Just something I wrote for a Silvaze short story.

Silver and Blaze belongs to SEGA.


"Nuh-uh. No way am I gonna purr this time, kitty" Silver smirked.

"Oh really? I bet I can make you" Blaze said.

"Nuh-uh. Besides rubbing my quills and tummy which makes me purr, I don't know what else makes me purr. And what makes you purr?" Silver asked.

"Hmmm...petting, nuzzling, rubbing ears. The usual" Blaze said.

"I see, but what about this?" Silver strokes her tail up and down.

Blaze blushes slightly and purrs, "That feels nice"

Silver snickered at her expression while stroking her tail. He then felt her hand stroking his short tail.

"What are you-….?" Silver let out a purr by accident.

"I'm not just going to let you enjoy yourself" Blaze smirked.

He tries to hold in his purrs but it was just too much to handle, "Bad kitty" he growled playfully.

"All fair in love and war" Blaze smirked.

"Oh, really?" he smirked and rubbed her bare tummy.

Blaze purrs and giggles at the same time, "Silver stop!"

His golden eyes turns into a cat-slit eyes, "Meow" he teased and rubbed her tummy.

Blaze continues to giggle and purr.

"Aw….is the kitty purring?" Silver purred near her ear seductively, pinning her down as he sits on her stomach.

Blaze blushes and tries to roll over but he was too strong.

Silver knew what she's trying to do so he flips over to let Blaze be on top of her, "Think you can figure out what makes me purr, kitty?" he smirked.

Blaze giggles and nuzzles his neck.

"Oh, crap" he let out a soft purr, trying to hold it in.

Blaze giggles, "You can't hide from me my kitty hedgehog"

"Damn it" he purred loudly.

Blaze smirks and continues to nuzzle his neck.

Silver's tail starts to wag rapidly on the bed.

Blaze smirks, "Bad kitty"

"Meow" Silver paws on her playfully.

Blaze giggles and wraps her tail around his.

"Meow…..What are you doing, kitty?" Silver purred.

Blaze shrugs, "Staying close"

"Meow, I love it when you purr like a cat" Silver nuzzles on her muzzle.

"And I love how your so naive" Blaze purrs.

"You bad kitty" Silver growls playfully and nuzzles her some more.

Blaze purrs louder and nuzzles him more.

Silver held up her chin and kissed her soft lips.

Blaze wraps her arms around his neck kissing back.

They did an aggressive kiss game and Silver flipped her over so that he could be on top of her this time.

Blaze doesn't care and wraps her tail around his waist. She strokes her hands on his fluffy chest fur while kissing.

The hedgehog purred in her lips, feeling her soft hands on his chest mane.

Blaze purrs when she feels his chest fur. She loves his chest fur and how soft it is.

Soon they need air so they broke the kiss.

"Meow" Silver chuckled seductively.

Blaze blushes slightly and giggles. She purrs seductively in his face.


"Looks like I got you to purr" Blaze chuckled.

"Shut up" Silver blushes.

Blaze grinned, "You're so naïve"

"But you love it" Silver smirks.

"I know" Blaze smirked back.

Silver chuckles.

The End.