Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own the Divergent Trilogy. It belongs to V. Roth.
Sorry if the last chapter was boring. Like I said, I really have no clue what I'm going to do until a little further. It was more of a filler so . . . yeah. That's pretty much it.
This is a filler chapter.
Lynn's Point of View
I had heard about the rumors on how Abnegation were keeping all the food that they didn't give to the other factions and were claiming that they were giving it to the Factionless, but I didn't really care until now. Maybe they were true, it would explain a lot.
"So, how do you suppose we go about it?" Max asked Jeanine.
"I believe we should allow the Amity to deal with the food division as well. Other Factions are furious with the lack of food and it is Amity's job to keep the peace. They would do what they see fit to keep the peace." She said, but I didn't fully agree with her logic. "Any objections?" I could tell Max didn't agree either but for some reason he wasn't saying anything. So I did.
"Yes," I said. She turned toward me and narrowed her eyes dangerously.
"Oh," She said, taken aback. "I don't believe I've seen you here before?"
I didn't like the tone of her voice. "That's because you obviously haven't."
She glared at me and I simply smirked. It was a Dauntless thing. "And why do you object, pray tell?"
"Because it's stupid." All of her little followers gasped horrified and I rolled my eyes. They were so dramatic. "It's the Amity's job to keep the peace and they'll do what they see fit to keep the peace, yes but that's the problem. They'll do whatever to keep the peace. Which includes unevenly dividing the food or whatever other method their amity brains can come up with. It's not like the Abnegation rumors are confirmed. You have no proof nor do you have any proof that the Abnegation are contradicting their natural ways because they are just what everyone labels them: rumors. If this is all you could come up with then this process will take longer than I originally thought."
"You obviously don't understand politics, stats, or math all together!" she snapped.
"And you obviously don't understand the idea of a good plan."
Before it could turn into a full blown argument, Max spoke up. "Now onto the tour, do you think it can be arranged?" Jeanine turned towards him, clenching her fist. She was obviously trying to calm down before she did something. Not like she could do something, I was a trained fighter, she was just a woman in a blue outfit. "Yes," she breathed out as she grinned but I appeared to be the only one who noticed the malice and danger in her eyes. "I think that would be a lovely arrangement."
Max smiled, probably feeling accomplished. "When do you think we should begin said tour? Hopefully in the next few weeks but in two months will work as well."
Jeanine smirked, and for the first time today I was slightly frightened. "Two or three weeks. It will be extremely helpful if we are able to secure Amity and Abnegation." Why was she so hell bent on securing them?
"Wonderful," Max grinned.
I walked out of the meeting with Jade. We were walking side by side in silence but it seemed as if we didn't need to speak in order to communicate. We were obviously thinking the exact same thing. What in hell is going on?
"So," Jade started awkwardly.
"So," I agreed. "Are you as confused about what's going on as I am?"
She exhaled sharply. "Yes. It's like I should know what's going on but I don't. I just hope it has nothing to do with the," and then she stopped talking abruptly.
I looked at her confused. "Has to do with the what? What were you going to say?"
She looked worried. She glanced around nervously. I had never seen her look nervous, only awkward. She always seemed like a fairly confident person. "Nothing."
"But," I tried.
"I've nothing, really. I've got to go." And then she was gone. What was up with her?
Second thought, maybe I should've chosen a different job.
Tonight there was supposed to be another party and of course, it was being hosted by Zeke, Lauren, and Shauna. Tonight's before party game was Bed, Wed, or Dead. Which meant I didn't have to put on extra clothing and I was fine with it. I walked over to Uriah's since I really didn't have to get the transfers.
When he opened the door, I noticed he was only half dressed and I sighed. "Why aren't you dressed, Uri?"
"Because you just woke me up," He answered as if it was obvious. He motioned for me to come in so I did. His apartment didn't look any better than his wrinkled clothes.
"Uri, what happened here?"
"What do you mean?" He looked confused.
I gestured towards his messy apartment, "This." He still looked confused. "It's messy. Shouldn't you clean it?"
"Who am I trying to impress?" He called as he headed towards his clothes and began stripping. I didn't really mind. Mar, Uri, and I used to sleep in the same room, sometimes the same bed and even changed in front of each other. We really had no secrets which was why we were so close. "Surely not you."
"Ready?" I asked him when he put some clothes on. He nodded and we stepped out of his apartment and headed towards Marlene's. And of course she opened the door with a gigantic smile.
"Hey, guys," she chirped, wrapping her arms around the both of us. "Come in! Come in!"
We walked in and I stared in horror. Her place was worse than Uriah's. There were so many clothes. Sure her place was cleaner and neater than both of ours but the clothes is what made it horrifying. "I'll be ready in a minute," she called from her bedroom.
"I'm starting to think you and I should've just headed to Zeke's on our own," Uriah whispered. I totally agreed.
We sat in a circle again. Zeke spoke, "I don't really think I need to explain the rules for this but I will anyway. Someone picks you and gives you three names and you choose bed, wed, of dead for them. Understood?" we nodded. "Good because you'd seem really stupid if you didn't get it."
"I'll start. Lauren, Gabe, Eric, and Uriah."
Lauren wrinkled her nose at the choices. "Bed Eric 'cause he's hot. Wed Uriah because I can't bring myself to kill him and kill Gabe."
Lauren's eyes scanned the group and landed on Shauna. "Shauna, Max, Uriah, and Will."
"Ew," her face scrunched up. "Max is like twenty years older than me and Uriah's like my little gay brother."
"Gay?" exclaimed Uriah but no one really paid him any attention.
"Then kill Max and do whatever with the others."
She huffed. "Fine. Bed Will. Wed Uriah and then divorce him. And kill Max." Her eyes locked with Christina's.
"Candor. Peter, Eric, and Zeke."
Christina frowned. "Kill Eric because he's too scary. Bed Peter only if I'm drunk. And marry Zeke but it would probably just be a shotgun wedding. That or I'm being forced."
Zeke frowned. "Should I be offended?"
Christina ignored him. "Marlene. Uriah, Bud, or that Gabe guy."
"Bed Gabe, Wed Uriah, and kill Bud. Lynn, Uriah, Zeke, and Four."
I frowned. Ew gross. Two of those guys were like my brothers and the other was just there. I shrugged. "Bed Uriah but only sleep nothing else. Wed Zeke but only if he paid me and kill Four."
I turned back to Lauren. I really didn't want to do one for the stiff. "Lauren." I stopped. Everyone else had been used too many times. I got an idea. "Shauna, Marlene, and the stiff."
She wrinkled her nose and sighed again. "Not my preferred gender but whatever. Bed Tris because I have no other choice but to. Wed Shauna because she'll kill me if I kill her or only use her for sex," Shauna smirked from right beside her. "And kill Marlene because she's my cousin."
She was about to pick someone else but people came rushing in and we groaned.
Looks like our game was going to be cut short this time.