Clementine's POV:
"Christa, talk to me…" Clementine said while slouching her bone thin torso, holding her gun closely at hand. Christa sighed in response, and walked towards the fire they had built not so long ago. Above it was a weasel of some sort Clem had caught earlier, she was the best hunter between the two of them, she was much better than Omid anyway. "Look at this, it's pathetic, the way this's going we'll be eating this for breakfast." Clementine looked up to see Christa's back faced towards her, with a sigh she walked over to the fire and placed her gun alongside her. "Let me try." Clementine got her lighter out from her back pocket and set alight a scrap piece of paper, she then placed it into the fire. There were more flames, but they were still very low. "Not bad, but the flames are still low, see if you can find anything to burn." Christa asked while propping the fire some more. "Carry on the way you're going and you'll be a fine treasure for a man." Christa smirked. "Why are you so keen on me getting a boyfriend?" Clementine asked, almost annoyed at her. But she couldn't be annoyed, it was the first time Christa had talked to her properly for days. "It'll keep you busy, that's why, give you something to think about other than pistols and knives…" Christa joked, making Clem grin slightly. Sure, she was annoyed with Christa's comment, but she knew that if she butted in now, things weren't going to turn out very good later on. Clementine made her way into the woods to look for some fire wood. She searched the floor for some dry bark, but it had been raining for the past 3 days, so she didn't have that much luck. All of a sudden she heard a twig snap to her right. Her expression grew serious, she placed her hand on her pistol and went to pull it out of her pants, when she was stopped. "Don't even think about it." Someone had snuck up behind her, she went to turn to see who it was but was greeted by the barrel of a rifle in her face. Clementine kept her cool, this wasn't exactly the first time she was taken hostage or threatened to be killed. She knew in this situation panicking would just make things worse, so she removed her hand from the pistol and raised her hands. When she did so, three other men appeared from the bush Clementine heard the sound from. One of the men had a beard and a homemade spear using a stick and a kitchen knife. One of the other's had long, black hair and a moustache and was armed with a fire axe, another was quite short and skinny, he looked to be around in his late thirties. Finally, the man who had the best way of saying 'hello' wore a beanie hat and was darkly toned. "Get up." The man simply ordered, so Clementine obeyed, picking herself up from the ground slowly as his rifle followed her head. "Where's the rest of your group?" the short man asked while she kept calm. Clementine couldn't fess Christa up, she wasn't willing to let anyone else die because of her just to save her own ass. "I'm by myself." She answered, with a voice as cold as ice. "That's bullshit! You honestly expect us to believe you're out here on your own?" The coloured man said violently, waving the gun in her face. At that point she had enough. "No, I expect you to get the hell outta here before I put a bullet through your head." Shit! Clementine realised what she had just done, but didn't change her facial expression, her comment made the men angry. "And how the fuck d'you expect to do that, you're a stupid girl for fuck's sake!"
"Hey, don't judge a book by its cover, I might not look it but I'm pretty dangerous." The man with the long, dark hair scoffed. "Right about the pretty, not sure about the dangerous…" Clementine was about to kick him in 'that area' when she was stopped by the rifle touching her forehead. Clementine and the man were having a stare battle. "You're right about that, why don't we have some fun?" The man stepped closer to Clementine, making her step back. "I think I'd rather have a bullet through my head." The man stopped smiling and moved the gun closer, until the gun was basically staring at Clem while she had her arms crossed. She kept calm, she didn't move and kept her arms folded. This made the man's anger build. "You think I won't?" Clementine kept staring. "Go ahead, I really couldn't give a shit what you do…" Clementine was almost toying with the man, but deep down, she really didn't care if they killed her, the people who have died for her…because of her… All the people she cared about were either dead or 'dead' dead. The man placed his finger on the trigger when a rock flew out of nowhere, it hit one of the men in the eye. "Fuck!" The man shouted holding his eye. Clementine looked around, startled by the change of tension. "Clem! Run!" It was Christa, Clementine heeded her words and ran as fast as she could. The bandit's startled by Clem's escape they split up, the one with the longish hair went after Christa while the rest went after Clem. "Get back here, bitch!" The men shouted while chasing Clementine into the woods. Clem grabbed her pistol from the back of her pants and held it tightly. She saw a rock which got higher up as it went. Clementine tricked the men into running forward while she went up the rock's path. Getting to a higher point, she aimed her pistol whilst running and fired. It went straight through one of the bandit's eye, killing him instantly. One down, two to go. Clem jumped from the path into a tree and started jumping from tree to tree until she reached the ground. "Get back here!" The two men were still right behind her tail, with no time to rest she kept running. While running she saw an old tree, which had fallen over. It wasn't all that heavy, so she ran up to it and pushed it, blocking one of the bandit's way, the other though closely followed. It was the man who put the gun in her face. Clem kept running until she was forced to stop by the river, if she ran any more she would've ended up face first in ice cold water. With no time to change direction the man grabbed her and pulled her closer. Clementine kicked and struggled to get free. "Get. Off. me!" She shouted in between breaths. "Uh uh, I don't think so, me and you have got…stuff to do." The man threw Clementine onto the floor, making her hit her head off a rock, causing it to bleed. She turned and found the man right on top of her. The man grabbed her wrists and pulled her down. Clem kicked and struggled to allow herself an opportunity to run, but the bandit was too strong. "Leave me alone!" The man didn't speak, just laughed as Clementine tried helplessly to get free. Suddenly in the corner of her eye she noticed a walker making its way towards them. "You know, it's a shame I have to kill you after…" The man got in closer and put his mouth towards Clementine's neck, giving her a love bite. He then placed his hand into his packet and pulled out a knife. He then plummeted it down into Clementine's arm, causing her own blood to squirt in her face. She placed her legs underneath the man's torso while his guard was down and kicked him off. Quickly she jumped back up and punched him in the face with her good arm as soon as he stood up, which caused him to land into the walker's grasp. "SHIT!" the man shouted while his flesh was slowly being devoured. Clementine found herself surrounded by a small group of walkers. Without thinking, she pulled the knife out of her arm, causing her to squeal slightly, as she was trying her best to not draw anymore walkers. She realised that there were too many to fight, there was a group of around 15 surrounding her. Out of fear she stepped back slowly, only to slip against the cliff and fall straight into the river. She tried her best to get above the water, and when she did she found a boulder meeting her face…everything went black.