Changing Tides EquusGold

"You're wrong there, my dear Mhyr. There is yet one great quest to be had and there is yet one great dragon to be slain. I have heard a great deal about you Mhyr, and I know that there is more to you than appearances suggest. You are strong and confident, brave and headstrong, There is something else also; I can feel it as I sit here beside you. Yes, I think you will change the fate of this quest and perhaps even that of the world."

My name is Mhyr. That's it, just Mhyr. I'm no one's daughter; I'm no lady or a warrior. I'm not anything really. I'm just me, just Mhyr.

I have some big secrets though, secrets that I have held for a very long time. Firstly? I am half-elf. That's not too much of a secret; I just tend not to share the information around. I hate it. I hate them. If I could cut that part out of me with a serrated blade I would.

Then there's my other secret… the one that no one knows, the one that is held closest to my heart. But I'm not going to tell you that one. What? You thought I would just tell you? Just like that? If you want to know that, you're going to have to know the rest of my story as well.

But brace yourself; this is no fairy tale, no children's story. It's the product of blood, sweat, tears and heartbreak. This is the story of how I, a nobody, became a somebody. It's a story of love, loyalty and sacrifice. It's my story. But it's not about me, not really.

So, are you prepared? I'm not totally sure if I am…