Hey there guys! I'm back! I know, I know, it's been months since I updated, and I apologize. High school kind of sucks for a starting freshman, so I haven't had a lot of time for writing.

But at least I'm here now. Like I said before, I'll never abandon a story. Hopefully I'll be able to update more often from now on.

The following is a non-profit fan-based story. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT, are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official release.

Small lizards and insects scurried into their nests and holes, as if they felt the same uneasy feeling that Piccolo felt as he listened closely to the conversation between the two saiyans from miles away. The namekian stood on top of a tall tree, looking in the direction of the current fight, while his friends were now hiding in the bunker below.

After Vegeta sent them away, the Z-fighters listened to his instructions and gathered up most of their close friends and family members. They were told to hide where Kakarot won't be able to look for them, and luckily, Dr. Briefs recently finished building his new underground bunker, for emergencies, in case "more crazy aliens or pink monsters come down here and try to kill your friends!". Ironically, the one trying to kill them was one of Bulma's friends. The bunker is mainly just used as a place where he stores some of his experiments and equipment that may not be safe to keep lying around the house. It's a good thing Dr. Briefs allowed them to use the it as a hiding place, after he heard the whole situation. Him and his wife Bunny were also staying down there, neither of them in much of a panic at all- not that that's unusual.

Of course, not everyone was this calm. The second Bulma found out what had happened to her childhood friend, she nearly fainted. And finding out that her husband was now going to try defend the Earth by trying to take down the strongest warrior in the universe, didn't exactly help. She could barely speak after going down to the bunker, and now only sat down in a small chair, biting her nail. Though her reaction wasn't as bad as Chichi's, who fainted when hearing about what had happened to her dear husband. She was now pasting back and forth, while occasionally yelling out about how this "can't be true!" or "can't be happening!".

They also had to fly all the way over to Satan City, in order to warn Gohan, who has already sensed the commotion. At first, the young adult wanted to go and try to convince his father to stop, and possibly bring him back to his old self, but Piccolo managed to calm him down and talk him out of it. Gohan wanted to bring Videl with them so he could keep an eye on her, but she insisted that she had to stay with her father. With regret, Gohan followed his friends and former master back to the hiding spot, leaving Videl behind.

Then there were people like 18 and Tien and Chiaotzu who insisted that they could watch over themselves, and didn't need to hide. Even with many unsuccessful efforts, they could not be convinced to come. The gang was given no choice but to just accept their decisions.

While flying around the planet, they also were practically forced to find time to explain to Goten and Trunks what was going on and why. The boys were both very much aware that their fathers were not human, and were saiyans, but they didn't know the whole story. They didn't know anything about Goku's mission to destroy Earth, let alone that it was ruined when he was dropped on the head when he was an infant. At first it was very hard to take in, but by the time they got everyone they could down to the bunker, the two had accepted the facts.

Now, all they had to do was stay safe. But Piccolo wasn't in the mood for hiding. He used his Namekian hearing to pick up the sounds and voices from the conversation on the battlefield.

He scowled and cursed under his breath. He was absolutely disgusted by Kakarot's plan. If he wasn't stopped soon, it could mean great trouble for all of them.

"Hey Piccolo!"

The green man looked down and saw Gohan on the ground, next to the opened hatch, leading to the bunker, where everyone was currently hiding.

"It's starting to get intense! I can feel it! It's probably best if you were to come down now!" He yelled up to his former master.

Irritated, Piccolo spat on the ground, before floating down next to his friend. After his feet touch the ground, the two warriors, Gohan going first, climbed down a ladder to the floor of the bunker, with Piccolo closing the door behind him.

Other than the five yard long ladder leading down, the bunker was quite large, with a reasonable amount of room. There were a few chairs and desks for them to sit on, but most of the room was taken up by large, bulky equipment, that all, obviously, belonged to Dr. Briefs, who was currently looking at one of his experiments, while his wife read a book at a nearby desk with Bulma, who was holding her head in her hand, deep in thought.

Chichi was pasting back and forth from each side on the bunker, also deep in thought, while muttering to herself. Trunks and Goten were both sitting on the dirt floor, playing against each other in a not at all fierce game of rock-paper-scissors. Both were much more focused on the current situation rather than their little game. Finally, Krillin was in a chair near the corner of the bunker, staring at the ceiling, with his hands locked behind his head.

The sounds of feet hitting the ground got everyone's attention. They all immediately stopped what they were doing, and looked towards the direction of the entrance, where they saw Piccolo and Gohan standing.

"Well? What's the deal!" Trunks exclaimed, as he jumped off the ground, alongside Goten.

Piccolo looked at everyone's concerned faces. He lowered his head, and let out a sigh.

"Alright, listen up." He exclaimed. "What I'm about to say is a lot to take in."

He then explained the entire scenario to the group, as well as Kakarot's plans and evil intentions. It all of course was a big shock to the people in the room. Especially to Chichi, who passed out halfway through the explanation. She was then placed on the desk, and is being treated by Mr. and Mrs. Briefs.

"No! No way!" Gohan yelled, with a terrified look on his faced, which mirrored the expressions on his friends' faces. "There's absolutely no way! My dad would never do something like that!"

"Yeah Gohan's right!" Goten yelled at Piccolo. "You're lying! My daddy wouldn't try to-"

"Open your eyes." Piccolo exclaimed. "That's not the same man that raised you both. He's changed- changed into a completely different person. Into a monster."

"Well isn't there anything you guys can do to stop him?" Bulma yelled.

"Yeah! We might be able to stop him if we fight!" Trunks yelled.

"Yeah!" Goten and Gohan agreed.

"No, that won't help." Piccolo said.

"Huh? Why not?" Gohan asked.

"Because, you'll only get in the way. Since you have been slacking off in your training, all three of you have gotten significantly weaker since the battle with Buu. That leaves Vegeta as the strongest warrior right now. If anyone can find a way to end this, it's him."

Piccolo looked up towards the direction of the fight once more.

"Plus, I don't think he's going to be accepting anyone's help." He added.

The four of them all looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Goten asked.

"Vegeta knows very well that this was all caused by him." Piccolo said. "With that in mind, he's going to fight to fix that wrong, no matter what. And knowing him and his prideā€¦ he's going to do it alone."

"Are you insane?!" Trunks yelled. "I can't let my dad do this on his own! I need to help him!" Fire grew in the young boy's eyes.

"Don't be a fool! If you really want to help father, than you're gonna stay down here! You'll only make matters worse if you go out there!" Piccolo exclaimed.

Trunks was on the verge of tears. The image of his father being killed again was too much for him to bear. He quickly stomped over to the other side of the bunker, before anyone could see a tear run down his cheek.