(The Supernatural characters belong to Kripke Enterprises and CW. Any songs or lyrics, movies, products etc referenced in this story don't belong to me.)
August 23th 1995 Angel Falls, WI
The sound of the alarm was like an ice pick straight through his brain. A hand shot out from under the quilt and slammed down on the button. Cas could hardly wait for the school year to be over but it hadn't even begun. His sophomore year at Angel Falls High sucked already.
Angie, his statuesque, blonde, doe eyed mother, the one Cas looked nothing like, stood there with her arms folded waiting for him to get up. "Jimmy, get your skinny butt out of bed."
A muffled voice came from under the quilt, "Stop calling me Jimmy, mom I told you to call me by my middle name."
Angie smacked his well protected fanny, "It was good enough for your grandfather so it's good enough for you, now get up."
He peeked over top of the quilt, "The grandfather I look nothing like and I never met? How did he earn a living again mom…hunting wasn't it? How does someone make money hunting animals, its creepy."
She averted her eyes, "Um…well he was very good at. Look I don't have time to talk about this, if I promise to call you "Cas" will you be a good boy and get up?"
He buried himself deeper under the quilt until his bare feet poked out the other end, "I don't know why I have to go register. I don't even need high school, I'm already much smarter than anyone else."
Angie grabbed his foot and used her long nails to tickle Cas until he couldn't stand it anymore. He rolled off the bed onto the hardwood floor giggling but his good humor ended quickly. Cas rolled on his back and stared up at the skylight, "You know how it is for me there."
She sat on the floor next to him and brushed back her sons sweaty dark bangs, "I know my angel but that's life is, there are assholes and good guys. Maybe this year will be different. Remember my old friend John Winchester is bringing his boys to stay with us. Dean is your age so maybe you two will hit it off."
The thought of having two strangers invading his fortress of solitude irritated him but then the thought of having a friend was intriguing. Cas never had one before but he worried Dean Winchester would be a cocky jerk just like the other boys at school.
Cas didn't want to depress or worry his mother over her weird little misfit son so Cas bucked up and plastered a smile on his face. "I prayed for a friend last night and I got a good feeling about it. God was listening."
Angie knew her son was not a religious boy, in fact religion didn't seem to interest him at all but God, Heaven and the existence of angels certainly did. Lately he had been very interested in her library and she encouraged his thirst for knowledge.
"Mom, did you hear me? I prayed for a friend and I have a good feeling God was listening. Maybe I'll meet him soon."
She snapped out of her thoughts, "I'm pretty sure God listens to you Cas. Now get ready."
Cas stood in the shower performing an important morning ritual. He had one hand braced on the wall as the other quickly worked his dick with a nice dollop of cherry scented shower gel as fantasies fueled his lust.
When it was all over and the evidence was washed down the drain Cas stood in front of the mirror critiquing himself.
He fingered a dark strand of hair and then began carefully blow drying the top and bangs, the sides and back were shaved with the rest quit long. He pulled the bangs down over one eye and was satisfied he looked pretty rad.
Cas rummaged through his drawers but couldn't find clean boxers so he decided to just go commando. He slipped on his acid washed jeans then turned to look at his pert little butt in the mirror admiring his best feature besides his big blue eyes.
Angie looked at her watch and called up the stairs, "Cas, you have five minutes before I leave without you."
"I'm coming mom!"
He ran down the stairs past his mother, slipped on his chucks and bent over to tie them. Angie spotted his butt crack, "Honey you forgot your underwear again."
"Sorry mom, I didn't have clean boxers; I'll do laundry tonight I promise."
Angie pulled her long blonde hair up into a ponytail and checked her lipstick in the hall mirror then adjusted her breasts.
She slipped a knife in her boot, grabbed her camera, Glock and messenger bag full of files and equipment, "Well just don't flash your butt cleavage at school."
He looked at her breasts sitting high in a push up bra, "Don't flash your boob cleavage then."
"I told you Cas, they are distractions not party favors…its part of the job don't worry."
He frowned at his mother, "I wish I knew more about your job."
"I hunt bad things I told you that."
"That doesn't explain much."
Cas opened first the front door and then the car door for his mom, She got in and he buckled her seatbelt for her, "Wow Cas I feel like a queen."
He looked at her earnestly, "I should treat you like a queen since you're my mom right?"
She cupped his cheek and smiled softly, "Of course I am."
Angie watched as the boy got in and buckled up, she felt an overwhelming love come over her mixed with guilt.
The Winchester Family somewhere outside of Angel Falls
Dean sat there with his arms folded, slumped in the seat and sneakers firmly planted on the dashboard, he shot his dad a petulant look, "Why?"
John glanced over at his oldest son irritated with Deans bad attitude the entire trip, "Why what?"
"Why do Sam and I have to live in Angel Falls?
John smacked Dean's feet off the dash, "Because I want you both to get a solid year in at school. Angela is an old Hunter friend of mine and I think you're going to like her."
Dean screwed up his handsome features and planted his sneakers back on the dashboard, "Great, someone you used to bang. You guys better not do it this weekend or I swear I'll barf."
Sam poked his head over the seat like a tow headed prairie dog, "She's got a kid right?"
John glanced up in the mirror at his youngest son's sweet face then back to the road, "Yeah, the kid is Dean's age, his name is Jimmy. Angie said he's a good kid, smart and polite. He likes music Dean; I bet you will all have a lot in common."
Dean slumped lower in the seat, "Oh boy, a music lover. I bet the geek listens to girl music."
John slapped his feet off the dash again, "Damn it Dean I'm going to whip that little ass of yours if you don't get an attitude adjustment pronto!"
It was no idle treat, John would indeed whip Dean's ass so Dean shut his mouth.
Cas was happily singing off key to "Like a Virgin". Even though his voice sounded like crap her son was happy and that made Angie happy. He belted out the tune into a hairbrush as his mother giggled.
When the song ended he dropped the hairbrush back into her messenger bag, "Madonna is so cool!" He played with the black jelly bracelets layered on his wrist, "I wish I could be like her."
Angie patted his knee, "You sing as well as Madonna."
He rolled his big blue eyes dramatically, "Liar, you're my mom so I guess you have to lie."
His mother smiled, her son's mood was infectious, "I have a feeling you and Dean will get along great. John said he's a real music lover."
Then tension was quickly building again, "Boys I'll try to call every night if I'm not ass deep in demons."
Dean snorted, "Don't you mean demon? You're looking for the one that killed…"
John cut him off, "You talk too damn much Dean. You should be grateful you both get to live a real house; you haven't had that since you were four and Sam was a baby. Things will be stable for once and I won't have to worry about either of you."
Dean said under his breath, "Yeah real stable dumping us in some shithole."
John griped the steering wheel tighter but didn't say a word. Dean knew what would happen later for spouting off to his father.
Sam hated the fighting and worried about his brother all the time, he knew he was the one that got off the easiest with John and he wasn't sure why. Sam had seen the results after a round with John, and Dean never faired very well.
Sam was desperate to defuse the situation so he opened his tourists guide to Angel Falls, "It says here that Angel Falls has the only waterfall in the whole area, it's supposed to loaded with fossils. Dean could we go fossil hunting?"
Sam heard his brother snort from the front seat, "Sure Sam, looking for fossils is right at the top of my list."
John glanced over at Dean, "Let Sam have his fun, consider it research. You should try it; those skills will help you with your hunting later on."
Dean leaned his head against the window watching the scenery go by as he tried to forget that he was once again compared to his brother. Sam leaned forward and whispered, "Sorry."
Dean turned back and gave his little brother a smile, "No I'm sorry Sammy, sure we can go look for fossils, it'll be fun."
Sam sat back clutching his tourists guide and gave his brother those dimples that could make Dean jump through hoops, "Thanks Dean you're the best!"
"Like a Virgin" started playing on the radio and Dean immediately popped in a tape, "Gross, no way I'm listening to Madonna."
"Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf blared through the speakers and the boys both started playing their air guitars.
Angie and Cas walked inside Angel Falls High and there were quite a few parents and students there registering. She realized she forgot her folder in the Bronco, "Honey will you run back and get the green folder on the back seat?"
Cas was out like a flash running across the parking lot to the Bronco, he grabbed the folder then turned and slammed into Dean Winchester walking by at that very moment. The contents of the folder scattered and Cas ended up with a bloody nose after bonking it on Deans head.
Dean grumbled as he rubbed his forehead, "What the hell kid, watch where you're going." The slight, dark haired boy scrambled to gather up the papers and when Dean saw the blood dripping for his nose Dean pulled out a well worn handkerchief, "Sorry." He knelt down and pressed it to Cas' nose, "Here let me pinch it."
Cas batted his hand away, "I can do it myself." Cas tilted his head back and held the handkerchief there. He rolled his blue eyes down toward the spiky haired kid stuffing papers haphazardly into the folder.
When Dean looked up Cas brought his head back to his level and they stared, eye to eye for almost a minute. Cas said in a slightly giddy voice, "You have green eyes."
Dean shoved the folder in Cas' free hand, "Wow nothing gets past you." Dean tugged on the boys long dark bangs and chuckled, "Nice hairdo."
Cas' lips thinned in anger, "You are a real jerk."
"Yup, that's what my brother says." Dean got up and jogged toward the school.
John yelled, "Dean Winchester get your ass over here!"
Cas sat back on the pavement watching the jerk enter the high school, "Oh no…no way am I living with that ass-butt!"