I do not own Shingeki No Kyojin because if I did I would've made Ereri canon by now

This story is set in an AU where they have technology and cars and stuff but their are princes and kings and queens and things like that.

It was a perfectly normal day. The sun was shining, people were chattering on about the latest deals at the nearby market. Woman sat around gossiping.

And 17 year old Eren Yaegar had fallen face first into a pile of horse shit. Perfectly normal. The thing was Eren's job was to clean the stables near his house.

This job helped pay for food. He got up swearing loudly, wiping his face. He decided now was a good time to take his break.

He walked over to the nearby stream and began washing his face. He looked into the water and ran a hand through his hair. There. He looked decent.

He sighed dramatically and looked off into the distance. If his life was a Disney movie-which it sure as hell wasn't-he would have began singing a song about angst and heartbreak. But the last time he had sang anything there had been 2 dead and 13 injured.

.He got up and decided to take the short stroll to the cottage. The cottage was owned by him, his adopted sister Mikasa and his childhood friend Armin. It used to belong to Eren's parents but his mother had passed away in a car crash a few years ago. Eren's dad had left a few weeks after that.

Then Armin's grandpa had offered to take care of them. Then he had been enlisted into the army and had died on a mission a few months ago. Now they were all living alone but they managed fine. Armin was tutoring some of the kids in the village. Mikasa was getting paid to babysit kids and clean houses.

And Eren? Well it seemed like his job changed every week. He did odd jobs day and night to make sure his family didn't starve. He saw the cottage and grinned. It felt nice to be back home even though he had been here a few hours ago.

He ran in not even bothering to take off his shoes. If Mikasa had been there she would have scolded him but it seemed that neither she nor Armin were there.

He ran to his room and threw on some clean clothes. He grabbed a glass of water and sat at their little rickety dining table. His hand reached out and grabbed the mail. Nothing interesting just some advertisements for some new shops opening in the marketplace.

He sighed about to throw them out when a lacy white envelope caught his eye. He reached out carefully opening it. The letter was printed on some sort of thick fancy paper. As he read his eyes widened and he almost screamed out of joy.

Dear citizen,

As you may or may not know Prince Rivaille Levi will be turning 25 next month,

He will need to find a Queen by then,

We have been alerted that there is a woman of the age between 17 and 21 in your house hold,

If you would like a chance for her to become the next Queen and send it to your local post office by September 24th,

He will choose 5 lucky ladies to prove themselves worthy of his affection,

The results will be on TV October 2nd.

Eren was jumping up and down full out squealing. Obviously he wasn't going to enter. He would put down Mikasa's name. She would be chosen. The prince would fall in love with her. And they would get to live in the castle and live the life they've always wanted.

Finally, a chance for them to have a better life.

Then he frowned remembering that it was up to the prince. Eren had heard rumors that the prince was a hostile and cold man. He had seen pictures of him with those cold gray eyes and the face that never smiled.

And he knew Mikasa would disapprove of the idea. She never liked the prince anyways.

But pushing those thoughts aside he started filling out the form with an old pen. Most of the questions were pretty straight forward.

Then came one.

What the hell was an escort?

Below that question in tiny print read an escort will be the young gentleman that will be escorting the lady to all the events. A lady can have 1 or 2 escorts.

Eren snickered at the words gentleman. He wrote down his name then paused, his pen hovering over the paper. He thought for a moment then wrote Armin Arlet.

The last line asked him to enclose a picture of the lady and escorts. He ran to his room and grabbed the picture he kept taped on the wall.

It was from last year's Christmas celebration last year. There had been a photo booth and Eren had dragged Mikasa and Armin there. The picture was of Mikasa genuinely smiling, Armin was grinning and Eren had his head thrown back and he was laughing hard. He smiled at the memory. It was hard to find anyone smiling lately from all the stresses of work.

He clipped the photo to the form and neatly placed it in the envelope. Then he ran towards the postal office. He hesitated before handing it in. Would they really have a chance? Probably not but it wouldn't hurt to try.

2 months later October 2nd.

Eren hadn't told anyone about the letter. This had been hard because he had been bursting to tell someone. But he knew if Mikasa had found out she would have his head. And Armin would've probably been terrified lying to Mikasa.

After days and days of waiting October 2nd finally arrived

At 8:00-the one station that everyone could afford, the news- Eren dragged Mikasa and Armin to the beaten up couch which sat in front of their tiny television. They were too piss ass poor to afford an actual one but this would do. Eren knew they barely had a chance to be chosen but he wanted to watch just in case a miracle occurred.

"Eren you never cared about the news, why the hell are you listening to it now?" Mikasa was a bit pissed off but she sat with them nonetheless.

Armin agreed with her. "She's right Eren. Why?"

Eren ignored them both. "SHHH it's starting!" He leaned forward until his nose pressed against the TV. Mikasa pulled him back. "Eren you'll go blind if you sit that close." She chided.

The reporter sat up straight. "Now it's the time you all have been waiting for. These 5 lucky ladies will have a chance to win over the heart of our beloved Prince Rivaille Levi'!"

He could practically hear Mikasa roll her eyes behind him.

The reporter shuffled some papers then looked up. "First up, Princess Annie! And her escorts Betholt and Reineer."

A picture of a pretty, short girl appeared on the screen. She was glaring at the camera as if it had somehow offended her. Behind her stood two really tall and really buff guys. One had dark hair and was sweating really badly. The other had blond hair and had a cocky smile on his face.

"Next up Lady Sasha and her escort Connie!" A girl with messy brown hair and a cheerful brown hair had her arm around a short bald guy with a crazed grin on his face.

Armin sighed. "What's the point of this?" Eren ignored him.

"3rd we have Princess Historia and her escort Marco!"

A beautiful girl with blond hair appeared on screen. She was smiling softly and behind her was a guy with a brown undercut and freckles grinning.

"After that we have Lady Ymir with her escort Jean!" A tall brunette girl with freckles was smirking at the camera. Her escort Jean had an arrogant smile on his face. In Erens opinion he looked like a horse.

"And lastly we have… "Eren was on the edge of his seat praying Dear God or Jesus or Jennifer Lawrence or whatever godly force is listening please let Mikasa win as the reporter pulled out the paper.

"Lady Mikasa and her escorts Armin and Eren!" Their photos were brought up but Eren was jumping up and down screaming. Mikasa was still in her seat. "How did they-?" . Armin's face was pale and his eyes were wide. "E-escorts?" He squeaked out. Eren pulled them into a hug. "MIKASA! MIKASA YOU'RE GOING TO BE A QUEEN!"

Mikasa pulled away from glaring. She crossed her arms stubbornly.

"No way in hell."

If you liked that I would greatly appreciate if you would review!