AN: This story will be a series of unrelated and/or loosely related ficlets. I am happy to accept prompts but keep in mind I wish for this one to remain as angst free as possible. Please though DO prompt me! Special thanks to my friend KaraB, without who this chapter would not have been posted!

One of the new additions to a corner of Tony's workshop was a place for Pepper to lounge while she either talked to Tony, read, or did some of the neverending work that went along with running a company like Stark Industries. However with today being Saturday and since they decided that they needed a lazy day off at home, Pepper was definitely doing the former two with the latter being strictly off limits while Tony tinkered around on various projects.

Sometime after lunch when Pepper had fallen silent, Tony glanced over to see that she had dozed off. He smiled, knowing that she really did need the sleep, since she had been refusing to slow down very much with her work. He set down his tools and went over to sit next to her. Thinking she looked a little chilly, he adjusted the throw she had in her lap to cover her better. When he leaned down to kiss her, she jerked awake, her hand immediately touching her stomach.

"Pepper, what's wrong?" he asked, concern tinging his voice.

She smiled, "Nothing's wrong. He's kicking."

Tony was completely awe-struck. "What?"

"Your son is kicking me," she said, a small laugh escaping her lips while she guided his hand to her stomach.

Pepper knew that, for as long as she lived, she would never forget the look of love, wonder, and tenderness that had utterly transformed his face at the very moment he felt their son's kick against his hand.