Thanks to Jo-Jo287, Sailorraven34 and DesertSnowQueen for reviewing!

A/N Sorry this took a while. Longer A/N at the end. Russian is still bold.

This morning I contacted Fury, who although I knew would be still shutting down HYDRA, but also would be starting a new S.H.I.E.L.D. He wouldn't put his self as head, he'd put either Coulson or Maria, but Coulson's dead and Maria's working for Stark. So there must be someone else. Anyway, I contacted him, and he said he'd come and pick up Klara for S.H.I.E.L.D. academy training tonight. I'd already discussed it with her, and Klara said that it was what she wanted to do, and I wasn't about to stop her.

Currently the whole team is sitting around on the communal floor, mainly doing different things. Klara and Yana are having a kind of goodbye talk, a couple of the others watching TV, Bruce, Tony and Jane are locked in a deep scientific debate. Fury walks in and Tony immediately jumps up and screams, "Security breach, JARVIS! Wait, what's the Pirate doing here?"

"Ms Romanoff called me here this morning. It's not a social visit. Does anyone else want to come to the new intelligence agency, which is yet to have a name, but very like S.H.I.E.L.D?" Fury says drily, no doubt rolling his eyes in his head.

It then becomes apparent that Yana and Klara are indeed having an argument, although it is still in Russian. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE JUST GOING TO LEAVE ME!" Yana screams at her, standing up.

"YOU'LL BE FINE! I HAVE TO GO!" Klara retorts, and I sort of know why she feels that way. Yana reminds her of the Red Room, and she needs to get away.

"GIVE ME ONE LEGITIMATE REASON WHY!" All the others are looking at us, although none of them understand except Clint, they seem to get the gist of it.

"Yana, calm down. She'll come back to visit." I intervene.

"NO I WON'T CALM DOWN, SHE'S JUST GOING TO LEAVE ME. AFTER IRINA AND OLGA JUST... died... Klara please stay... Please..."

"Sorry Yana. I'll be back okay?"

Yana nods tearfully. "Fine. Go. Just... Come back soon." I'm surprised Yana backs down so easily. Maybe she knows that she'll never win.

"I'll try." They hug and Klara goes to stand next to Fury.

"You know Natasha, have you given any-" Fury asks, and I'm pretty sure I knows it's what he said to me earlier. He wants Anya to join S.H.I.E.L.D. And she's not. She can't be put in danger like that.

"No. Maybe. I'll talk to her. At some point." In the far away future. I've just got my sister back, she's not going anywhere anytime soon.

I'm in the gym later, alone for the first time in a long while. And I'm soon joined by someone I never thought I'd see dead in the gym, Tony Stark. "Natasha I need to ask you something."

"What? I'm busy." I reply, still just running on the treadmill. No one else is around.

"It needs thought. I'll ask you later." I shut the treadmill off and go to stand by him.

"Must be important. I'm listening." He says something so fast I can't make it out. This must be important to him. "Slow down. What's wrong."

"I think... No, I know I want to adopt Yana." Tony says slowly. Although I didn't necessarily expect this, I'm not entirely surprised. Tony has been interacting with Yana really well. She seems to like him, which although seems quite strange, I mean who meets Tony and likes him in only a couple of days, without being pissed off? However it isn't unheard of.

"Okay. Why?" I ask, feeling like one of the people that decides whether a person is fit to become an adopted parent or not. They're government people aren't they? Looks like I'm a government person again.

"She's lost, she needs someone to be there for her. I want to be that person. It's time for me to grow up." That, Mr Stark, is one of the best answers you could have given. I'm in awe. Though, I'm still in adopter decider mode.

"Have you talked to Pepper?"

"Yeah. She thinks its a good idea." Any idea which encourages you to grow up is a good idea to Pepper. As well as to everyone else.

"Well just give it some thought and I'll talk to her about it. Make sure you definitely want this." If the assassin thing doesn't work out, I should just go in to social working. Except I don't like being social. Well that's that career out.

"Thanks Natasha." I can see how much this means to him, how much he wants to help this little girl that has no home and no family, and wants to provide her with a sense of safety.

It's the next day that I'm left alone with Yana and get the chance to speak to her. I ask her what she thinks of Tony and she replies that he's kind, smiley and acts as if he genuinely cares about her. A good start. Next I ask her what she thinks about parents. And she replies, "I'd know what to say if I'd ever had any." I then leave her alone and ask JARVIS to send a recording of that to Tony.

I bump in to James as I get in the elevator. He seems a mix of shock and worry but before I can speak he says, "Natalia, I am so sorry about everything I've done. I'm sorry I made you fall in love with me when you weren't allowed. I'm sorry I ripped your heart in two. I'm sorry for shooting you. Twice. I've remembered everything. How the hell am I going to tell Steve that I remember him, the howling commandos, even falling from that train and seeing his face?" I feel tears form in my eyes, remembering myself, what a good time it was, back then, a safe haven. And then it was ripped away. I blink the tears away.

"Just tell him you've remembered and you're sorry about everything, that you remembered and you want to catch up. Or something. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful." I reply, calmly walking out the next time it stops.

Bruce says he's leaving the next day, the same day and Thor says that he and Jane are staying. I guess I understand that Bruce feels tension around here and he feels that he would rather be helping people than sitting around here. He does give Tony a phone number before he leaves though. Finally, after having some time to think about it, Steve, Sam and Bucky all say that they're staying too.

Tony eventually gets the balls to ask Yana if she wants to be adopted, and not unsurprisingly she has no clue what that is. He explains, and I'm surprised that Yana only hesitates for half a second before agreeing. I'm glad they got their happiness.

Anya tells me only a week after Klara's left that she wants to join S.H.I.E.L.D, but not to leave me. I tell her that I can do the physical training with her, and she'll need that before she goes in and we can sort the rest out later.

Tony adopts Yana with only the problem of her being dead according to the documents. She seems to be pretty happy about it, though other than that she seems distant, confused and lonely. I suppose it's the lack of people her age and the complete change in environment from the Red Room.

Me? I think I'm doing okay. I know the person that hurt me from a young age is dead, my sister's alive, and even though S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't all fixed, they're working on a better one. One that won't be over run with terrorists.

Twenty eight years ago, in 1986, I was born.

Twenty six years ago my sister was born.

Twenty four years ago I celebrated my fourth birthday like nothing would ever go wrong.

Twenty two years ago my parents and my sister were killed and I joined the Red Room.

Twenty years ago I learnt how to speak English.

Eighteen years ago I started getting lessons on how to kill people.

Sixteen years ago I was sent on my first mission, to get information on something.

Fourteen years ago I killed my first man.

Twelve years ago I was made a conscious decision that I wanted to leave the Red Room.

Ten years ago I left the Red Room and became a freelance assassin.

Eight years ago Clint brought me in to S.H.I.E L.D.

Six years ago Budapest happened.

Four years ago I became Tony Stark's PA for a month or two.

Two years ago the Avengers happened

This year Hydra came back, S.H.I.E.L.D. was torn down and has began to be rebuilt, the Red Room has been taken down, hopefully forever, and I've found my little sister again.

A/N So that's it, Forgotten over. But not the whole thing because yes in five minutes I shall be posting a sequel called Fresh Start all about Tony and Yana, so if that seems interesting, go read! Thank you to all those who've read this and an even bigger thank you to everyone who followed, favorited and reviewed!
