DISCLAIMER: I'm not CC she owns what you know!

I'm trying my hand at this so please let me know what you think. I haven't done FF like this before and am kind of nervous. There will some abuse in it though, so just a warning.


"Breath, you can do this." I chanted to myself as I watched the trees go by. A new home, a new place. Maryse and Robert, who I refuse to call mom and dad anymore thought this was a good idea. That moving would change me, that the country would change me. You see, we lived in New York City, upper Manhatten to be exact, and I loved it. My twin sister, Isabelle, and our adopted brother, Jace, loved it as well. They were the only ones that knew me, the real me. I had confided in Jace before Isabelle though. We had been friends since diapers and when his parents died, he moved in with us since Maryse and Robert were his godparents. I had a small crush on him and he called me on it about two years ago. Isabelle found out when I woke up from a dream, a nightmare really.

See, Maryse isn't our real mother, she's just our stepmom. She put all these "holier than thou" things into my father's head, but we knew the truth. We knew what she did to me, to Jace, every night. Jace thinks that's why I'm the way I am. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was that way already. I still remember the first time she came to my and Jace's room, we were six. She made up all these stories on why she did what she did; all she really did though was make Jace a manwhore. I stayed away from girls, obviously, but also guys. She, through snooping, found my journal and showed to my dad. That's why we're moving to upstate New York, a little town called Ithaca. We hadn't really heard of it, but it was small.

Isabelle had to leave her boyfriend, Will, and Jace his many conquests were very upset with him not being there. They didn't blame me though, they told me we'd get through it. I watched as we pulled up to an old Victorian style home that looked like it needed work. We all climbed out and Isabelle, my darling sister, ran up to claim her room. Jace and I followed, after getting out bags. Isabelle had picked out a room on the second floor, Jace heading to the one across from him. I continued walking, just wanting to get a lay out of the place. There was a staircase behind one of the doors in the hall and I walked up it. At the top was an empty room with it's own bathroom, probably an old servants quarters. I sat on the old bed that was still there and sighed.

"This is awesome, it's like your own apartment."

I looked up to see Isabelle leaning against the post on the top of the stairs. I just shrugged and she walked in, leaving me to my thoughts. I watched her and she went to the window, looking out. "We have very cute neighbor, brother."

"You can see someone?" I asked, heading over to the window.

She was right, he had tan skin and black spikes with a dash of pink throughout them. He was dancing while talking on his phone and I smiled.

"Maybe you'll actually make a friend."

I looked down to see my sister looking at me. "Not likely, sister. This place is so fucking small, I'm sure I wouldn't be welcomed if anyone found out. I'm sure that's why the monster chose this town and got dad to follow her bidding."

Isabelle sighed and took my hand. "You could be wrong, Alec. That boy has pink in his hair. I didn't get that good of a look, but I'm sure I saw him sparkle."

I just chuckled as we heard Robert call up for us to help with some boxes.

I followed my sister after gazing to the window once more. We got down and the parental units asked if we found a room and Isabelle told them about the space I found. Maryse looked please and it reminded me to put in the padlock Jace and I had gotten me. After we got out own room, she came to mine and left him alone. I gulped a bit and Jace winked at me. Robert wouldn't listen when my brother and sister tried to tell him what was going on, just thought it was us trying to stay after our darling stepmom showed him my journal, after she ripped some out of it of course. I took the last of my boxes up to my room and got started on the closet, putting my things up. I heard a knock and looked to the stairs to see Jace with a hammer. I cocked a brow at him and he shurgged, "Here's the key. She'd have to litterally break the door to get to you. Izzy told me about the neighbor."

He smirked and I rolled my eyes, getting back to my clothes. I heard him walking around and as I finished with the last of my jeans I turned to see him coming from the bathroom.

"Have you looked in there? It's got one of those tubs you like."

"Yea, Did you lock your door too? You're closer to them now."

He nodded, "Izzy insisted. 'we have to protect each other' was her excuse when she gave me the lock."

I smiled and ripped the tape of the box so I could break it down, hearing the doorbell.

"Well, she's right. The bitch may not want to come all the way up here. I'm thinking of keeping my knife under my mattress."

Jace had gotten it for me for protection a year ago and I kept it in my closet. It was a Kabar and really big. He nodded, "I would. You're up here alone, Alec."


We both rolled our eyes and chuckled as we made our way to the front door. I was in front of Jace and stopped at the bottom of the stairs, causing him to bump into me. I really wasn't paying attention though, not when the neighbor standing in front of us was the boy from the window. Izzy was right, he did sparkle. He was in a pair of skinny jeans and a pink button up shirt. He had the greenest eyes I ever saw and I blinked so it wouldn't be obvious. I saw his smirk though, so I don't think I fooled him.

"Alec, Jace. This is Mrs. Bane and her son Magnus."

We nodded in hello, I for one couldn't speak.


We both smiled, "Hello."

They nodded and Robert smiled, "Why don't you two and Magnus head upstairs. It'll do you both good to have a friend before Monday."

I snapped my head to my dad, who really didn't realize that may not be a good idea, but Jace beat me. "Dad, you really want us alone?"

I rolled my eyes, could he more obvious. Robert scowled a bit before answering, "I'm sure the three of you will be alright."

He kept his eyes on us and we nodded, getting the meaning. Jace wasn't to leave me alone, this way we didn't scare the poor kid. I think the kid would scare us first, but I just turned and headed back to my room. I heard Jace say something to Magnus and then they followed us. I went back to my room and found my green curtain to put up in my window.

"Here, let me."

I looked over and smiled as the boy, Magnus, helped me line the rod on the wall to make marks for the nails and hooks. "Thanks."

He nodded and we turned, noticing Jace with the hammer. Magnus sat on my bed and I sit in the chair at my desk. No one said anything as Jace nailed the hooks in for me, I was never good at that. I then helped him put my rod in the hooks.

"So do both of you have to stay with me?"

We turned and saw his smirk, oh he had a clue why one of us was a chapoeron. I looked at Jace who shrugged, "Stupid parent thing, I guess."

Magnus nodded and turned his gaze to mine. I blushed a bit and turned to get my apple computer out of its box.


We heard our darling sister and Jace went to the bottom of the stairs to see what she wanted. I tried not to pay attention to the awkwardness in the room now that we were alone.

"Alec, right."

I nodded and looked at him, "That's me."

I watched as he got up and walked around the room. His skinny jeans were just way to fitting on him and I had to surpress the moan at the sight of his ass, it was a good one.

"Your music's eccletic."

I nod, going back to my computer, "I like a lot of indie stuff that's not on the radio."

"You're from the city, yea?"

I smiled as my computer lit up and turned, "Yea, our stepmom made us move here. Apparently the city isn't a good influence on our belief system."

He rolled his eyes and smiled, sitting in the floor and leaning against my closet door, that was now closed. "My mom moved for that purpose too. Been here about a year."

"Where from?" I asked, interested in that little tidbit. At least he was starting to make sense here in his awful place.

"Washington DC. Apparently my friends made my bad choices for me. My father died three years ago, she blames that."

I sighed and sat next to him. "Sucks doesn't it? Having to hide."

He looked at me and smiled, "I don't hide who I am. Why do you?"

I shurg, "It was easier that way, I guess. Izzy, my sister, and Jace have pretty much known since I figured it out. Maryse found my journal and made us move."

He nodded. "Mom found mine too. I had a boyfriend and hated to leave him. We tried the long distance thing, but he didn't last too long."

I leaned my head back and sighed, "How is it here?"

"I have two people who don't treat me like a leper. They are really backward here. Prepared to be bullied."

I looked at him, "Can't be any worse than I've already had."

Before he could ask on that, we heard Jace get in trouble for leaving us and Magnus got up, heading down the stairs. I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to forget what he told me. I was going to a school where I wouldn't be excepted. It wasn't fair, the country was just as bad as this house. I hear a knock on the wall and turned to see Maryse. I rolled my eyes as she smiled that fucking to sweet smile and walked over to me. "I saw the lock, it won't be that easy."

I closed my eyes, not anwering her. When she realized I wasn't going to say anything, I heard her footsteps going back down. I banged my head agaisnt the closet door, wishing I could disappear. My hand fell out of my lap and I felt a paper. I looked down to see a note: "If you need to talk, here's my number." I smiled and got up, pocketing the number before heading down to find some food. I found the family sitting on the floor in the kitchen with some pizza in the box. I grabbed a piece and sat next to Izzy. She laid her head on my shoulder, letting me know she was there for me. Jace sent me a wink and I just rolled my eyes.

"You better not have…"

"I didn't do anything, father. Put up my curtain and hooked up the apple. We didn't drop out pants and fuck, don't worry."

I could see his anger and just got up, heading outside. I didn't want to hear how I was a disgrace, how I was a failure, how I wouldn't amount to anything as long as the "thoughts" were in my head. I kept walking and found a tree with an old tire swing. I pulled my legs through and sat on it. Yes, I realize girls do this, but I'm gay and I can sit in a fucking tire if I want to. I hated what my dad thought of me, what that woman convinced him of. I didn't hear the footsteps, but sighed when my sister and Jace wrapped their arms around me, Jace leaning against the tree.

"Was I right?" Isabelle whispered.

I just nodded and she squealed, right in my ear. "Fuck, Iz."

"Sorry. I told you though, I told you."

"Fine, you told me. Nothing happened. Does Robert and Maryse know?"

I watched her look at Jace and turned to look at him. "Magnus' mother brought him here for the same reason. There's some church here that is apparently suppose to take the dirtiness out of you."

I took in a breath and sighed. I closed my eyes, my chin sitting on the rubber. I didn't say anything else and I felt my sister kiss the top of my head before they heading back in again.

Here's the first chapter. I really hope you like this. I have read some Malec stories and wanted to give it a try. This popped in my head. I plan on writing some more on my Draco/Hermione one also so don't give up on that one. Please comment and review! It will help me know if I should keep going. :)B