Helia sat on the edge of his bed looking at picture of him and a guy that look exactly like him. They looked about fifteen at the time. It was taken before they went on a mission to help kill a monster that kidnapped children. After they defeated it the cave collapsed separating the to.

"Luke where the hell are you"he cried

"Look up and you'll find me" a vocie said,and helia did as told

"Is it realy you" he asked amazed

"Yeah, now what the hell did I tell you about falling into despair when something bad happens" he eyed him

"Everyone thought you were dead, and do you know how to take it when everyone says he's not coming back but I could still feel your life presence" helia said

"Yeah, sorry about that, but I was found by some natives found me and helped me"

"I'm just happy your alive" he said

"So what's up with you" he said eyeing his brother. They looked exactly a like (season 4 hair) " your ora isn't suicidal anymore" he laughed

"I have someone to live for" he said smiling

"Nice, and I see you have real friends now" he said seeing the pictures of them on his desk of the winx and specialists

"Yeah they are awsome, you need to meet them" he said grabbing his sketchbook

"Anyone that can change your mind about suiside are aces in my book" he said " now about this girl"

"What about her"

"I need to meet her"

"Her name is flora and here " he handed it him a sketch of her

"Your good, how long have you been going out for"

" four years"

"Good for you, have you talked to princess crystal" helia only smirked at him

"You up for a party" his brother rubbed the back of his neck

" shure, I guess. I wont know anyone though"

"A party's a good way to make friends" he pointed out

"True, and I wanna see people mix us up. You have to admit it's perty funny" he laughed, and helia rooled his eyes and went to his closet and gave him a pair of clothes " what are you gonna wear"

"It's a formal dance, I have to wear my red fountain uniform"

"Dude can we at least confuse uncle" he begged him

"Ok fine but that's the only one unless my friends mix us up on accident" he said " now come on" they then went to alfea. Once got there the first they saw was headmaster saladine, he only saw luke while helia was behind him

"Helia, I didn't exspect you to be here, and you know you have to be in uniform" saladine told his nephew

"Sorry uncle, but I'm not helia, I'm luke" luke told him

"Oh my heavens, I thought you were dead"

"See, I told you" helia said standing next to his brother " good evening uncle" he said kindly

" yes, tonight is indeed a good evening"the wizard said looking at his two nephews "sorry luke, but you need a uniform" he snapped his fingers luke now had uniform like helia's but his gem was purple

"Thank you, uncle" luke said

"Your welcome, now take your brother to meet the winx and specialists. We'll talk later"

"Yes, uncle" helia said then bowed.

"Enjoy your evening boys" the professor said

"Yes, uncle" luke said and bowed. Helia then took him to the quad where he bumped into timmy

"Hey helia, I didn't except you to be here" he said fixing his glasses. Timmy was the only one that knew that helia had a twin brother. He also knew that today was the sixth year anniversary that his brother and him were separated. When he said this he was staring at luke though

"Um...I'm luke"

"I'm helia" timmy's eyes widened

"Sorry dude, but you look exactly a like" he said "nice to meet you luke, I'm timmy" he held out his hand

"It's nice to meet you to timmy" luke shook his hand

"You guys are probly looking for the specialists" timmy questioned

"Hey helia, can we catch up and meet your friends later I want to go talk to princess krystal"

"Shure" he said' but when we get back your in for it'

'We are so gay at times, and werid'

'Um... No coment'

'Ok see ya' luke then walked a way

"What did he say" timmy asked ( in this story helia and timmy are like brothers, so they know everything about eachother)

"He called us gay, and werid" he laughed

" ok then, well come lets catch up with the other specialists"

Whith the girls

" hey flo, come dance with us" musa said

"No thank you" she kindly turned down her offer

"Oh come on" layla said

"Ok after this one, it's almost over" she said

"Ok, fine" they agreed. After a the song was over a slow song came on.

"Would you like to dance" a guy tapped on flora's shoulder. She turned around to see a guy a little taller than her and short black hair

"No thank you" she kindly declined. The guy kinda looked familiar to her though.

"Ok"he said. Flora walked over to musa and layla to tell them something

"What's up flo" musa asked

"I'm gonna go to the forest for a while it's getting a little crowded"

"Ok, tell us if you need anything "layla said and flora went into the forest.

With luke

Luke was talking to princess krystal, and catching up in the forest"

"Hey krystal, I was wondering if you would like to out with me some time" he asked

"I would love to" krystal said. Without realizing it they were slowly moving closer together until their lips met. Little did they now a certain natrue fairy was close by and saw the whole thing, but didn't know it was actully luke. She decided to run off into the woods until she found a cave

With Helia and Timmy

"Where is every one" helia asked

"I have no clue" timmy told him

"Who are you looking for" nabu came up hehind them

"Everyone" timmy said

'I realy want flora right now' he said to himself

"Um...Helia weren't you just with krystal" nabu asked

"It's my twin brother luke"helia said

"Oh that exsplains a whole Lot"

"What do you mean" helia asked worried

"He was flirting with krystal then asked her out" he saw his friends reaction " don't worry I didn't tell anyone besides you two"

"Thank god" helia sighed in relief

"So do you know where everyone is" Timmy asked

" layla and musa are dancing, flora went into the forest. I'm guessing to get some air, and sky's with bloom, rivens whatching musa dance, stella and brando are talking, oh yeah tecna is looking for you timmy" nabu told them

"Thanks" timmy said and walked to tecna

"I'm going to check on flora" helia said

"Ok, and when are you gonna tell everone"

"When we meet up later, but flora the first of the girls"

"They might be the best choice I have a feeling she might of herd your brother asking her out"

"Shit, I'm screwed big time if I can't find her" he fumed

"Ok, dude I'll exsplain to the girls if she told them"

"Thank you" he said and ran off to find flora

Whith flora

Flora's P.O.V.

I found a cave for shelter. It started to storm earlier and my clothes were soaked. I don't feel like going back to alphea tonight after what he did to me,Why did he do this to me, I thought he loved me. (A/N I don't like how they kinda made princess krystal look like a monopolizing bitch, so in this story krystal and flora become close friends) I thought princess krystal was my friend.

End of P.O.V.

Whith the others

It's about 11 o'clock and helia still couldn't find flora and he was starting to panic.

"Helia have you seen flora" layla asked

"No, sorry layla" helia apologized

"It's getting perty late and it's starting to get realy bad out" musa said

'Helia, can't you make the storm go away. Remember you have power over natrue and wheather'

' I would but I haven't used my powers since you went missing, but I can try I might not be able to completely stop it, but I can make it less intense, thanks'

'No problem' luke whatched his brother close his eyes and clear his mind completely so he could preform the spell

'Hear my plea and help me to stop this storm so we can find our friend, gardian of the storms hear my plea and help me please' he opened his eyes to find the storm subsiding

Until it completely stoped

'Ow, my head is killing me now'

'Dude you just stoped the storm completely and your still standing. On top of that you haven't used your powers in six years'

'Correction I haven't used my wheather powers in six years, I still use my nature and telepathy/ telekinesis powers'

'That exsplains that then'

"How did the storm stop, it looked like it was just getting started" musa said amazed

"Nabu did you stop it" layla asked her boyfriend

'Take the credit nabu, please I don't want everyone knowing me and my brother are wizards'

'Ok' he said " yeah, I just had a little help'

"What do you mean" Brandon asked

"He means, the gardian of the storms inhanced his power" timmy said

'Thank you timmy' helia said

'No problem, but there's some pain killers in my room in the bathroom' timmy said

'Thank god' helia said "I'm gonna go tell our uncle what we are doing" he said and walked out to tell professor saladine and grab the painkillers Timmy told him about

"Why does it seem like helia has a hang over " riven asked

' can I slap him' luke asked timmy (helia, luke, nabu, timmy, and flora can communicate telepathically)

'Not if you don't want to get punched' timmy warned

'Has helia ever snapped on him'he asked curious

'Your brother's a pacifist' timmy told him confused

'Yeah, I know, but helia even has his breaking points'

' what happened when you were little' nabu joined them

'Where you eavesdropping' luke asked

'Maybe, tell us what happened' nabu said intrigued

' we were about 10 at the time, and helia being more in touch with spirits and natrue, would always visions of the future, and he would always sketch this one girl, anyway one day he was out getting a new sketch book and some acrylic paint, I snook in his room and took his one pad with all the visions and he got pissed and broke my arm..."

'No, what happened is that you got scared and tripped over my desk chair, fell and twisted your arm so you had to where a brace for a month' helia said to them as he walked in the room

'Why, do I believe both of you' timmy asked

'Because his version is a vision and mine was the real thing' helia told them " professor saladine says we can go look for her, and that after we find her the girls can stay over for the night" helia told everyone

"Ok, let me try her cell one more time" layla said

"Ok, I'm gonna go cheak the forest" helia said

"Someone should stay at alfea in case she comes back"musa said said

"Nabu and I will" layla said


"I think it's best if luke stays here, just so we know who's who, it's dark and you don't know the forest like helia does" timmy said

"Ok" he said a little, bummed he had gilt riding up on him. He thought it was his falt that helia and his girlfriend were in this mess

'It's not your falt luke, it's mine I should of told her about you even if I thought you were dead'

' no it is my falt I should of been more careful when everyone doesn't know about me'

(A/N:I own nothing)