Authors note:
Hello this is graysean86 here and on December 4th I presented my senior project. And I made a 90 on it. Heck yeah. And my teacher also got a letter describing all the people who presented in room 6, and I was described as the one who introduced something unique. Thank you all for the support. And thank you for the feedback for everything.
As always if you wish to make fanart, you have my permission
Now in today's chapter, Shadow arrives just in time to be a badass and to kick the ass of Starstrike.
Disclaimer: I do not own any sonic or mlp. All characters items and settings belong to Hasbro and Sega respectively.
Chapter 4
The Race Around the World: Sonic vs Rainbow Dash
Part 2
Shadow is friggin Awesome
"And who are you," Starstrike asked him.
The hedgehog looked at him and Starstrike flinched which was weird for him because he only flinched when Luna looked at him. The hedgehog then gave his answer…
"I'm Shadow the Hedgehog," He said. "The Ultimate lifeform."
The equestrians were staring at the mobian hedgehog. They thought he was pretty boastful at calling himself the ultimate life form. They also thought he was pretty crazy. And Luna was a little pissed off at how he was placing himself. She knew she had astounding magical prowess, but she said to others that just because she had amazing powers she was a no better pony than anyone else, especially after what happened to her.
'What makes him so special?' Luna questioned. She did admit that he had the looks to make such a boast, with the red streaks resembling blood (which she hoped it really wasn't) and an aura of power he was giving off, but she highly doubted he had the power to make such a boast. 'Wait I'm thinking about how he looks now?'
She was also a little suspicious because he named his attack "CHAOS" spear.
Twilight was just about to say what Luna was thinking, when Starstrike burst out laughing hysterically, but Shadow seemed unfazed.
" 'Ultimate Lifeform'," Starstrike managed to get out. "Ha, more like ultimate shoe stain. Word to the wise, you might want to get bigger if you want to make a boast like that."
"Funny," Shadow said clearly unamused. He uncrossed his arms and clenched his fists, clearly ready to fight. "I was gonna say something but that sense of humor speaks for itself, A stuck-up traitor."
Starstrike looked at Shadow with great rage. "You just sealed your fate." He turned to the robots around him and bluntly said two words while pointing at Shadow. "Kill him."
The equestrians were surprised, Celestia more so than the others, she had met Starstrike before and he openly told her that he would never kill unless he was forced to, and only in self-defense. Now he just all but said he would take countless lives without a second thought. Now her patience just went to zero for her former captain, as well as any mercy she had.
The robots then converged on Shadow who remained in place. If he was scared, he sure as hell didn't show it. And then he jumped up into the air and disappeared and then reappeared behind one robot before kicking its head clean off.
'He can teleport,' all of the princesses thought simultaneously.
He then teleported on top of another robot and ripped its head off and then threw it like a discus at a robot that was sneaking up on Celestia, narrowly missing her head.
He then teleported high up in the air and had two red glowing energy bolts appeared near his hands, which were held out.
"CHAOS LANCE," Shadow cried out and he flung them towards the remaining robots. At first it looked like they missed but when they hit the ground, they exploded and sent robots flying most of them landing hard and going offline the instant they hit the ground. But some of them were still moving, so Shadow simply homing attacked them before he landed behind the last robot. He then grabbed its shoulder plate, and ran his hand straight through the robots chest cavity, and out the other side. In his hand was an orb that had glowing lines on it, he then crushed it and let the now powerless robot slide off his arm and hit the ground.
All of the equestrians stared at the demonstration of raw power and ruthlessness. The only one who looked like she was enjoying it was Scootaloo. (oh yeah I forgot they were there. I imagine Shadow would have the same effect on Scootaloo as he does on Charmy bee.)
Now it was Starstrike's turn to be scared. He had just witnessed his forces, which were told to be the best his new master had to offer, eviscerated in seconds. And he felt like he was next. He then mentally prepared himself for the fight that was about to happen.
"O-Okay," He said shakily. He couldn't believe this. HE was being forced to fight. He had trained but he had never fought in a life or death situation. And this hedgehog looked like he was very much willing to end his life. "You forced this."
He activated a speed increase spell and sped right up and tried to land a few jabs to Shadows face, but Shadow sidestepped each of them. It was clear that Shadow was much faster than the powered up unicorn. Shadow jumped in to the air, "CHAOS SPEAR," he cried as he waved his arm in a flinging motion, and multiple yellow energy bolts appeared next to him and flew towards Starstrike. Starstrike brought up a magic barrier, it wasn't as strong as Shining Armors or the princesses but strong none the less. When the first energy bolt hit the dome, it began to crack. And as each one hit it, it cracked even more. And then it finally broke, and the last bolt hit Starstrike square in the chest sending him flying. He was pretty sure that if he hadn't been wearing armor, that hit would have ended it. He would have hit the tree behind him, but Shadow teleported into his path and landed a devastating haymaker which sent him flying towards the group of equestrians and mobians. Shadow then teleported in front of the group and delivered a roundhouse kick which sent him flying in another direction completing a triangle. Shadow then teleported in front of him and delivered a wicked uppercut which sent him flying upwards. He teleported above him and delivered a devastating 2-handed punch, which made him slam face first into the ground. Shadow landed walked up to him as the beaten captain coughed up quite a bit of blood.
"And you're supposed to be captain of her royal guard?" He mocked. "Pathetic." He then pulled out a yellow diamond, the fourth chaos emerald.
Starstrike had had enough. His horn crackled with energy, his hands had a magic aura around them and he swung in for a punch. Or he would have.
Shadow then brought up the emerald and cried out, "CHAOS CONTROL!" Time seemed to slow down for Shadow. He then calmly went up behind Starstrike and give him a swift roundhouse kick to the back of his head, which sent him sprawling on the ground and time resumed its normal flow.
"What the hell," Starstrike cried out bewildered. There was no way he could have missed.
"Don't bother getting up," Shadow said as he walked over. "By using the power of this chaos emerald, I warp time and space. You won't win."
This made the equestrians all looked from Shadow to the chaos emerald with wide eyes, the royal pony sisters moreso than the others. Just one allowed the user to warp time and space to their will. How could anything be that powerful?
But Starstrike didn't care. He was seeing red. His horn crackled with energy once more, he brought his hands together, turned around and fired a laser 3 feet in diameter pointblank at Shadow. When the laser subsided it looked like Shadow was vaporized. Starstrike fell to his knees, with a sick grin on his face until he heard a voice come from behind. "About as impressive as a firecracker." He turned around and saw much to his surprise, and the surprise of the equestrians, Shadow the hedgehog. And he was glowing slightly with red energy.
"Now let show you real firepower," he said as the energy began to swirl around him. Starstrike tried to back away, but he was too tired. And his had energy to burn. He tried to fire another laser but his magical energy was drained. "CHAOS…" Starstrike was now regretting his choice of betraying the princesses. Shadow then spread his arms out like wings, and levitate a few inches off the ground as the energy turned into a dome. "…BLAST!" and a massive explosion of red energy, was seen and all that was left of the combatants was a cloud of smoke. Then they heard footsteps from the cloud of smoke. In a minute, they would know who won. Then they saw it. With out a single scratch on him, Shadow the hedgehog
Authors note:
And theres part 2
Wasn't shadows fight awesome. That is a tvtrope known as a curbstomp battle. Which is totally onesided. Now don't worry next chapter will be focused on sonic and rds race. But that will have to wait, next I will be focusing on my digimon oc story. I all ready have chosen the ocs. So please follow fave and review. This is graysean86 signing off for now.