Chris piloted the jet while Jill went through a large case of weapons. "It's not your fault Chris." Jill assured him. For a long moment Chris didn't answer. "She was counting on us. Now he has her." Sara had been captured by Wesker after having left the meeting with Chris and Jill. "You can't blame yourself Chris. You did everything you could." Chris shook his head "I sent guards with her and they were killed." Jill sighed and knew she wouldn't be able to convince Chris otherwise. He believed his decision to send Sara with guards instead of escorting her himself got the guards killed and Sara taken. "Let it go for now. We need to focus on the task at hand." Chris nodded in agreement.

It wasn't long before they saw the landing strip ahead. Chris sat the jet down with ease and rolled it to a stop before shutting down the engine. There were military personnel to meet them. A man approached Chris and offered his hand which Chris shook as the man spoke "Ryan Richards." he offered before withdrawing his hand. "Chris Redfield, this is Jill Valentine." he gestured towards Jill who nodded. Ryan led the way to a large building "I've briefed your team on the situation." Chris stopped walking " We don't need a team. It'll be much easier to get in and out with just us." Ryan shook his head as he stopped "The BSAA doesn't want to take any chances on this. Who knows what Wesker is planning." he began walking again while Chris and Jill followed. Chris glanced at Jill in aggravation but she kept moving forward.

When they entered the building there was a team of six standing there. They all had their rifles shouldered and stood in a line. Chris sucked in a breath to help calm his aggravation. He would prefer it be him and Jill and knew that would be easier but this was out of his hands. Ryan spoke "This is Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine. You'll be under their command for the duration of the mission." with that he gestured to Chris and Jill. They looked at one another before Chris stepped forward and spoke to the group "We're going after Albert Wesker. You've been briefed with intel from BSAA but I'm here to tell you that he is even more dangerous than what they've told you. Do not take this lightly or assume it will be like any other's unlike anything you'll ever face." Chris glanced at Jill then back at the group "Alright, lets move."

In the jet Ryan pulled out a map of the area that had been purchased by Wesker. "It's a large area. Satalite images can't pick up anything even underground. It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack." Chris shook his head and took the map from Ryan "Somehow he's blocking the satalite imaging. He's there somewhere. I'd bet underground." It was a huge area to cover and it was likely he build beneath a city. "We can start here." Chris gestured "Then move this way. He could've built beneath city buildings if he offered the right price." Chris could feel his blood boil "We need information. Someone has to know something. The nearest buildings to the area he purchased. If he had any contact with them to build underneath we need to ask." Chris was at the point. He knew he needed to reel himself back in. The idea of beating a local for information did cross his mind. Someone had to know something.

Aislinn sat on the bed with a book in her hand. Although it was open and she was looking at it she wasn't reading. Her mind was racing with thoughts of how to escape. There had to be a way. The only person to ever come in her room was Wesker. Otherwise her meals were given through the automated tray door and anything else she needed was given through another door much like a dumb waiter or laundry shoot. She still wore gowns that tied at the sides and for the most part consisted of two pieces of fabric that left both sides of her much exposed and a pretty good dip down the front between her breasts. Although she was provided a fresh gown daily. When she heard the intercom she lifted her head "Aislinn.." it was Sara's voice. Aislinn jumped from the bed and her book hit the floor "Sara!...Sara!" she started to tear up and look up at the windows at the top of the room. They were mirrors but Aislinn knew Wesker and anyone else could look in at her from them. Her only privacy was the toilet in a small side room. Even the shower was open to the windows. "Sara...?" she waited and Sara responded "I'm alright...are you okay?" she asked and Aislinn nodded "I'm fine...I thought..I thought.." she had to keep herself from crying. "I's alright." Sara assured her. Aislinn had thought she was dead the way she hit the wall.

The door of the room slid upwards and Sara stood there with her hands folded infront of her. Aislinn didn't hesitate but ran to her and hugged her. Sara embraced Aislinn and smiled petting her hair. "It's alright, I'm fine." Sara assured her again. Aislinn pulled from the hug "How did you get here?" she asked and Sara pressed her lips together before she spoke "Wesker's men found me. I had contacted someone to help and on my way back...they killed everyone." Aislinn gasped and looked around "Does he know you're in here." Sara nodded "He's watching. I think he hopes my being here will make you cooperative." Aislinn could feel her anger rise but she took a deep breath and it calmed.

Wesker entered the door from behind Sara " friends Chris and Jill. I doubt they'll ever find us and if they do I will finally be able to rid the world of them." he glared at Sara with his glowing eyes. Aislinn had retreated several steps. She wanted to avoid the power surge and everything she felt with it. "If you'll excuse us." he said to Sara and two men entered to escort her out. Sara and Aislinn jumped when they saw them. Their faces mutilated by what looked like self inflicted wounds. "Wait...please." Aislinn took a few steps towards Sara who was being pulled from the room. It was enough distance and the floor vibrated to only she and Wesker. Pulsing with power that ran back and forth between them. Aislinn felt herself grow weaker but at the same time more powerful. There was the distinctive rush in every part of her body that made her vision a bit blurry and her skin flush red.

Sara was removed from the room and the door slid down. Wesker turned to Aislinn just as he felt the rush of power. It permeated through ever fiber of him. His eyes began to glow intensely and he closed the distance between them. Aislinn held her ground with her fists clenched at her sides. When they were only a couple inches apart Wesker stopped and sucked in a breath through his nose. His senses heightened and he could smell her hair and body and it was intoxicating. Aislinn tried to resist the power she felt.

Her eyes glared at him and had taken their own emerald glow. Wesker spoke softly "What do you know about me?" he asked. Aislinn could barely answer. Her head was cloudy and each breath she took in his scent which made her heart thump. " one told me anything." she said a bit breathlessly. Wesker lifted the corner of his lip in a half grin "You'll learn soon enough." he brought his hand up and touched her cheek. Even through the glove the touch sent a jolt through both of them. Aislinn felt like her heart might stop. She felt his arousal hitting against her. There was hesitation from her and it took all she could to step back. "I don't want to learn anything about you." she said in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

Again Wesker began to close the distance "Oh, but you will. As I will learn everything about you...including why I feel..." he trailed off. Before he was able to come to close Aislinn threw her right fist at him which to her surprise connected with his chiseled jaw. Wesker was a bit stunned, not from pain but from the idea that she had actually been able to hit him. Just as he regained himself she spun her leg at him which he caught. Aislinn tried to tug it free but Wesker held tightly to her ankle. "Tsk tsk tsk..." he hit the back of her leg in a soft pressure point which caused mild pain to radiate up her thigh but was enough to cause her body to relax. When he released her leg she stumbled back to the bed and landed on her butt looking up at him.

Wesker would never admit it to anyone but seeing her half naked and tossed onto the bed was near enough to drive him insane. What was the sway she held over him. The power rise he felt when near her and the overpowering and intoxicating power he felt when he touched her. Aislinn didn't move from the bed. Her emerald eyes stared at him intently. Her body was leaned back on her palms on the bed. She looked so inviting to him and he did have curiosity as to what might happen if he took her. What kind of power would he feel.

In a flash he flitted across the room until he was on top of her. Aislinn felt the soft sheets against her back. Her legs bent slightly bearing her thighs through the open sides of her gown. With another flash of movement Wesker tore the gown from her which caused Aislinn to shriek. Although surprised by it Aislinn found herself almost glad she was rid of the gown. Wesker was still clothed but was nestled between her thighs. Her breasts in his full view. There was her heartbeat again. Steady yet fast. His own eyes were glowing so intensely they might blind an average person. Likewise Aislinn's cast a green glow into the room. Her arms were at her sides so she wasn't contributing to the situation but she wasn't resisting. Images flooded her mind. They were not her own memories but his.

Wesker brought a hand to her stomach just below her naked breast. There it was again that pulse of energy and power. He brought his lips so close to hers she could feel the heat from them on her own. He felt he could do anything. Aislinn felt it to and it frightened her. She didn't like how he made her feel or was it that she didn't like that she liked it? She didn't know but she finally found her will and brought her hands to his arms that were on either side of her. As if snapping from a dream Wesker flitted from her bed to a standing position and said nothing before he vanished from the room. A moment later a new gown fell into the shoot.

Aislinn dressed herself with trembling hands. She hated him. He was a monster after all he had done. All the things she had saw while he touched her. As if they shared the same consciousness while touching. She hated him... Aislinn went to the mirror to find her skin flushed red. There was a distinctive need throbbing with unfullfillment. "Stop..stop...stop!" she hit the wall next to the mirror and it crumpled under her fingers. It was concrete. Aislinn's mouth gaped open as she investigated the whole she made. She backed away from the mirror and removed the gown she had just put on and went to the shower. The water as cold as it would get and she relished in the relief.

Wesker was again pacing in his office. He had been so close to loosing it. Why didn't he just take her if he wanted her. No, he needed to study her. He wanted to find out how he could harness the increase in power he felt without needing to touch her. That would be no easy way to fight someone...Chris if he had to be holding onto Aislinn the whole time. There had to be a way to keep the power with him always without using Aislinn. Even thinking of her name made him loose himself. He turned to the monitors along the wall and saw her wrapped in a towel from the shower. He was infuriated that he couldn't just take what he wanted. Nothing had ever stopped him before. What was so different about this woman?