
Witch: Do you think that little brat ever learned her lesson?

Son: I don't know, she was pretty stubborn.

Witch: Well I did make it rather hard for her to break my curse, I wonder if I should go looking for her?

Son: No! If she hasn't broken the curse then she has claws and fangs now, I don't even want to imagine what she'd do to you if she saw you again!

Witch: Hmm there is that, but maybe I should have at least given her more of a clue on how to fix her little fur problem?

Son: You did leave her that note with the challenge right? That should have been enough.

Witch: What?! I thought you left it.

Son: Oh dear.


Till thou learn to stay your hand

Till thou accept the consequences of thy actions

Till thou discover man's greatest gift within thyself

Till thou return what can only be given freely

Till thou realize what you cannot live without

Till thou find the devotion of one who will stand by thou against all odds

So shall thou live in dual form


I was trying to think of a way to incorporate the curse requirements into the story but never could so I hope you like this little omake.

*Authors note: Nanoha really had most of this completed before the final scene but it wasn't until she realized she never wanted to leave Fate and accepted her love at the end that she finally fulfilled all the requirements, stubborn girl. *

-Not smacking the*beep* out of Hayate when she glommed onto her Fate or raging during the Yuuno incident

-Leaving home and trying not to hurt others through her curse (or whining about it)

-Falling in love with Fate (very easy)

-Expressing her love for Fate (hard due to her not wanting to cause Fate trouble, i.e. never wanting to be a burden which is how she has come to see herself)

-Realizing she never wanted to apart from Fate (pretty easy but it needed to be in her human form not as an animal)

-Fate falling in love with our little neko in both her forms and wanting Nanoha in her life no matter what was a big part but rescuing her from the dogs when there was a serious threat to her own life and limb was the clincher


Two points from the reviews I want to address

If you woke up to a naked Nanoha cat-girl kissing you would you hold back? I think not! Especially if you're Fate.

Nanoha is a very physical person, if Fate hadn't "jumped" her it would have taken more time for Nanoha to finally realize/admit her love and need to be with Fate. The stubborn girl would have held back but love-making makes it hard to deny your feelings and impressed onto her that Fate wasn't going to be held back, she loved her cursed or not.

I have now uploaded the flip side to this story, 'What if Fate was turned into a dog?' It's not a continuation of this story but was just as fun to write as this one. I hope you all enjoy it. Please head over to "My Puppy Prince(ss)?"

To those who have reviewed, followed or favorite'd my stories & are following me thank you so much! Everyone gets their own Nanoha-kitty to love and squeeze!

**Just a reminder, I own nothing but the plot, sadly I do not own MGLN**