time, I have a special plan to kill you!" he raged pressing a button on his control panel.
The Robot reaved up it's blades fast enough to slice off the toughest tree. Sonic watched as the robot got closer, but didn't move. He only smirked and crossed his arms, "You actually thought this thing will kill me? It can't even hit me, let alone touch my shiny red shoes!" he laughed holding up his left shoe for reference.
Eggman growled angrily seeing how he's really making him wanting to kill him here and now. Before the beast could come any closer, a pink blur appeared and a red and yellow colorful object was flown at the robot making it hit it's face and tumble back.
Sonic slightly jumped, but recognized the object, "Amy?!" he shouted.
The pink hedgehog appeared jumping over the robot and landing next to him with her hammer now back in her hands, "Hey, Soniku!" she chirped happily.
"Amy! Get out of here! This is really dangerous!" he shouted. Amy shook her head with a pouty face.
"No! I'm going to help! No matter what!" she argued.
"AMY!" Sonic growled ready to push her out of the way till he noticed in the side of his eye a silver blade was coming right at them, "Deadly-blade-that-can-kill-you-with-one-hit at twelve o'clock!".
Amy widened her eyes in shock. She quickly jumped back and landed only a few meters away, then jumped forward and raised her hammer up and slammed it down onto it's metal hand ecapitating the bladed hand off.
The robot staggered back waving it's now 'handless' arm back and forth almost hitting the hover craft. Eggman shouted trying to stop the robot, "E-21, get them!" he ordered.
Sonic sped around to the back of the robot and stood before reving up for a fast homing attack. He balled up into a ball and jumped up then slammed his body onto the back going through it and out the front destroying it completely. The robot fell to the ground with a hole into it and sparks flew out of both back and 'hand'.
The blue blur landed back onto the ground next to Amy, who was standing with her hammer in hand. Eggman shouted in anger throwing his hands up before slamming them onto his button panel having the hover craft slightly spark, "You damn hedgehogs!" he shouted, "I'll get you this time!" he pressed a button out popping a large metal gun large enough to hold it over his shoulder.
Amy widened her eyes at the gun and quickly grabbed Sonic's arm, "Sonic!" she cried shivering slightly.
"Don't worry, Ames…I won't let him hurt you." He vowed staring at the killing devise.
Eggman grinned evilly and fired his gun at them shooting a long streak of golden light. Amy closed her eyes and Sonic stood in front preparing to take the hit for her.
"ROSE!" The two were looked up seeing the beam now being blocked by non other than Shadow himself.
He ran fast enough to catch up to the two seeing the gun pointed at them and wasted no time to jump into action. No one is going to hurt the one he loves. Even if it means sacrificing himself for her. Amy screamed covering her mouth seeing the beam hit him before watching his fallen form land onto the ground hard rolling over behind a few broken bushes and twigs covering his body completely.
Sonic watched in horror, then turned to the killer glaring angrily, "Eggman!" he snarled speeding up to a nearby tree and climbing up the top. He jumped off and landed on top of the hover craft getting in front of Eggman. Before he could shoot him, Sonic quickly smashed his fist down on the pilot having it spark out of control.
He quickly got off and landed on to the ground watching the doctor now being flown up uncontrollably into the sky, "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, HEDGEHOG!" he heard him yell before he vanished.
"Hmph…yeah right…" he groaned dusting off his body.
The blue hero heard the cry of the rose maiden then quickly sped over to see what had happened. He came up to her seeing a very, very shocked look to her face, "Ames! What happened?! Are you o….o….o…shit…" he gasped.
In front of their eyes was a small little form. A small black and red baby with the same quills with red stripes on them, his tiny arms, and legs with the same white gloves and the golden rings now on the floor around the little thing. The baby looked up and saw the two staring horrified at what had happened to their friend.