Blood. They demanded it. They would not be satisfied until they had it.

Blood. Blood that flowed through the town like rainwater. Life and Death in its power.

With it, there was pain. Without it, there was pain. Bonded by it. Washed in it. It is the physical representation of the heart and soul.

It is the one truth that man has accepted and understood throughout time. The spilling of blood had consequences.

Even in the early days of the Bible, man called for it – Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Damnation and Salvation could be found by it. Blood of a Lamb.

The spilling of Blood. Pain. Loss. Innocent. Guilty.

Retaliation. Revenge. Retribution. Even now, when pain is inflicted, we lust for it. Right the wrong. Civilized or Medieval; it doesn't matter, as long as the price has been paid.

He understood that. Knew that the time would be near when his would be called for. He feared that moment and yet the dark seed of guilt that was slowly consuming his soul cried out for it.

Blood. It would be his penance and damnation.

- TW – TW – TW –

Quick AN, this is just the beginning of hopefully a longer story. Full note at the end of Chapter 1, which has also been posted.

Disclaimer - don't own Teen Wolf. Just enjoy exploring that world now and then.