Hey guys! I'm Electricgirl101, and this is my very first Dragon Ball Z fanfiction. DBZ is much different from the previous shows I used to write about, so I'm sorry if this first chapter isn't very good. I promise I'll get better over time.

This story takes place after the Buu saga, and before Battle of Gods. I own nothing. Enjoy, and review!

Sweat poured down Goku's face, as he lifted himself into the air, and swung his leg at Vegeta, who just managed to block it.

Because the gravity in the chamber now at 700x the gravity of Earth, Goku lost his balance and fell to the floor, giving Vegeta the opportunity he was looking for. He powered up a energy blast in his palm, and chugged it at his opponent.

Before Goku could react, the blast hit him in the chest, sending him across the room. Goku tried planting himself down, but instead managed to crash into the gravity controls in the center of the room, leaving a huge dent in the process, which then caused the gravity to turn off.

Both saiyans powered down and collapsed, breathing hard.

"Wow, Vegeta, you really have improved since last time we trained together. I barely managed to hang on!" Goku said with a smile in his cheery voice.

Vegeta just scowled back at him. "Don't even bother trying to act impressed, Kakarot. We both know you were holding back the whole time. Hell, you didn't even go super saiyan three at all!"

Goku chuckled and rubbed the back of his head bashfully.

Just than the door of the gravity room swung open, and Bulma ran in.

"Guys! You won't believe this! I was watching the news and- WHAT HAPPENED IN HERE?!" She yelled once she saw the multiple cracks in the wall, and the busted controls.

"Yeah, sorry about that Bulma." Goku said. "I'll help you fix it if you want!"

Bulma groaned. "Just go forget. Come inside! There's a story on the news!"

Goku and Vegeta grabbed their towels and followed Bulma into the Brief's home. The three entered the living room where they saw the TV on and eight year old Trunks and seven year old Goten sitting on the floor, with their eyes glued to the screen.

"What's going on?" Goku asked.

"Breaking News! Just minutes ago a horrible earthquake struck East City, lasting for several minutes! As you can see from these images! Nearly every building in the area came crumbling down! Millions were killed, whipping out nearly the city's entire population! So far, survivors have been found, but have not yet been named."

"This is awful!" Goten exclaimed.

"They must be so devastated." Trunks said.

"All those people!" Goku exclaimed, clutching his towel around his neck. "There has to be something we can do!"

"That's why I called you guys in here." Bulma exclaimed. "I saw this and I was thinking we could help these people."

"How?" Vegeta asked.

"We can wish back all the people killed in the earthquake with the dragon balls!" Bulma exclaimed happily.

"Oh yeah! I didn't even think of that!" Goku exclaimed. Trunks and Goten's faces immediately lit up.

"Yup!" Bulma said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the dragon ball radar. "And I just finished remodelling the radar, so we should be able to find them without a problem!"

"Alright!" Goku exclaimed while taking the device from Bulma's hand. "This is great! Hey Vegeta, are you in the mood for a little hunting?"

Vegeta just grinned, and chuckled.

"Oh! Oh! Dad, can we come too? Pleeeeaaassseee?" Goten exclaimed jumping up from the floor with Trunks next to him.

"Yeah!" Trunks exclaimed. "We can be a big help! We're real quick at finding the balls!"

"I don't see why not." Goku said.

"Oh! And can Gohan come too?" Goten exclaimed.

"Yeah sure! I'll call him!" Goku said. "Hey! I have an idea! We haven't all spent time together since we defeated kid Buu. I'll call the rest of the Z-fighters! It will be just like old times again!"

"Yeah!" Goten and Trunks yelled and jumped in the air.

"Yeah…" Vegeta thought, grumbling a little bit.

Two days later…

Goku placed the final dragon ball on the ground next to the other six. In the group surrounding him included Vegeta, Krillin, Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten. Gohan did help them find the balls, but he wants to spend today with his girlfriend, Videl. Bulma also is busy making a new product with her father, so can't be with them to make the wish. Tien and Chiaotzu are busy training, and Yamcha is spending time with a new girl he's been seeing.

"Wow, after only two days we got all the balls." Krillin said. "Bulma really did a great job with the radar."

"Yeah." Goku agreed. "To bad not everyone is here though. I know that Gohan would have-"

"Enough with the small talk. Are we doing this or not?" Piccolo exclaimed.

Goku chuckled. "Ok, Piccolo."

He stepped in front of the seven orbs as they began to glow brightly in the afternoon light.

"ARISE SHENRON! WE HAVE A WISH FOR YOU TO GRANT!" Goku yelled at the top of his lungs.

The bright sky soon became pitch black as dark clouds surrounded the sun and the dragon balls grew brighter. Lighting struck through the heavens, lighting up the sky. A loud hum roared across the land, which caused Trunks and Goten to jump, right before a blinding light shot up into the air from the balls.

Soon, that bright light formed into the large dragon know as Shenron. It roared as it flew through the air in circles, and then finally silenced, and faced the group.

"You have awaken me from my slumber. I shall grant any two wishes within my power. What are they?"

Goku turned his head towards Vegeta, who gave him a nod of approval. Goku then nodded back, turned back to the dragon, and yelled:

"Shenron! Recently there has been a terrible earthquake in East City that killed many innocent people! Can you restore the lives killed in this earthquake?"

"It shall be done…"

Shenron's eyes then glowed bright red for a few short seconds.

"It has been done. What will be your second wish?"

"Alright!" Krillin exclaimed.

Trunks and Goten cheered and jumped around happily in a similar fashion to Goku and Krillin. Vegeta and Piccolo just stood there silently.

While in his state of joy, Goku accidentally banged into Vegeta, who was standing like a statue, and nearly knocked him over.

"Oh sorry Vegeta. My bad." Goku said bashfully.

When Vegeta regained his balance, his eyes widened as he noticed a very large crack in his armor.

"Kakarot this was brand new!" He yelled angery.

"Oh wow, sorry." Goku said, apologetically.

Vegeta groaned. "You're such an idiot."

"Hey! That's not very nice!" Goku exclaimed.

"Stop arguing you two." Piccolo said.

But the two saiyans just ignored him.

"It was an accident! I said I was sorry!" Goku exclaimed.

"Well could you at least watch what you're doing, and not being the moron that you are for five minutes!" Vegeta yelled.

"Guys! Calm down!" Krillin yelled.

Once again, they ignored him.

"Okay look, I know I'm not that smart, but that's not my fault." Goku exclaimed.

"Obviously. Nobody is born with a brain that small. In fact, I'm sure if you didn't hit your head, you wouldn't be sure buffoon!" Vegeta yelled.

"Oh so what are you saying? That you wished I never hit my head when I was a baby?"

"No, I-"

"It shall be done…"

Okay, look, I know that this chapter was kind of corny, but I promise that it will get better from here. And just remember, this is my first Dragon Ball Z fanfiction.

I'll be updating this story regularly, but it will take a while to finish this story as a whole, and a lot of work into each chapter. So I won't be able to update or continue this story unless I have enough support from you guys.

So please leave a review of what you thought, and if you think I should continue the story.

Thank you guys for reading this far, thank you for giving this chapter a chance, and I really hope to see you all next time.