Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or anything related to. I just have my OC's :) This story will be updated every Tuesday and Friday.


That's all I've been doing the past three years. I don't remember what it's like to have a home, or even a family.

Of course, once you have a family like mine, you kind of don't want to remember.

And it doesn't help when your entire family are vampires.

Yep. Pale white skin, super speed, super strength, amazing eyesight and hearing...blood thirst. So, one of your typical vampires.

Well... define 'typical'.

Because you see, there are three types of vamps in the world.



And fairy Tale.

At least that's what I call them.

Ancients are like your typical Count Dracula, where he sleeps in a coffin all day and stuff like that. Fairy Tale is like those guys from 'Twilight'. And then there's my kind. You probably know them better as 'The Vampire Diaries'.

See? We vampires are smart. Making up books that match our lifestyles so no one suspects us. Humans aren't the only creatures with brains.

So, I bet you're wondering about werewolves. An before you ask, yes, they are real.

But no, a werewolf bite isn't deadly, and we definetly are not enemies. Heck, we're like best friends. You see, we have to add some lies to the stories. Like garlic? Um, hello? That stuff is like heaven on bread. Seriously, the last thing you want to do is wave garlic in our faces. That just makes us more hungry-and mad.

But not all if us are bad. Some of us like humans. Some of us just want a normal life, with no worries about the sun or wooden stakes.

But there are also bad. Pure evil. And the worst of them have a gang. Or, as they like to call it, 'fang'. All they do is walk around at night murdering innocent people. Half of the time they don't even drink the blood! I hate them.

Obviously, I'm the first kind. I hate to kill people. But you see, once I start to feed... I can't stop.

So, I've kind of turned into a 'super hero'. If there's ever a crime, I'm usually there to save the victim, and get rid of the bad guy before he can do anyone else harm.

Sometimes even that's a weakness.

Sometimes you get caught.

Sometimes it's bad... but once in a True Blue Moon, it's okay.

And in that Blue Moon, you get the chance of a lifetime.

And that's why, on that cold October evening, I regret nothing. I don't regret saving that girl. I don't regret not killing the low life thug. I don't regret hiding in the sewers all day waiting for nightfall. I don't regret the ball, or the secrets I've told.

And I most certaintly do not regret going to Jump City. Even if I almost died-repeatedly.

I don't regret falling in love.

But no matter what, the thing I don't regret the most is everything that I did during that time.

Because it was worth it.

Oh yea. Totally worth it.

I walked the streets late that that night. It was almost midnight, so there weren't many people out at this hour.

Walking next to a pizza parlor, I strained my ears, searching for some sort of disturbance. When I found none, I sighed.

It had been nearly two weeks since my last feeding. If I didn't find something soon, I would have to either steal from the closest hospital, or take the life of an innocent. And I really didn't want to do that.

Really, I didn't want to take a life at all, but sometimes I just didn't have a choice.

My curly blonde hair was swept back by the breeze, and I shivered slightly. My short black shorts and blood red tank top, that was a little short, did little to protect me from the harsh autumn night. Vampires weren't usually affected by the weather, but since it had been so long since I had fed, my senses were dulled. If I didn't feed tonight, there would be trouble, which I really didn't want.

As if luck was with me, I heard a strangled scream.

I froze in my half step, and instantly turned toward the cry. Glancing around, I saw no one, so I ran at full speed to the sounds of struggle.

In a heartbeat, I was in an alley, standing behind an older man, who was looking at a young girl around 16-my age. Niether of the two noticed me, so I watched to see what was going on.

"I told you to shut up!" The man yelled. His voice was harsh, and scratchy.

"P-please," the girl begged. Her voice quivered, and her brown eyes shown with fear.

The man took a menacing step towards her, and she backed up against the wall. I studied the girl, who had a tear running down her cheek. Her light brown hair was in a messy ponytail, and she was wearing sweats.

Deciding that I had seen enough, I tsked at the man. Both of them jumped, and turned to face me.

I cocked my head to side, sizing up the man. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, and had dark hair, with a five o'clock shadow.

"Now, really?" I asked, my British accent thick. "That is not how you treat a lady."

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" the man said, stepping towards me, and away from the girl.

A small gust of wind went by, and I saw a flash from inside his coat. A knife.

I smirked and in a blink of an eye, I slammed the guy into the building to my left. The girl screamed, and I winced, turning towards her.

"Shh, it's okay," I told her, looking into her eyes, compulsing her. "Go home. Tell no one about this. This memory will be nothing but a nightmare to you, one that you will never have again, or even think about again. I promise, you're okay."

The girl nodded, and calmly walked away, leaving me alone with the man.

Turning to him swiftly, I showed my true being, fangs and all.

He gasped, looking at me. "What are you?" He asked. "And what happened to your face?!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "That's the same question I get everytime. 'What are you?' 'What's wrong with your face?' 'What did I ever do to deserve this?'" I laughed humorlessly, throwing my head back. "But I guess all humans are like that. Too curious for their own good."

The guy gulped, and his face paled dramatically.

"But I guess I owe you at least one explanation before you die...," I drawled, twisting my hair around my finger. "Hun, I'm a vampire."

The mans eye widened to twice their size, and I smiled cruelly.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I ignored him, instead choosing to tilt his head and bite his neck, taking huge gulps from him at a time. It wasn't long until I heard his heartbeat slowing, and I noticed that five other hearts surrounded me.

I tensed, and ripped my fangs from his skin, getting a cry of pain from the guy in result.

Blood dripping from my chin, I retracted my fangs,my face going back to normal. Looking around at the five teens staring at me in shock, I wiped away the blood, smiling kindly.

"What's up?" I asked, looking at the guy in front of me. He was about an inch taller than me, and had jet black, spikey hair. He wore a plain, black mask, and had a cape.

Behind him, to the right, was a tall girl with skin almost the color orange. Behind her was another girl, with a long blue cloak on. To the first guys left was a cyborg, and behind him was a short green fellow, with green hair and elfish ears.

The guy with a cape pulled out a stick thing, and pushed me back against a building. "Who and what are you?" He asked.

I tsked. "Getting straight to the point, are we?" I asked. "If you must know, I'm a traveler. I was passing through when I saw this low life threatening a young girl."

Behind the teens mask, I could see him narrow his eyes at me.

"Taking care of crime isn't your place in this city," he growled, and I huffed.

"Well I'm sorry if I intervened. Next time, I'll be sure to choose a place without a guy who wears too tight of tights," I smirked. The guy glared, and I laughed. "Anyway... The guys all yours." I kicked the man who I had drank from seconds ago. "I would drink him dry, but I have a feeling that you would try to stop me. So I suggest you take him to the hospital or something."

All of the teens were silent, staring at me cautiously. I rolled my eyes. "Obviously, I'm not going to hurt you. The suns coming up anyway," I said, looking toward the sky. "I have to hit the sewers. There's no way I can make it out in time...," I kept talking to myself, ignoring the group if shocked teens.

I finally looked up and shrugged. If they didn't hurry, this man would surely die. Which, to me, was completely okay.

I looked around and noticed a pothole at the very end of the ally. Without another word, I took off the lid and jumped in, silently falling into the blackness.

Sitting in the musty sewers, I braided my hair. It was to dirty to lay down, so I sat against the wall, unable to sleep. And with the fact that I just fed, it didn't exactly help my case. Abandoning my hair, I stood up, walking towards the hole above me. Sunlight filtered through the little holes, and I waved my hand through the rays.

Instantly, my hand felt as if it were on fire, and I hissed in pain, pulling it back. I missed the sun. I used to love it. My sisters and I would spend our days outside, walking around the town, finding a million things to do.

And now, two hundred years later, I'm a prisoner.

I sighed, walking back to the wall and sliding down. Life can be funny. It sucks, but can be funny sometimes.

I looked back at the rays, watching the visable dust shimmer.

And that was the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

"Shh, don't wake her!"

"Dude, she looks like she's dead."

"Robin, why are we here again?"

In a second, I was up, and I pinned Cape Boy to the wall.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" I asked, holding him by his neck.

He choked, and I loosened my hold slightly. "We just want to talk," he said horsley.

"About what?" I asked, studying him.

"Let him down first," a voice behind me said menacingly.

I turned my head slightly and saw the cyborg pointing his arm, which had a cannon on it, at me. It lit up blue, and it let out a strange smell that only I would notice. I knew it wouldn't hurt me, but I still didn't want any trouble, so I let Cape Boy down.

I backed up a few paces, and sat back down, resting on the wall. "So, what do you want?" I asked them.

"To ask a few questions," the girl with the cloak said. Her voice was low, and it had an edge to it, almost croak like.

I raised my brow. "First, can you tell me what time it is?"

"Ten," Cape Boy answered.

I looked over to the pothole entrance and saw light filter through. Still morning. "You woke me up at ten? Do you realize how tired I'm gonna be tonight on my way back east?"

The cyborg rolled his eye, and the others were silent.

"Whatever... So what type of questions do you want me to answer?" I asked, laying my head back and closing my eyes.

"For one, we want to know why your here," Cape Boy said.

I huffed. "I'm on the run. I'm being chased by some enemies of mine, and they've been on my heels for the past three weeks. I finally got rid of 'em a few nights ago. If my plan worked, they should be in Canada by now."

"Who are you running from?" Cloakey asked.

I cracked an eye open and stared at her. "I said, some old enemies of mine. They're of no importance to you," I told her.

"Where are you from?" The short green guy asked, cocking his head.

"My family came here on the Mayflower," I smirked.

"Please," the red head said, looking confused, "you came here on a flower?"

I chuckled. "You're not from here, are you?" I asked.

She blushed, looking away, and I laughed.

Cape Boy glared. "That's enough. Now tell us why you're here, what you want, and what it will take to get you put of here."

I tsked. "Now, this is what I don't like about this generation. In my day, the men were civil tongued, an the ladies were that-ladies. Now, everyone is rude, and a man only helps a lady when they believe they get something in return," I ranted. "Even in the 60's, the men were well mannered."

Cape Boy glared, and pinched the bridge of his nose. " I don't have time for this," he muttered.

"Neither do I if I want to leave here come nightfall," I muttered.

"Just answer the questions," Metal Mouth said.

I glared. "I told you. I'm here because I'm running from some enemies. I want nothing but to leave here so I can catch the next plane to London. And it will take nothing for me to leave here," I finished. "Any others?"

"Yes," Red Head said, looking at me with wide eyes. "What is your name?"

I cocked my head, looking at her. "My name is Krystalyn."

"Well, Krystalyn," Cape Boy growled, "care to explain why you were tying to kill that guy earlier?"

I rolled my eyes. "He was trying to hurt a girl around my age. And he had a knife," I explained.

"We saw the knife, but there's no proof that he threatened anyone," Cloakey said.

"Because I wiped the girls memory," I snapped, frustrated. "I didn't plan on getting caught, so I wiped the girls memory so she wouldn't be haunted by the experience for the rest of her life." The five teens were silent, and I closed my eyes. "I know you don't believe me. But I hate taking lives. That's why I go around feeding off bad guys. I get a meal, and the town or city loses a trouble maker."

A few seconds passed, and I opened my eyes to look at them.

Finally, Cape Boy sighed. "Just be gone by morning."

And then they all left.