Through Rose-Tinted Glasses


I'm back! Now, before I begin, I spent a little while debating on how I was going to write this. That is, until a couple of people suggested that I just do the whole season from Sarah's point of view, so I guess I'll do that. This is technically the sequel to Through Her Eyes with a very slight AU. I also apologize sincerely if anyone is out of character.

Summary: Follows the plot of Season 2 through Sarah's eyes, with a slight AU and a rewrite of the poorly-written Episode 4. A "sequel" to Through Her Eyes.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, all rights go to Telltale Games.

Enjoy! :D


"And then, the last of the body snatchers escaped the hospital morgue right before he could get caught!"

Sarah Hidalgo, age fifteen and three months, was smiling widely as she chatted with Rebecca, a woman whom she considered her friend, about her current favorite book, The Guurgles. The two of them were sitting at the table in the cabin's kitchen in the early evening. Sarah's father, Carlos, and Rebecca's husband, Alvin, were taking care of some of the dinner dishes. Another member of their group, Nick, was in the living room, bitching and moaning to himself about how he wasn't allowed to go hunting with his uncle Pete and his friend, Luke.

"You can't shoot for shit, son," he was heard mumbling, imitating Pete. "You can't shoot and your daddy never loved you."

"Sounds like an interesting book, sweetie," Rebecca told Sarah.

"It is, maybe I can let you read it sometime," Sarah offered sweetly.

But before anyone could comment, the front door burst open, and in ran Luke.

"Uh, we've got a little...situation going on outside," the young man explained.

"What kind of situation?" Carlos asked seriously.

Rebecca turned around and looked out the window, noticing Pete looming over someone, or something. She looked angry. "Oh, hell no."

She and Alvin left the kitchen and went outside to see what was going on. Sarah, Carlos, and Luke stood by the front door, the latter two discussing what was going on.

"Would you take a look at her?" Luke asked. "I don't know, just-"

A loud gunshot was heard, and then some yelling. Luke ran outside almost frantically. Sarah got up to follow, but Carlos stopped her.

"Sarah, I want you to stay inside," he warned cautiously. "Don't go outside for any reason, do you understand?"

"I...yes," the fifteen-year-old looked at the ground a little sadly as her father walked out. Of course she had to stay inside, she always had to stay inside. But she knew that her dad would protect her from all the sick people, so what was the problem?

After about a minute or so, Sarah opened the door and peeked out. Everyone else was there, along with a strange girl that she had never seen before. The girl looked to be about a few years younger than Sarah.

Sarah couldn't help but point out her curiosity. "Who's she?"

Carlos turned around and replied, "Sarah, what'd I say? Stay inside!"

Disappointed, Sarah closed the door slowly. She never got to do anything, having no choice but to obey her father's orders. She decided to go to the living room and wait for everyone to come inside. Maybe she could make friends with this new girl, if Carlos would let her.

The group, minus Luke and Nick, reentered the house just as it began to pour rain. The girl wasn't with them. Sarah got up and ran towards her father.

"Dad, what happened?" she inquired. "Where's that girl?"

Carlos was silent for a moment, as if unsure whether or not to tell his daughter the truth. "We had to lock her in the shed, sweetie," he explained. "She was bitten by something, but we don't know what."

"We'll bring her in here in the morning to look at it," Pete added.

"If she's still alive," Rebecca crossed her arms.

"I don't want you to talk to her, if she stays," Carlos warned. "I want you to stay away."

Sarah nodded understandably. So much for a new friend, she thought.

They all watched as Rebecca left the room. Carlos placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"Sarah, go upstairs and read your book for a little while, okay?" he suggested. "I'll be up soon to check on you."

Sarah nodded obediently and ran up the stairs. She was dying to get to the next chapter of The Guurgles, anyway, and tell Rebecca about it. She heard her father call for a house meeting, but barely paid any attention.

The teenager looked up from her book and listened. Was someone putsying around near her? It was probably just Rebecca or something.

The door opened, and it wasn't Carlos, or anyone from the group. It was the new girl! Sarah's slender body tightened up and her anxiety was triggering. What was this girl going to do?

Both girls jumped, and the younger one put her finger to her lips. "Shh!"

"You're not supposed to be in here," Sarah reminded her quietly.

For a moment, the girl stood at her spot, but then entered the room, closing the door quietly. "Hi, can you please help me?"

"I'm not supposed to talk to you, my dad can't know."

There was a pause, then the girl spoke up. "What are you reading?"

"A book."

"What book? I like books."

Sarah decided that this girl wasn't bad from what she saw. She was able to calm down before the attack even started, so she decided to tell her.

"It's called The Guurgles. It's about trans-dimensional body snatchers."


The fifteen-year-old looked at the other girl's arm. It was bleeding out through her long-sleeved shirt. "What happened to you?"

"A dog bit me."

"Sounds scary. I bet it hurts."

"I could die if I don't take care of it," the girl told her. "Do you understand?"

Sarah didn't say anything.

"I just need something to clean it with," the girl continued. "I bet it would be with the rest of your medical supplies."

"Yeah, it is," Sarah whispered. "I'll help you."

"Good. Thank you."

"I'm Sarah," she introduced herself with a smile.

"I'm Clementine."

Now was when Sarah made her decision. "We're friends!" She got up, revealing that she was a bit taller than Clementine. "Right? We can be best friends! I haven't met another girl my age since way before! It's hard to be the only girl, you know? Rebecca's okay, but she's old. And that's it! And if her baby is a girl it'll be forever before she's old enough to, like, be my friend. And then I'll be super old!"

"Yes, we're friends," Clementine decided with a small smile.

"Promise?" Sarah asked. "It's important. Friends have to trust each other no matter what. Do you promise or not?"

"I promise."

"Me too. Friends!" Sarah held out her pinkie in order to do the "pinkie swear" that she hadn't done in so long.

Clementine walked forward, and the two girls hooked pinkies.

"A pinkie swear is forever!" Sarah chirped. "I'll see if I can find the stuff my dad uses when I get a cut. Lemme look around."

She walked over to the other side of the bed and knelt down, searching around briefly until she found what Clementine (hopefully) needed. It was a bottle of peroxide. It stung, but it helped.

"I think this is it," said Sarah, handing the bottle to her new friend.

"That'll work," Clementine replied, putting the peroxide away.

"You can't do it here, though. Someone will find you!"

"Don't worry, I won't." Clementine walked over to the door, opening it. "Thanks, Sarah."

Sarah placed her finger to her lips, shushing her. When the door was closed, she smiled to herself. She had a friend!


So there's the first chapter. This story may or may not be a little shorter than the previous one, but I don't know. There will be little extras throughout the story. I chose Hidalgo for Sarah and Carlos's surname because it's Spanish, plus I knew a Hispanic girl with that surname. Now, please, please leave a review! :)