After browsing through the net, and I can't find much AreKan fic... And thanks to the responses from my fans, I have decided to write out the story of my Walker Family!
First of all, this is a AreKan fic! Means Seme Allen and Uke Kanda!
It will have Uke MPreg!
My language wasn't that great since I prefer drawing than writing, so sorry for and grammar and vocabulary mistakes!
If you are alright with all these, go ahead and read. If not, exit right now! No flaming please.
This story started from the invasion of Lulubell at the Black Order, after the Ark arc. But for my version, the Millennium Earl came along. And treat it that Leverrier and Link did not come to the HQ yet.
Alright, on with the story~!
"I won't let you hurt any of my comrades anymore Earl!" Thrusting his Sword of Exorcism into the body of the Millennium Earl with all his might, Allen Walker glared.
The Earl's face distorted in anguish and anger as he too, thrust his own sword into the white-haired exorcist who screamed out in agony. "Allen...Walker! I knew I should have get rid of you! You.. You're...!"
Allen shouted as he exceeded all his energy to pull his sword across the Earl's body, causing an explosion in between the two. Due to the impact, the Earl's sword was pulled out from Allen's body as he was sent plunging towards the ground at a great speed.
"ALLEN-KUN!" Lenalee Lee screamed as she failed to catch the younger exorcist who had made impact with the ground. She trembled as she started to fear the worst before regaining her bearings and dive down to the impact point. She tried to get to Allen but the smoke was getting in her way.
"Lenalee!" The Chinese exorcist turned to Lavi who was limping towards her and looked at the smoke as well.
Then both of them heard a groan, followed by coughing as the smoke started to clear up. They both grasped to see Kanda Yu on the ground with the side of his head bleeding and on his lap is the limp figure of Allen.
"Nice catch Yu!" Lavi gives the swordsman a slap on the shoulder and gained himself a murderous glare.
"Che, he just happened to fall in my direction."
"Both of you, look!"
Hearing the distressed tone, they looked at Allen or rather at the place where the Earl had stabbed the younger exorcist. Black cross marks appeared on the wound which flickered before it sunk beneath the skin and disappeared. The moment it did, Allen screamed as his whole body lets out a dark green and purple light. He claws at his body as if trying to get rid of something from within. Lenalee and Lavi immediately grabbed hold of the white-haired exorcist's arms as he was beginning to draw blood from his action. "He's going to bite his tongue!"
The moment Lenalee shouted, Kanda reached out his left arm for Allen to bite down on. "Damn you Moyashi! Get a hold of yourself!"
"What the hell is going on?!" Lavi noticed that Allen's left arm was surrounded by most of the lights, causing it to shake violently.
"It's no use!" All of them turned to the Earl who was leaning against the damaged factory egg with Lulubell supporting him. "Just like his own sword that repels Akuma and Noah, mine does the same to the Innocence. Allen Walker, you shall suffer slowly. The more you use that Innocence of yours, the more it will destroy you!" The black ark opened up behind them as they retreated into it.
The headquarter fell into an eerie silence like nothing had ever happened. Kanda looked down at Allen when he noticed the bite loosen up on his arm, "Moyashi?"
Allen blinked wearily as his fellow exorcists looked down at him. "Kanda... Lenalee... Lavi... What happ..." His words were cut off by a sudden spasm from his body and causing him to cough out blood.
"Allen-kun!" Tears were streaming down her face as Lenalee looked from the younger exorcist to Lavi who too was clueless on what they should do.
"Darn it!" Kanda got up and hauled Allen over his shoulder, startling the other two exorcists but they soon recover and followed the swordsman towards the infirmary.
The long morning was finally over...
Here's the prologue~! Will be uploading chapter 1 at later in the night~
For the readers who know my Walker Family for the first time, you may find the link in my profile to my -Man drawings!